17th Jan, 2017; 1.20 P.M.

Dhruv is telling his story passionately, and uncommon to his nature Shiv is pretty invested in it. So much so that he for some time, completely forgets about what he is invested in, a story of someone's death.

Rathod : So you are saying that it was Raj who brought them.

Dhruv : Yes! It was Raj who brought my class teacher and principal there! When I stepped outside the staff room this trio was what I saw first, my teacher literally came like a rocket. By the way it was the first time I heard her curse, I men she was like "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!" I was all the time trying to say that I am sorry to sneak into her purse and take that certificate but the next thing she said was what shocked me! She said, "I can't believe you! I mean YOU are trying to steal question papers!" I was in no condition to cross whatever she said, I mean I was caught red handed! What the fuck could I have possibly said! And as they were continuously scolding me in between my teacher slapping me, I was like "no no no, it's not like what it seems.." but they would not believe me! I do understand their condition, they had every possible reason to not to believe me plus I couldn't blame Raj for it, because he was the one who personally brought them there saying that he heard me talking to someone on the phone about bringing next day's question paper. It was completely planned! He intentionally framed me. It wasn't even like he was caught and he blamed me for it, NO! He wanted me to be caught, he wanted me to be the bad guy!

Rathod : Man! That's fucked up! So what happened next?

Dhruv : They called my mom, they wanted to expel me and even file a police complaint, but my mom somehow convinced them saying that I am a brilliant student and I have won many prizes at different things, for the school including that State Karate championship! She said it's because of some bad influence and because of the trauma of my father's death and many such useless pointers but as I said, they were convinced. I think it was the trauma point that really convinced them. But I had to be punished because what I did was 'wrong' so I was suspended till February!

Rathod : You are a State champion in karate! That explains why all of the victims were unable to defend themselves because you had the skills to beat the shit out of them! And also you were suspended till February, that's why you started with killings in January, so that you could finish them before your suspension is finished! Well planned killer!

Dhruv : Thank You! At least you appreciated the brilliance in the plan!

Rathod : So if you were suspended then what could have the third victim Shreyash have possibly done to you? I mean, you might have been inside your house for most of the time. And if you were skilled enough to beat the shit out of them why didn't you do it earlier?

Dhruv : Well I saw that question coming! And the answer is simple, I never wanted any troubles. I knew what I was signing in for! They never really harmed me and only things they would make me do was complete their assignments and it was like a second revision to me, so I did not resist! But I don't know why but things were changing, they would bully me to point of breaking but my will power was strong enough to hold me I mean I faced the loss of my father and this bullying was nothing in front of it, and after what Raj did, it was clear that they were trying to get rid of me.

Rathod : They?

Dhruv : Yeah! Your son's complete group!

Rathod : Then why did you leave my son?

Dhruv : You seem very desperate for the answer Rathod Saheb! But as I am the master of the game Sir, I'll give you everything only when you are...

Rathod : 100% right! I know, I know! But at least tell me why didn't you react to Raj's action!

Dhruv : Who said I didn't react! I did react but I can't say how for now because it's connected to Shreyash's story.

Rathod : So you mean, you can't tell me about it until we get to our 3rd victim?

Dhruv : Exactly!

Rathod : So shall we move towards our 3rd victim?

Dhruv : I don't think so! With all due respect, I am exhausted from taking information and telling stories! Maybe we can continue this after 30 minutes. Until that time I guess you should continue your investigation outside this interrogation room, at least do something instead of talking to me please!

Rathod : You want rest from me! Do I bore you, huh?

Dhruv : You seriously ask me that! Of course you bore me! Now please, get the fuck out of here and let me breathe some air!

Rathod : I'll be back killer! Enjoy your time, if you can!

As Shiv was out of that room, he rushed to his office and called forensics and asked them to rush with the tests result, he asked his officers to check everything they found on the third victim's (Shreyash) crime scene. He also asked them to check the victim's phone thoroughly, he did not want to leave any stones unturned for his third chance. And he crossed checked everything Dhruv gave, he checked Yash's social media and found that he did post nearly every detail of his life there. He also checked the CCTV footage and actually found that Dhruv wasn't telling a lie, Raj did look up his phone before going to the site! He tried to find Vijay for his stupid mistake but he was out on the crime scene with forensic guys. And calling him and scolding him seemed a little inappropriate at the time. He looked up every call records of the dead victim thinking of finding something but the records were clear. And while doing all of this, time went really fast. When looked at the clock he found that instead of 30 it was 40 minutes already, he was so into his work that he completely lost track of time. He rushed outside and ran towards the room, when he saw Dhruv again he was amused. Dhruv was sleeping on his chair with his head on table; Shiv slapped his hand on the table because of which Dhruv wake up with a shock,

Rathod : Wake up killer! We have no time for this!

Dhruv(still sleepy) : What the fuck man! I think my sleep will be interrupted every time today!

Rathod : So you asked for a break because you wanted to sleep?

Dhruv(still sleepy) : What.... Oh yeah! I wanted to sleep. And 30 minutes passed so swiftly dude! I wish I had asked for 40 instead!

Rathod : To be honest, it's been 40 minutes since I left you! I got so invested in my work that I lost track of time!

Dhruv : I wish you had been more invested!

Rathod : Why wouldn't you! So let's talk about the third victim then!

Dhruv : At Least give me a minute, I am...(yawns) still dizzy!

Rathod : I have no time for your..

Before Shiv could complete his sentence he was interrupted by someone, someone was banging the door and when Shiv opened the door it was Subhash standing outside,

Rathod : What is it Subhash?

Subhash : Sir the reports are here!

Rathod : And? Does the prints match the kid?

Subhash : No sir! It's not his!

Rathod : What do you mean it's not him? It has to be him!

Subhash : Sir I said you it's not him, we are just wasting time! Let Vijay Sir handle this case, looking at your condition I don't think you will be able to do this!

Rathod : My condition? What do you mean, huh? I can do this, no matter what I am facing!

Subhash : Fine! What do you want me to do sir?

Rathod : Well to answer your question, I have given everyone a work to do. I want you to look after their work! I want everything essential to be brought to me right away, I would have asked Vijay but that asshole has already done big fuck ups and I can't trust him anymore and one more thing do not tell him about anything about this until he comes back, he is at the scene let him be!

Subhash : OK Sir! By the way, what do you mean by "he has already done big fuck ups" Sir?

Rathod : It's a long story Subhash, I'll tell you about it once I am done with this shit!

Subhash : That's fine I guess! Keep yourself calm Sir!

Rathod : Sure!

Subhash goes away and Shiv closes the room and comes back to his seat,

Rathod : So, shall we continue?

Dhruv : I have a question!

Rathod : What is it?

Dhruv : Where did you find the 4th kid?

Rathod(stammering) : Wh... What do you.. mean! WHAT FOUR.. FOURTH KID!

Dhruv : So my guess is right! One more kid has died apart from these three! (loudly)AM I WRONG OFFICER !!?

Rathod : How could you possibly conclude that?!

Dhruv : I heard your little conversation with your constable! Why would Patil be at any crime scene at this time, I mean it's been long since crime. Everything should have been taken from the scene till now, he will be at a scene only if it's not one of three, some other scene maybe! You have a fingerprint from a crime scene and as I said, I made sure I do not leave anything behind then it has to be from some other crime scene. And your constable says you are wasting time on me, why would he say that? I confessed to three murders, didn't I? He would say any such thing only when he might be talking about some other case. Why would you suspect me for some other case? Well only until the crime matches my crime, that is, a teenager has been killed! And the reason why Subhash ji thinks it's not me is because something is not matching the profile, maybe the victim was not tortured or he is not 17 years old or if it's a girl anything as such! So tell me officer, am I right?


Dhruv(chuckles) : BINGO! You should agree I am better at detective work then many of you!

Rathod(angrily) : You find it funny!! Someone's son is dead and you find it funny!

Dhruv : Calm down Sir! I find it funny because you suspected me of it! You really think I am stupid enough to leave my prints behind! I mean I am not that stu.. WAIT A MINUTE!... you have another reason to suspect me, don't you? I mean there should be something that connects me with it! It just can't be his age! What is it, what is it, what is it,.... YES!!! HE KNEW ALL THREE BOYS!

Rathod(with his head down) : Yeah he knew them! And I think he shouldn't have!

Dhruv : What do you mean he shouldn't have them? Why are you so sad about it?... wait!..... MOTHERFUCKER!!!..... IT'S YOUR SON WHO IS KILLED! IT'S VIKRAM FUCKING RATHOD!