Mason was initially quite annoyed, half-jokingly and half-complainingly calling the Lieutenant Colonel "into hunting mode."
Winters could understand Moritz's decision because he felt the same.
Although direct combat spellcasters were also terrifying, unknown spellcasters were the most dangerous.
Any high-value target could possibly be killed without a chance to react if they appeared before a hidden spellcaster.
Thus, in the main battle with the fire-starters, Winters didn't join the assault until the very last moment, which infuriated Bard to the brink of madness, and Xial was also severely reprimanded in the process.
Considering that the Terdon Tribe might have spellcasters, Bard strictly forbade Winters from participating in any actions that might expose him, and Winters even wrote a letter of guarantee.
Of course, it was proven later that the letter of guarantee was but waste paper - without Bard, without Mason, who else could control the Blood Wolf?