"Herde Language What is going on?" Red Plumed Feathers with a Lion Nose stopped his horse at the edge of Revodan Valley, dissatisfiedly asking the Green Plumed Feathers ahead, "Herde Language Didn't the fire starter say he had already captured the city? Brother?"
The Green Plumed Feathers, resembling the appearance of Red Plumed Feathers and also with a Lion Nose, frowned tightly, "Herde Language How should I know? Pick a few good men and cross the river to find out."
From their elevated position, the white smoke continuously pouring out of the southern city walls was in plain sight.
But what lay between them and the battlefield was not only the earth but also a wide river.
The younger Lion Nose whispered in agreement and with a hint of confusion, "Herde Language Then what should we do now?"