When she opened the door she saw a shadow go around the corner. She followed where it went and then a fire just lit up in the fireplace. She got really freaked out so she went to her room to think about what just happened. Later that night she went to take a shower. When she was taking a really nice hot and steamy shower all of a sudden the water went cold.
She wondered if a pipe broke or messed up. Then black liquid bubbled up from the shower drain and it started to come out of the head of the shower. She panicked. She ran out of the shower, grabbed her towel and then sprinted up the stairs to her room.
She started to cry because she didnt know what was happening and all she wanted to do was go on vacation to Alaska. She panicked even more because she was in the middle of no where and knew there wasnt civilization for another 93 miles. She didn't want to sleep that night because of what happened. Nothing bad or as scary as this has ever happened to her. She went to bed anyway.
In the middle of the night she heard weird noises coming from downstairs. She decided to go downstairs cautiously. When she got downstairs, there was knocks coming from the door. She walked up to the door and looked out the window and there was a huge black figure standing outside the door. She screamed and didnt know what to do.