Chereads / Losing Sleep & Finding Hope / Chapter 13 - LSAFH

Chapter 13 - LSAFH

"So- how'd it go with your mom? About Serena talking to you and stuff." Easton asks.

"Well... Long story short she's a serial killer." I answer.

For some apparent reason, I am reluctant to tell him what I found in the storage room. Is it safe to get him involved? I'm not sure, but if he does get involved I feel like it won't end well for either of us. I'll tell him anyway, he's technically already involved since he knows about Serena.

He turns and points at me, "I told you! She was trying to make herself look innocent. God Alexis- you need to open up your brain a little and stop being gullible." he chuckles.

"Hey I'm sorry her attitude towards me was nothing to suspect of anything, so please don't throw that at me," I reply, offended.

"Have you talked to Olivia lately?" He asks.

I remember the last time I talked to her was the day she came over to my house and my mother was gone... So I haven't talked to her for a good three days.

"Shit- I need to find her. I haven't talked to her for a few days." I facepalm my head.

"Just wait until the bell rings, you have a history class with her, right? So wait until then. Or you can text her." he says as we approach my locker.

"Yeah, I guess I'll just wait." As I open my locker I spot a posted note on my history book.

"I need to talk to you about something during lunch, it's important." it reads.

Oh boy... I just have the worst of luck, don't I?


"Today you will be working with a partner, and no you can not choose your partner, I will be doing that," He continues, "so let's begin... Jackson, you are paired up with McKenna. Isabella, you are paired with Isaac. Daniel, you are paired with Myles- Emma, you're with Stacie- Lucas, you're working with Hannah- Maia you're working with Chloe. And last but not least, Alexis and Gavin. Alright, what you will be working on today is a letter. You can write anything in your letter as long as it is appropriate, keep it family-friendly and don't start any drama. You have twenty minutes, when you're finished you will be reading them to the entire class, if you do not participate you're getting an automatic zero."

As everyone starts scattering around and joining tables, I am clueless about what my partner even looks like- but before I could get to the teacher, a guy dressed in a denim jacket and loose jeans approaches me. He's hot... Like hot in a way that would melt me instantly.

"Um... H-hi? I'm Gavin." He stutters.

A hot guy who is shy? Hm, that's new.

I direct ourselves to a couple of empty seats in the back and introduce myself as I grab a piece of notebook paper from the center of the table, "Hi, I'm Alexis".

"So, what do you want the topic to be... Of the letters?" he asks.

I slightly chuckle, "It's up to you what you want to write"


I read over my letter to make sure it sounds okay. The only thing wrong with it is that I've written my thoughts in it, my thoughts that have been trapped inside of my head for the past month.

"Okay, times up! Who will volunteer to go first?.. Hannah? Would you like to read your letter?" he points at her with a ruler.

"I didn't write one," she mutters, staring blankly at her desk.

He sighs, "You get a zero then. Alexis! How about you?"

"Sure, I guess."

As I stand here in front of the whiteboard, glaring at Gavin in the back, I can feel everybody staring at me- waiting for me to speak. I hesitate for a moment and close my eyes, regaining the confidence that I had seconds before having to get out of my seat.

"You were once here, on this very planet- where all of us tiny things exist, but someone took you out of my life and I no longer cease to exist here, not because I wish to escape the pain but because I've discovered the horrid truth and dread to live in sorrow. I was lied to from the start and had to find out on my own which made it entirely worse. There could be more to find out, more secrets that have been hidden from me to somehow protect me. Lying doesn't protect someone from the truth, it creates trauma once the truth is discovered- and hurting someone in that way is a mistake you can not erase.' I apologize if it's too long, I'm not a good writer." I focus my eyes on Gavin, who is staring back at me. Ever so slightly, a chuckle escapes from his mouth and I seem to be the only person who noticed it- and soon enough the whole class bursts into laughter.

I don't even know what they're laughing at yet I'm beginning to feel mildly embarrassed. My self-control is starting to bounce off the walls and I'm losing my cool.

"Calm yourselves down! Be respectful, she is still considered a new student! Now, Gavin- you're up."

I hear him exhale dramatically as he pulls himself to his feet.

"How could I possibly fall in love if I have yet to know anything about her? Her eyes sparkle like stars on a clear, summer night sky and I can't get over the mere fact that we're still strangers. Her hair, it's as bright as her soul appears to be, while on the inside she is as shattered as thin glass. She stands out more than the sun does, just knowing that she's here today brings joy to me. She's like the moon- on some days she appears different but is still outstanding and magnificent. If only I could know her better than he does, everything would change, and everything would fall right into place."

His was obviously more planned out than mine and I'm surprised- usually, you wouldn't expect your average teenage guy to sound so poetic when writing something for English class, but this guy is way different than I thought, and even though his voice was trembling the entire time he spoke, his letter was absolutely perfect.

"Did that sound okay? Was it too much?" he mumbles.

I laugh, "No, that was actually really good. I'm amazed, to be honest with you. It sounded really romantic."

"Oh, thank you- that means a lot" A full smile appears on his face and I can see him blushing.

Oh my... He's one of those guys in novels that I always fall head over heels for. His eyes, hazel- the most common eye color but it is the most beautiful eye color I have seen, and they match perfectly with his brown hair that almost covers them. I can't help but stare at him.

"Wow, that was a really interesting letter, Gavin. Does it go out to a specific person or was that just random?" Mr. Kennedy asks.

"It goes out to a specific person... I've liked her for a while now, but I think she has a boyfriend so I'm passing on trying to talk to her," he answers.

"Well someone's jealous- what if they're not dating and they're just friends?" someone in the class blurts out and snickers.

"Once again, be respectful! If you can't keep your negativity to yourself then get out of my class. I'm not addressing this again, especially to you, McKenna." Mr. Kennedy shouts.

Gavin sighs and stares down at his pencil as he fiddles with it.

"Hey, are you okay? I ask.

He clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair, "I wouldn't say I'm doing great, but I'm fine. Why are you asking, though?"

"Because you looked incredibly nervous up there when you were reading your letter, and you don't look so good right now. If you have anything you want to talk about, you can text me, okay? Here's my number." I break a piece off my paper and hand it to him after writing my number down. "I know we just met and all, but you look and sound like a nice guy, and I want to get to know you- if that's okay." I smile.

He stares at me for a few seconds before nodding his head, and I am instantly filled with happiness.


"So, what's so important that you need to talk to me about?" I ask as I take in a bite of my mac n' cheese.

"Don't tell Easton, but I found a dead body yesterday."

I nearly spit out my food, "I'm sorry- what?"

"I was at the lake yesterday taking a walk, and when I started going into the woods, I noticed a bag behind a rock, and then when I went over to look, there was a leg sticking out of it. So yeah... and I don't know what to do."

I already know who put that dead body there, and there are no second guesses. If Serena is a serial killer, then it is obviously her who did it. I mean, how can I be wrong? She's an idiot for trying to hide the body there, though. A lot of people go to that lake and take walks in the woods, but of course, it had to be Olivia to find the dead body and not anyone else.

"Okay... Could you tell if it was a boy or girl? Was there anything else besides the bag? Any blood or equipment?" I ask.

"Well I definitely know that it was a girl because there were heels, but there was nothing else. Why are you asking all these questions?" she raises an eyebrow at me.

"I really didn't want to drag you into this mess, but my mom said that the woman who killed my father is a serial killer. Like, she's killed over 15 people in this town- And let me tell you something: I found a trapdoor in our basement that leads to a storage room underneath it and that's where I found missing people files and weapons. There was a chain down there, like the one you could attach to a ceiling... It was some kind of torture mechanism or something, and It smelled so disgusting." I explain.

"Does your mom know about that?" she asks.

I sigh, "I don't know, but I need to tell her soon anyway. She works for the FBI, and she's been working on my father's case for 5 years and can't find anything out about the woman. She covers her tracks which means she can erase all of her DNA from anything my mom finds. Court won't plead her as guilty since there is no real evidence of her committing a crime."

"Okay. So is there anything else going on that I should know about?" she leans closer to my face, grinning.

"Easton came clean about everything. He said that you guys were pretending not to know me the entire time I've lived here. And I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty mad about it because it's a stupid thing to do- but it is what it is." I rest my head on the palm of my hand.


"Hey, Alexis!" A girl in a blue jumpsuit approaches me and waves.

"Um, hi? Who are you?" I shut my locker, staring at her with my eyebrows raised.

"I'm McKenna, from your English class." she giggles.

"Oh okay. Well, what do you want? My class starts in five minutes so hurry up."

Her smile turns into a menacing stare, "I noticed you were talking to Gavin this morning. I just want to let you know that there are boundaries, which means you should stop talking to him- I'm his girlfriend." she crosses her arms.

I squint my eyes at her and laugh, "Um, chill. Just because I was talking to him doesn't mean I was hitting on him, and I literally just met him. Calm your tits. If he was your boyfriend, don't you think you'd be with him right now instead of starting drama just because you're somewhat jealous? You also need to understand that we were partners for the assignment. Think before you speak, and take your jealousy somewhere else."

"Whatever- just know he's not yours talk to. I don't care if you just met him or not, I met him first." She rolls her eyes at me and struts away.

Why do females like her exist? Also, I swear she was the girl in class who was laughing at him.



Hey, it's Gavin- Gavin

Oh hey, what's up?- Alexis

Just making sure you gave me your actual number and not someone else's- Gavin

Haha no, I wouldn't do that- Alexis

Good to know... So what are you up to?- Gavin

I've been laying in bed since I got home, so nothing really. What about you?- Alexis

Same as you- Gavin

Sounds fun. So, do you have a girlfriend? McKenna from our English class lashed out at me yesterday saying to back off because you're her boyfriend, but I don't believe her. And if you're dating her then that's a horrible choice cause' she was the one laughing at you this morning.- Alexis

Haha no, I don't have a girlfriend, I've been single for three years.- Gavin

Woah, me too. My last relationship was over the internet and it was the most boring relationship I've been in. He never showed me his face or told me his name. The only thing he told me was his age and I believed him because he sent voice messages to me, but he was the one who broke us up. Good thing I don't online date anymore, though- Alexis

No comment.- Gavin

Okay haha... So, are you gonna talk to McKenna or something?- Alexis

I don't know. I mean if she's gonna go around telling people that I'm her boyfriend then I might as well have to- Gavin

Okay. Well I have to go, I have things to do. I'll see you tomorrow- Alexis

Okay, goodnight- Gavin

Goodnight- Alexis