As we approach the teams before getting in range of the cameras I use the laser pointer to disable oll of the cameras and microphones then put the laser pointer away
Emilia:"what was you doing"
Jack:"leaders like twisting words and binding people with contracts"
Clive takes out his phone and calls his team and so does everyone else and tells them that they're close and have four extra friends with them I unzip the flap on the jacket and put my wings in and put my hood up its uncomfortable because of them being pressed up against my jacket wich is also kind of stimulating but it's bearable
Emperor Mike(Australian):" Clive where in hell did you find these people"
Emperor mera(America):"Harold you bring them and their wolves this close to me without knowing what faction they belong to"
Empress Britney(British):"James you bring those peasants before me
Jack:"hey I'm here too you know you could I don't ask me"
jack:" thank you Emilia we don't really care much about how powerful you think you are you are not even in charge of a single planet let alone a galactic empire so I don't know why I thought any of you had power over me or I had to hide myself Mia scramble a hundred or so fighters from the hanger if it didn't break on landing"
I unzip the back of my jacket and let my wings out and put my hood down and in the distance you can hear the fighter jets launching and in a minute all hundred are circling overhead l
Jack:" Mike I'm going to go to your 'empire' for the time being while the ship builds itself cause the escape pods got trapped in its gravity and Mia could you send down my truck and four others for my guards and design and build a spaceship out of the base"
Mia:"request received"
after an hour the jets returned to the hangar and the armed trophy trucks arrive we all get in with our wolves right beside us and they make a plus formation with me at the centre
Jack:" everyone load paint rounds into their turrets and disable auto targeting and see whose the least painted by the time we get there"
I go full throttle the second I said that loading paint rounds and having luna and laya control the turret I peel out of there as I see three trophy trucks in my rear veiw mirror and them shooting at each other sloppily while luna and laya just snipe them from a distance painting smiley faces on the bonnets of their trucks while I dodge their fire by the time we get close enough to the Australian empire we stop in a cave using a katana I slice a wall flat and use the projector to put a movie on while the other three have their trucks in a cemi circle at the exit with the lights on full and floodlights on making it as bright as day and we watch movies for a day until the emperor arrives
Clive:" how long have you been here"
Nathan:"a day ish"
Nathan:"we have no valid Id so we was hoping we could come along with the emperor and get a place to stay for awhile"
Emperor Mike:" yeah I could host you as political guests as you are a princess right"
Jack:" while it doesn't seem like it half the time because these three really like holding me like a stuffed animal I am yeah"
Mike:" hahaha yeah OK so because you seem like good friends do you have nick names"
Emilia:" unfortunately we all do not but she makes up for it by her reaction to being called Little kitten"
I say looking at lilly emilia and Nathan respectively
Lilly:" see isn't she just adorable when angry"
Mike + Clive:" you are God dam right"
Mike:" so why did she call you those things"
Lilly:" assassin"
Emilia:"interrogation expert"
Nathan:" tactician"
Mike:" interesting though gost is odly fitting for lilly and she looks so much cuter when she's being held"
He says because lilly has picked me up and is stroking my hair and I have just given up fighting them at this point as if I try to escape I'm in someone's arms in the maximum 5 minutes so lilly gets in her truck and straps me in on her lap so I just tell our wolves to get in my truck and tell Mia to control it
Jack:" can I please atleast sit in the passenger seat"
Jack:"and why is that"
Lilly:" cause I then couldn't pet you while driving"
Jack:" good cause I'm not a a fucking pet"
Lilly:" oh yes you are we took a vote and you are now the pet of everyone in the base now be a good little kitten and don't struggle or ill just have to knock you out using what should I chose your wings or your ears"
I go bright red with fluster and annoyance as my cat ears flatten to my head
Jack:" why does only Mia take me seriously"
Lilly:" what was that are you talking back to me I said be a good little kitten didn't I"
She slowly puts her hand on my wings and starts gently carresing them
Lilly:" Jack I done some research more like I just asked big sis Mia but doing this should be reeeeeaaaaallllyy pleasurable to you as well as there is going to be a month where.. you.. go.. in.. heat"
Jack:" Mia why is that something that will happen to me"
Mia:"during the designing of your body instead of just using the cat genes for the ears it could also be used to improve balence agility flexibility and reflexes so the negative was deemed acceptable as you will always have extremely high defences around"
Jack:" so Mia out of everyone in the base how many want to fuck me"
Mia:" 3,721 people"
Jack:" and how many would actually if given the opportunity due to me being in heat"
Mia:"3,692 people"
Jack:" and what month will I be in heat"
Mia:" November"
Jack:" and is there medication you can make to stop this"
Mia:" there is no safe way to stop it but meditation has been made to reduce the effects"
Lilly is just listening in and glad Jack didn't ask for a list as she would be on the right top as she sees Jack as her adorable little future wife and the rest of the journey is in relative silence and Jack is just bright pink the entire ride aswell