"I'm She, and I'm sure that I will not die" with a tiger eyes, and words that I can't control.
"What?! Are you crazy?! You, will never die?! Are you immortal?!"
"You will never know---"
"I know it" I control what I feel right now. It's impossible for him to know what I have.
"Please... we're not meant for each o-other, you will never know me" I started shaking. "You will never remember it" I look into his eyes, his eyes that set me to my life forever.
"I don't k-know what you're talking about" he said coldly.
"Let's stop this nonsense thing, our story is already ended century ago..."
"You crazy! I don't believe in that stupid reincarnation, you just fooling yourself by believing in that sh*t" I gave him a gazed before I left.
"Maybe....my wish came true, so you didn't remember it" I started to fixed my things.
"I will never die but you... you will born again
....forever" I began to walk and left him like nothing. I can't stop myself from the tears that falling into my naked eyes. Maybe it's just like that, it's a cycle..."Because that's our story curse"