Martin seemed lost in his memories and did not answer her question directly. "She died a long time ago. She must be gone for almost 20 years now."
Qiao Nian was almost certain who his "old friend" was!
Martin did not notice the slight change in the girl's expression. He smiled and hid his disappointment. "If she was still alive, the First Research Institute and the independent continent would not be what they are now. It's a pity that she passed away at such a young age."
Qiao Nian clenched her fists under the table, but her expression did not change. Her long eyelashes covered the greenish-black under her eyes as she said in a casual tone, "Oh, that's quite a pity."
Martin did not realize that her tone was off. He only sighed and said, "Yes, it's a pity. It's a pity that she's already passed away. Other than remembering her, we can't do anything for her."