Chereads / Dragon Wars: Flames of Pain (Book 3) / Chapter 49 - Chapter 47 (Jangras PoV) Big Trouble

Chapter 49 - Chapter 47 (Jangras PoV) Big Trouble

I shivered, as it was quite a bit of a cold night, and dragons were not good when it came to the cold. It was one thing that I would miss from the tribe grounds that I used to live at, was of course that we were further down south, and it was a lot more warm around this time of the year, as it was a lot easier to deal with for sure.

I let out quite a loud sigh, as I looked back at the camp one last time, at the same time too, as I saw that the clearing was empty right now, due to the fact that every one had gone in to the cave to get some rest for the night, as they knew that the training was only going to be rough from here on out, after what Socra had just told every one.

I was still worried that a dragon was going to betray us, but at the same time too, I did know that red dragons were no where near as bad as the black dragons were, at being snakes. I could use my father's old friend, Plyma for example, as he was the one that had started this war, and planned the attack that had led to the death of my brother, and many other dragons.

I let out a bit of a soft sigh, as I shook off all of those thoughts at the same time too, as I looked back behind me one last time, just to make sure that for what ever reason, there was no dragon that was following me right now, which of course, to no surprise what so ever, it was not the case at all.

I looked sadly back at the camp at the same time too, as I looked back at the big cave that was a far distance away from me now. I so badly wanted to go in to there, and fall to sleep for the night, as I had been quite a bit worn out after the day that I had just had, as it was one of the roughest that I had in quite a while.

It was not just the physical part that had drained my so much, but it was also the mental part, as I had to think of so many ideas to kind of cheat the system, and get our team a win. It had worked out in the end, but it also had come with a bit of a price, as I was going to be meeting up with Yikla, and I still felt like she was going to pull some thing on me.

If she saw how tired I was, there was so many ways that she could take advantage of me, as I knew that she was a very smart dragon. I did not want to even think on it too much, as I did not want to be giving her any sort of ideas some how, as if we could speak to each other through our own thoughts.

I shook off all of those thoughts all at once, as I got my focus back on the camp, as I noticed that it was a lot more silent than it usually was at this time of night, as there usually was some dragons up, still talking to one another. Perhaps it was due to the fact that they all knew that they were about to have it rough.

It still did not feel right though, and it kind of brought shivers down my spine, as I then looked away from camp at the exact same time too, trying not to get all too worried about all of that, as I then kept on going out in to the woods, as I knew that it was going to be a very long flight over to the area that I was going to meet Yikla at.

Depending on how long we were to talk as well, I felt like I might not be able to get back until day time, and a lot of dragons might view that as a bit suspicious as to the fact that I came in to camp early in the morning, tired as all ever, as it had been clear that I had been out all night.

Then again, I felt as if I should not be all too worried about that either, as I knew that most of the dragons in this tribe did in fact trust me. I felt a bit sick at the same time too, as I felt like I was using a lot of that trust too, to go out of my way to speak to a dragon that most of the tribe hated.

I let out quite a loud sigh, as I did my best to try and shake off all of those thoughts, as I looked up at the top of the leaves at the exact same time too. A part of me was scared to be going to go and talk to her again, as I did remember that I had confessed that I was in love with her after simply just a few days as well.

Shortly after that, she had left me, and she kind of had betrayed the tribe as well, even if she wanted to say that it was not her own fault, and the 'only way to save us was to lose a few lives' she had said, as if she was some how the dragon of destiny, and I was not at all.

I blinked a few times at the exact same time too, as I kind of shivered at all of those thoughts as well, as I some times wondered if she might actually be. It had said the father's child, but it had not said any thing about who the father was at all, as for some reason, most dragons thought that it meant Himla for some odd reason or another.

I shook off all of those thoughts at the same time too, as I got my focus on what my eyes were staring at right now, which of course happened to be the top of the pine leaves that were above my head right now. I squinted my eyes at it for a bit of some time, but I all of the sudden hunched my self a little bit low to the ground all at once too.

I let out quite a loud sigh, as I then kept on going on with what it was that I had even started on doing in the first place, which was of course, flying up above the trees, which was always scary to me now a days, due to the fact that I knew we were at war with the black dragons, and they very well could be out side flying above us as we speak.

At the same time too, I also felt like I should not be all too worried about that right now, due to the fact that it was night time, and black dragons had awful vision when it came to the night, whilst red dragons were just the opposite of that. There were some advantages that we had over black dragons, but the black dragons were still by far, stronger than us.

I breathed in heavily all at once, as that was when I all of the sudden flew up in to the sky at the same time too, as I had a big smile on my face all at once as well, as I did so. It had been quite a while since I had done such a thing, as it felt like it never happened any more, due to the fact that we always had to hide under the trees.

There were at times when we heard some thing big fly in the air, as the camp noticed it from quite a bit aways, every time it happened, as the camp always went dead silent for nearly half of the day when that was to happen, as every one knew what would happen to us, if we were in fact to be caught.

I shook off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as I then looked around the sky, once I was above the trees, as I looked up at the moon and the stars at the exact same time too, as I was almost ready to cry, as it had been so long ever since I had last got to see all of this, and it was even more beautiful that I remembered.

I looked all around me, to make sure that there were no dragons following me once again, and then I looked around me once I felt a bit safe, as I saw that there were no black dragons flying in the sky, as far as I could see as well, as I now felt a lot more safe to keep on going, and to enjoy the view beneath me, and above me, at the exact same time as well.

I looked over at the area that I was supposed to be heading to, as I saw that it was quite some ways in the distance from me still, and as far as I could see, I did not see any dragons in sight any where near there just yet, so I felt like I should take some time to enjoy the view around me, as I knew that I would not be focused on it, on the way back home, as I would be far too worn out by that point.

I grinned a bit to my self, as I looked above me for some time, looking in to the stars, as I saw one flickering for some odd reason or another, which confused me quite a bit, as I had never seen a star do that before. I had been told about a shooting star, but this was nothing like that at all.

As I stared at it for just a bit of some time, it seemed like the stars were slowly starting to move all at once, which kind of scared me, as I had as to not a clue as to what was going on in the first place, right now any ways. I blinked a few times, as I stopped my self, as I just stared at it for quite a bit of some time.

Suddenly the stars began to stop moving, as I was a little bit lost at first, as to what it was that it could have been in the first place, that had done such a thing. I wondered if I was already too tired as it was right now, and that perhaps I might be going crazy, or my eyes might be seeing things that were not actually there, and that they were pulling a trick on me.

I shook my head, as I stared at the stars for just a little bit longer, as it all of the sudden hit me, as to what it was in the first place, as my eyes seemed to zoom out of the frame. What I saw in front of me, was a face of a dragon, and not just any dragon at that either, as I saw that it was the face of my brother Plyma.

I sucked in quite a large breath at the same time too, as I felt like I actually was going crazy, and I was seeing stuff that was not there at all right now. I shook my head all at once, as it hurt me to think back on my brother at the exact same time too, as I kept my head back down to the ground.

I felt like, it might have been a bad idea for me to look in to the sky, as I was sure that I was far too tired at this very moment, and I should have known that I would see things. I then nodded to my self at the exact same time as well, as I then began to speak up to my self at the same time too, even though I knew that no one was around me, and that there was no point.

"This is going to end badly..." I said to my self, as I knew that I should not be thinking this way, but I could not help but to think like that, after I had fallen in love with a dragon, that had felt like had betrayed my trust. She had led to the death of so many good dragons, and it just was not fair for the tribe.

I let out quite a heavy sigh, as I kept on going forward, over to the place that was still a long ways in the distance. Perhaps she had not betrayed my trust at all in fact, and that was just some sort of dillusional thinking that I had in my head, due to the fact that I felt like I needed some one to blame.

If any thing, I should be blaming the father of Yikla for the fact that he had led to all of this in the first place, if not even my own father, for even trusting a dragon such as him. I felt like I could not say that, as my father had told me time and time again, that he used to be a good dragon, and he was a lot different than he was now.

I was not sure if that were the case how ever, unless some one had been by his side, and had told him all sorts of things about us, and how we could not live on the same world as them. It just did not make all too much sense to me, and it felt like there was just some thing that was not lining up in all of this.

Either way, I felt like I had no other choice to fight for my tribe, and fight for all of the dragons that I still had left, as I knew that I did not want to lose any of them. I loved all of the dragons in the tribe, as I knew that was what Himla had said, showed what a good leader was like, as long as he could love every dragon in the tribe.

Such as Socras husband, I knew my father still loved him, and I was sure that it hurt the both of them very badly, as to what it was that he had done to him. I shook my head at the same time too, as I let out quite a heavy sigh all at once as well, as I was not so sure as to what was going on with me right now.

I felt like I was going crazy, and I had a lot of thoughts going through my head at this very moment, that I knew did not help me at all right now. I did my best to erase all of those thoughts, as I got my focus on the area that I saw a long distance away from me, still checking back to make sure that there were no dragons following me.

Once I made sure that I was safe, I then turned my head in front of me, and I made sure to keep my focus on where it was that I was going at this very moment in time. I sighed softly to my self this time, as I was kind of scared to go and meet up with Yikla my self at the exact same time too.

What if she had told her father all about me, and this was a trap to get me killed. I shook off those thoughts at the same time too how ever, as I felt like it could not be the case at all, due to the fact that she would have told them all about me a long time ago, and I was the dragon they would have been hunting, rather than it be my brother, when the attack had happened.

I shook off those thoughts at the exact same time too, as I also knew that they did not help me at all. I knew that I had to come in to this with an open mind as well, as every single word she told me, was going to be important in us being able to win this war, no matter what it was that she had said.

I could either think that it was all just a lie, or maybe I could think that it was all real, every word that she said to me, either way I knew all of this was very important, as I closed my eyes for a few moments in time, clearing out all of the bad thoughts that I had been having, as I kept on heading to the place that was far in the distance still.

I stopped at the area that I was in, as I saw that it was empty some how, as it was clear to me that for some reason Yikla was not here yet. It was a bit of a surprise to me too, as I knew that she had gone to meet Socra, so that she had been able to tell her that she was here, and she was ready for me, but some how she was not in this spot that I had been told she would be in.

I looked around at the small little clearing, that was covered by leaves, as it was just enough room for me to be comfortable. I made sure that I had a safe spot that I would be able to run to at the same time as well, just in the case that I was in fact attacked, for what ever reason.

I was a bit lost as to why Yikla was not here at all, as I knew that she had all of the time in the world to prepare for such a thing as this, but for some odd reason or another, she just had not shown up for me, which was starting to get me a little bit freaked out, every moment I sat here in silence.

Not even the noise of crickets seemed to calm me down, as it was dead silent, as I was certain that some thing was going to jump out at me, and attack me at any moment in time now. I was not so sure as to why Yikla was not here, and it was making things seem more and more suspicious to me, as every moment passed, and she still was no where to be seen at all.

I wondered if she had gone out hunting, due to the fact that she might be very hungry, but at the same time too, as I looked up at the sky above me, I felt like that could not be true either, as I remembered that black dragons could not see at all during the night, meaning that she would not be able to see where her prey was at.

I then remembered at the same time as well, that she was partially a purple dragon, meaning she would have the perks that a black and a red dragon had, so I shook all of those thoughts off all at once as well. I still felt it to be a bit suspicious at the same time as well, due to the fact that not even red dragons hunted for their prey in the middle of the night.

I then did remember at the same time too, that she had told me that she could not stand being around her father, and she often shied about from the tribe, as she did not like any of them. It would make sense as to the fact that she hunted during the night, as none of the black dragons would be out side of the camp around that time.

I sighed a bit to my self, as I began to relax my self at the exact same time, as I did my best to just try to tell my self that it all was going to end up being fine in the end. I sat my self down just a bit, so that I could get some what comfortable, as I then began to wait for Yikla as well, still worried that she might not show up, or even worse, she might show up with more than I had expected.

I shivered, as I stood here for quite a bit of some time, until I suddenly heard a voice some from right behind me all at once as well. I was a bit confused, and also a bit scared at first, because I knew the voice was not Yikla at all, and I was starting to get quite a bit afraid that this in fact had been a trap.

When I looked around, I then saw that there was a very small red dragon, as it was hard for me to see as to who it was, due to the fact that it still was a bit too dark. I blinked a few times, as I squinted my eyes at it at the exact same time too, as I was not as worried now, as I knew that it was a small dragon, and would not hurt me.

As I looked at the small red dragon for a bit longer, I then instantly recognized as to who the dragon was, as it was the younger sister of Nink, Wiplun of course, as she had her eyes squinted on me, as she began to speak to me at the same time too. I listened as to what the young dragon had to say at the exact same time too.

"If I told Socra that you were out of the tribe grounds, especially this late at night, than you will be in big trouble..."