Chereads / The Crown War (Remastered) / Chapter 3 - The Gathering

Chapter 3 - The Gathering

"Hold it! I won't let that slide Caesar" the big guy in the room shouted addressing me. "you have us wait over an entire day because of your damn servant. You should have left him to rot. How dare you keep someone who slows you down. Are you an idiot!?".

The man asking me if I am an idiot was The King Of Greece, Alexander The Great. Short curly hair, a shaved beard just like Solomon while wearing a metal plate. "That servant of yours. You should have him banished for making you tardy. This gathering is of the most importance you know. You shouldn't have been late, at least not this late" the great king added. Shawn is not even his companion yet he is still pissed off at him. Sorry Shawn.

The guy closest to me on my left grinned at Alexander's words. "He has a point. I would just leave him somewhere and continue on my mery way. Unless this servant of yours is dare to you? Is he Caesar?". The other king who spoke was Ashoka Soka, The Indian Emperor.

"Ask all the questions you guys want. None of them has to be answered".

"Really now? Don't you think that's rude Caesar? We owe a proper explanation for your tardiness don't we? This gathering was supposed to be held yesterday. Not today, get it" Ashoka attempts to apply pressure on a situation King Solomon has already passed on from. Alexander asked for Shawn to approach him. "Come here, Caesar's servant".

"What for?"

"You deserve to be punished. Causing your king to be late is no small crime". Shawn stood his ground and awaited my response to this blasphemy. "Shawn will stay exactly where he is. As his king I decide what his punishment will be. The rest of you should mind your own business".

"Hahahahahahaha, I wholeheartedly agree. It would be weird for me to punish your own men. How could you call yourself a king after that? How could you call yourself a man". Alexander thinks he is funny but no one was laughing. Ashoka on the other hand stated "I hope he's feeling well. His sickness better not be contagious". "Oh yeah that's true. Good call Ashoka, stay far from us peasant!" Alexander agreed with him.

"Enough! I just came here and you two are being annoying. King Solomon would like to continue". The short conversation between King Ashoka, Alexander and I brought a smile on Solomon's face. Before he could say anything, one of the rulers stood up from her chair. Long brown hair, brown eyes, wears a black dress and holds a fan in her right hand.

"Give me a minute" she said as she left the room suddenly. Before she left, she gracefully bowed her head before The King of Kings. Was it out of respect? Perhaps it is apology for suddenly leaving the room. This lady who just left could almost rival the love of my life Carmella. Her face had no makeup on and yet she is still one of the most beautiful figures I have laid my eyes on. Queen Victoria was her name, the ruler of England.

She left just when King Solomon was about to start something interesting. "Isn't that woman beautiful? I would take her as my wife if she lets me" King Solomon laughs.

"I hear that she's single now. Maybe you have a chance with her".

"No way Caesar. I am living out my final days. Any chance I had is gone now. You however….".

"You think I can pull it off. Victoria wouldn't look my way if I start to flirt. That's the type of woman she is" I said.

"You may never know my young lad. Give it a try when she comes back. A beatury such as her is being wasted". He added " IN fact, every guy in here should try to impress her when the Crown War begins. I'm sure she would be happy to help you guys out. Women are always supportive of men".


"Jeez, the rest of you can join the conversation ya know. Don't just let Caesar and I talk about Victoria alone" Solomon complains. Alexander was not thrilled of our conversation so he attempts to change the subject by slamming his hands on the table.

"You two can't be serious! Didn't you see how she just bowed in front of another king without a second thought. That shows weakness! She's a fool".

"I wouldn't say that. She was just being respectful to her elder and superior" I told him.

King Ashoka intervened. "You know, that woman is very unpredictable. I can't wait to see who she will go for first". While saying that, he was staring at Alexander the whole time. "Haha, if she tries anything with me I'll knock her down easy".

"Hehehe, yeah right" Ashoka grins.

"Alex, you could learn a thing or two from her. There are times you gotta swallow your pride you know. Could Victoria a better ruler than you hehe".

"Not on the battlefield, which is where we all will be in a minute". Alexander was getting worked up over nothing. We all know saying Victoris better than him is wrong. They both have different ideals and methods which give them the desired results. That's all there is to know, not who is better or not. He is wasting his time, conjuring up those thoughts of being better.

Another thing, I was wondering when someone was going to bring that up. The six rulers gathered here are going to have to fight each other for the title of King of Kings. It would not be in our best interest to make friends so Solomon's attempt in doing so is flat out wrong.

"Tch! Whatever, when will the food get here!?" asked Alexander.

"Relax, give my chefs a few minutes. A banquet requires time" Solomon replies. "Though we may have heard of each other, I think we should still introduce ourselves all the same and display the ring that O wise king has given us". These words came from a man who was silent up till now. Black hair with silver colored hat covering it, grey eyes, a smoke pipe in his hand, The Great King of Austria, King Joseph.

Joseph's servant who stood behind him appears to be the youngest person in the room. Many of us mistook her for a teenage girl, maybe she is. "Naturally, we must introduce the people behind us as well. They do exist in here after all" Joseph added.

All of us nodded in agreement, there were no objections. Why would there be?

"That Victoria was the first to arrive here but she isn't here now. I'll just start it off then". Alexander took a deep breath before introducing himself. Seconds before he spoke, I begin to wonder if these introductions were pointless. We clearly know each other's names already, that's all that matters right now.

"BOW BEFORE YOUR NEW KING, THE CONQUERING MANICA ALEXANDER THE GREAT. AGE 30, STATUS: STRONGEST ONE HERE!!". He intends to hurt our ears on purpose doesn't he. Alexander's companion sighed and raised his hand nervously. "Good morning, the name is Mark Scars; it's a pleasure to be in your presence". The companion who was with Alexander was not as bold at least. He looks plain, a normal man wearing normal clothes.

Ashoka took a liking to that bold introduction.

"Be as bold as you like Alex. It won't change anything".

"Don't call me Alex!"

Ashoka was next to introduce himself. He pulled a red feather out of his clothes then placed it behind his ears. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Don't let my age deceive you all. The name is Ashoka Maurya and I am 55 years old. I can still learn a thing or two from you youngsters so don't worry. By the way, my last name is Maurya, not Soka in case any of you have it wrong". The king kept his hand on his feather the whole time during introduction.

Next up was King Louis, another overconfident man in the room with a strong sense of determination brimming from his eyes alone. He puts his index finger up on his forehead and began speaking. "Fellow Rulers, I, the king of France Louis Diedounne. Age 35 and I'm the man who will become the King of Kings. Remember my declaration, also this man beside me is my trusted companion Ricardo Rigo". The man standing behind Louis was a short dude, spiky blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a suit of armor.

Alexander could not help himself. He chuckles at the king's declaration. "That's funny considering I am going to become the King Amongst Kings" he laughs. I, along with the other rulers raised an eyebrow at Alexander in return. Next up was yours truly, I stood patting Shawn on his shoulder.

"This guy here is Shawn Berlitz, he is basically my advisor in everything I dol. He's a pretty lovable guy even though he gives me attitude at times".


"So, when are you going to introduce yourself? We care little for your servant".

"About me? What's their to say? Name is Augustus Caesar and my age is 34. I am the protagonist of this story so obviously I am going to win this Crown War". My words triggered the lot of them. The only person who took what I said as a joke was King Joseph.

"Moving on, I'm next. The name is King Joseph. The current ruler of Austria, hope we can get along. I for one don't really care if I win or not. My motives are different" he statd. "The girl behind me is Suzie Terrah, she is 17 this year and is a beast on the battlefield. Be wary of her hehehe". Joseph looks as if he was going to ramble about the girl all day, luckily Queen Victoria entered the room. At the perfect timing as well. Her appearance was different from a while ago.

"Ah yes, our queen. We each introduced ourselves already. You're the only one remainng".Her long smooth hair that reached way down her waist has been cut. It's now only at her shoulders, she also had a pony tail unlike before. "Strange, she even changed her dress". Before, she was seen in a black dress but now she is in a red colored dress.

"Why did you change your appearance?" King Solomon asked.


Victoria ignored the question then proceeded to introduce herself. "I'm the only one remaining right? I am The Woman who is wondering why you're all here. I, Queen Victoria was told I would have been the only ruler here with King Solomon. I have been lied to" she said glaring at the king of kings. That lie was most likely his doing to let Victoria show up.

"Chances are you woldn't have come if you heard other rulers were visiting as well. That's why I lied. Back to my question however, why did you change your appearance?" asked Solomon.

"You assumed right. I would never had come here if I knew my rivals were visiting. Honestly, this has been one unpleasant surprise for me. Let's just hurry up and end this gathering".

"Really!? The food has no even arrive yet and you already feel like leaving. That's harsh missy. Anyways about my earlier question that you've ignored twice now. Why did you change your appearance? Your hair was so long a minute ago, it suited you way more than the short hair you've given yourself". King Solomon asked.

"Anyways, what were you people doing while I was gone. Only introducing yourselves? Cuz that would be lame. You all already heard of each other haven't you?".

The Queen received cold glares from Ashoka and Alexander. She just arrived and tension is already being built between the three rulers. I should step in for Solomon's sake. The King of Kings is now bumped out because Victoria kept ignoring his question. "You're hurting our poor ruler's feelings missy. Why not answer his question? Why did you cut your hair and change your dress" I asked her.

Just as with Solomon, she moved her head away from my direction, pretending as if she had never heard me. "Rude, it's not like any of us here like how you look you know. You're a skank from what I can see". Alexander provoked.

The man who stood behind Victoria took offense to that insult. Not the Queen herself, she simply shrugged off what Alexander's word immediately as she heard them. "Bastard! How dare you call Queen Victoria a skank! I should take your head right here and now for such insolence!".The enraged man who stood behind Elizabeth had a unique appearance. Short red hair, yellow eyes and taller than average. It is rare to see someone with red hair, could it be natural colour?

"Settle down Xavier. Everyone here will soon have the chance to be killed by you. Take it easy, patience is important". Her straight face made her words weight a ton. To say that casually around five other kings is outrageous. Not even Alexander, the boldest guy here has done such a thing. Claiming our lives before the Crown War even begins.

"Hey fellow rulers, wanna kill her first? She should be the first one gone once the Crown War starts. That overconfidence of hers deserve to be shattered don't you agree" Ashoka states. Funny enough, Alexander was staring at him intently as he said those words.

"Aren't we all brimming with overconfidence though? We shouldn't target her first because of her words. Target whoever you guys want". Joseph who has been smoking his pipe in silence pointed at Louis.

"Don't you agree Louis? Ashoka is a much better target than the lady".

Louis slowly nodded to him as in agreeing with his words. The conversation suddenly got heavy, King Solomon did not like that so he stood up. "I'll be back soon; I need to know what's taking the food so long to arrive. It's not like they are cooking. We've already prepared everything yesterday, the day we were supposed to meet". He left as soon as he uttered those words.

"Fantastic! We're going to eat overnight food thanks to Caesar".

"You're lucky you're even getting any since you took your time getting here".

"Since the king is gone, what now? I thought at least one of us wouldn't want the throne to king of kings but it seems I was wrong. Solomon wont be choosing one of us himself, which means a war will have to break out between us. What a shame" Joseph said putting away his pipe.

"Crown War, that silly war where the candidates fight each other to the death and the survivor becomes the new god. That's how King Solomon got his position. But you can forfeit if you want, you all don't have to die over this" Victoria told everyone.

"Shut up Skank! You will be the first one on the chopping block once the war starts. Ladies first they always say Jahahahahahaha!" laughed the king of Greece.

"I never heard of that saying, did you just make that up?".

While I listened to the rulers bickering, Shawn whispered in my ears. "These people are full of themselves. They each believe they cannot lose, are you going to be okay?"

Hmm, I know why he is worried. Unlike the rest of them, I don't exude the same level of confidence as a Victoria or Alexander. Nor do I see myself radiating a dangerous vibe like Ashoka or Louis. Even King Joseph seems a little too relaxed giving the situation. No one thinks they are going to lose, but their can only be one winner in the Crown War. Meaning out of the six of us, five of us will suffer a crushing defeat. The hard reality is, overconfidence is a double edged blade. The fellow rulers who are currently in this room should know this before the war starts.

"Overconfidence isn't everything lady and gentlemen. So let's communicate with a bit more sense of reason shall we?". None of us know the true capability of each other so all the ramble and boast is useless. "You're absolutely right Caesar! Confidence doesn't mean everything. If we all have a crap ton of it then the deciding factor will be our kingdom, soldiers, intellect, strength and so on. That should give me an edge don't you think? When it comes to battle, no one here can be compared to me". There he goes again with that overconfidence. Alexander laughs off the words he just spoke.

"You say intellect but you don't strike me as a smarter guy then I" Louis grinned.

"Affirmative, I'd say Louis beats you men when it comes to intellect". Ashoka could be heard giggling to himself when Elizabeth backed up Louis. The gathering of us rulers were exactly as I thought it would have been. Some of us argued with each other while others talked casually. Ashoka, Victoria and Alexander threw insults at each other while Louis, Joseph and I began a peaceful conversation.

"Honestly, I don't mind not becoming the king of kings. What I do is care about who becomes the next king of kings. I'd like that someone to either be me, Caesar or maybe the queen. We have the same ideals I think. So if any of the three of us becomes Solomon's succesoor I'd be satisfied with that outcome" said Joseph.

Did he really just say that!?