Chereads / To Slay A Goddess / Chapter 80 - Into The Darkness

Chapter 80 - Into The Darkness

The Slum squad gathered at the familiar alley near the academy in the Roman capital. Kellen looked around to make sure there wasn't anyone else around their group. Fortunately, this spot was not very busy since it was just a dead end amongst the many that surrounded the streets of the academy's grounds.

"Is this the meeting place?" Asked Strom, who walked over to Kellen while scanning their surroundings.

"Yeah, but it looks like our main group isn't here yet…" Trailed off Kellen as he searched for any signs of Axus's group.

"Hey… Why are we at our spot?" Whispered Tommy, after walking over to Kellen's other side.

"Don't worry about it… You'll find out soon enough." Replied Kellen while feeling a small amount of shame beginning to churn in the bottom of his stomach. He had brought his friend here like they had agreed upon before, but now that they were actually proceeding with the plan, he was starting to have some doubts.

"Whatever asshole." Snickered Tommy quietly. The sly boy was obviously just relieved to be able to skip out on his grueling training he was forced into under Marcus.

Kellen nervously laughed softly. Tommy was a friend he had finally grown used to, but he understood that their problem right now was much bigger than just the two of them.

This Order and their objectives would not bode well for them, especially him. He needed to get those sealed blood cores back from the artifacts, no matter the cost. Only the Descendant Order stood in his path to ultimate power. His main goal remained unchanged, that being revenge, but after getting to know some of the residents of this strange world, his plans began to shift slightly.

While they waited for a few moments for the main group to arrive, Kellen thought about his wants and needs. The blood cores were a sure way to quickly amass power, and he was now under the guidance of one of the strongest people he had met since coming here. The path he grudgingly followed for power was already laid out. Plus, he wouldn't be lacking any experience after his training with Osiris in the mindscape and from all the wars and battles that were prevalent on the continent.

With the Descendant Order beginning to act more brazenly, it also meant there would be many more fights waiting for Kellen in the foreseeable future as well. But what about his new companions? After being isolated for so long both at the laboratory and after arriving in Xystenia nearly a millennium ago, he was still not used to the warm interactions he got caught in with the people surrounding him.

Strom was like a caring and cautious older brother, while Marcus was the hearty and comedic one of the group who somehow always seemed to lighten the mood. Ceric, the biggest clean-freak Kellen had ever met, was tentative and supportive. Finally, there was Tommy, who reminded him a lot of his old friend Thomas, that he had lost ages ago. The devious prankster made him feel as if his old buddy had traveled through time and space to make trouble with him once again.

Taking all of this into consideration, Kellen wondered whether he truly deserved the companionship of such people. He had sworn his life away to vengeance. It was a cruel pact that most found lonesome. In fact, it should be lonesome. Since in the end, revenge often was a double-edge sword that struck back at its wielder.

Kellen didn't understand why he dragged his new friends into such a mess. He didn't want to lose them as a price of his personal vendetta. But at the same time, he just couldn't let them go.

'I guess I'm still just a weak fool…' He bleakly thought.

After being alone for so long, it was quite obvious that he would be weak to such attachments that filled the emptiness he felt.

"Hey, I was only kidding… Why make such a long face?" Said Tommy as he nudged Kellen's shoulder. He had noticed the dark expression that Kellen had adopted and assumed it was because of his rude remark.

Kellen shook his head to be rid of the intrusive thoughts.

"It's nothing, you don't need to worry… I'm glad to be back with the group." Replied Kellen as he offered an assuring smile despite his melancholic mood.

Axus's group interrupted them as they arrived in a hurry. The short legionnaire was followed by a group of twenty men all adorning sparkling armor similar to that of the legionnaire. Kellen noticed that most of the men utilized spears with the remaining being fitted with short swords.

"Seems like his image is quite popular…" Murmured Kellen as he watched the group gather along with their squad.

Axus walked over to Strom and nudged his side with his elbow saying, "Thanks for making it captain."

Strom nodded his head with a warm smile on his face to greet his old friend.

"Kellen filled me in on the situation. I've only told Marcus and Ceric the details… I was unsure about what to do with your son." Strom quietly explained to the legionnaire.

Axus looked over to his son that glared back at him beneath his grown light blue hair.

"He'll find out soon enough. We just need his help as a guide." Replied Axus while signaling to his men.

"Right…" Murmured Strom under his breath as he turned and walked back over to Kellen and Tommy.

Kellen nervously looked up to Strom for their orders.

"Tommy, lead us to the kingdom you guys were telling me about a while ago. We need the fastest route." Said Strom with an understanding look in his eyes.

Tommy looked past Strom at his father's back before lowering his eyes. He was clearly agitated now that his father was involved but the kid responded to the affirmative nonetheless.

"Alright… Just keep him away from me as much as possible." He said in a low voice before walking away sulking.

Strom nodded in acceptance while closing his eyes for a brief moment. He knew that this was asking a lot from their newest recruit. After spending more time with the rascal he discovered the issues the boy had with his father, but he never pressed him on it.

Tommy would come around to him in his own time and family matters were definitely not a strong suit of his anyways. However, he would always offer an ear or a shoulder should the kid ever need it.

Turning over to Kellen, Strom issued his command, "Watch out for him, okay. I need you to make sure he stays on task."

Kellen bowed his head slightly in affirmation of his orders. He also knew of Tommy's issues, but in this situation, who was he to offer any kind of advice. The best he could do is offer his silent support and make sure his friend didn't find any trouble.

It was only Daren's educated guess that the Descendant Order would be traveling to this particular void gate since its location was relatively close. However, that didn't necessarily mean they would find them there. At least, that was what Kellen secretly hoped amidst his conflictions.

Axus had managed to steal the void ring off of the man's severed arm in their last encounter, but that didn't mean they didn't have another means of using the gate. According to what Axus had said, void travel seemed to be only a recent discovery in the empire, so they didn't completely understand what they were actually dealing with here.

Kellen followed after Tommy's trailing footsteps as he watched over his friend that was carefully feeling the bricks that made up the wall.

Tommy slammed his fist against one of the bricks. It slowly sank past the surrounding bricks before it stopped with a click. The surrounding ones gave way as well, revealing a slender passage-way that led to their "secret spot."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Said Tommy with a slight tinge of sadness in his voice.

Kellen could understand his friend's disappointment. After Tommy had brought him here before, the conversations they shared in these dark tunnels had solidified their unique friendship. It was a shame that such a place couldn't have been preserved for their use only. But the actual significance of the hiding place was much graver than Tommy could have even imagined.

They all proceeded into the winding tunnels hidden beneath the Roman capital. The light provided by the white glowing halo around Axus's spear, light blue crackling lightning of Strom's sword, and Kellen's flaming longsword illuminated the dim passages.

Instead of torches, they opted for the uniquely wielded light sources since they could be extinguished quickly if needed. The energy cost of such trivial usage was negligent and would not be taxing even if they needed to fight eventually.

Kellen waved his hand over the familiar carvings and murals lining the walls of the passage that began to finally appear as they delved deeper into the capital's underground.

He wondered what kind of expressions and reactions he would witness from his companions when they saw the harrowing sight that lay in wait for them below. The petrified kingdom had left a ominous impression on him when he had first come down here, but of course, he knew the real truth behind the catastrophe.

The sinister artifact that had frozen a lost kingdom in time was indeed frightening. But, what was even more bizarre was that the raw power of the artifact, which caused this, was now a part of him.

He looked down to the back of his right hand and stared at the faint glowing marks that slowly pulsed in harmony with his heartbeat.

'It was the right choice. We can't let them get a hold of such devastating power.' He resolutely thought to himself.

When Tommy and he first ventured down here, there was no need for bringing a light source. However, the dimly glowing red light that once lined the passage-way they now stepped into was gone. Thus, leaving the entire path to the Myria Kingdom shrouded in darkness. If not for the light provided by the three men, it would have been difficult to navigate the winding dark tunnels.

"We're back…" Stated Tommy as he stopped at the end of the passage which opened up to a steep cliff.

Kellen walked over to the side of his sullen friend and gazed down from the ledge they stood on. They had returned. It hadn't been very long since their previous venture, but the sight that greeted them now was nothing when compared to before.

The petrified kingdom that spanned across the immense cavern in front of them was hidden by the darkness now present. The strange red mist and glow from the blood core had been absorbed and no longer provided any ambient lighting.

Kellen couldn't decide whether the absence of the ominous light made the kingdom seem any less dreary.

The rest of their group crowded the wide ledge after everyone caught up to them and peered over it as well.

"So somewhere down there is an entire city…" Murmured Strom as he tried to find any distinguishing structures obscured by the darkness.

"Let's head down. Everyone, be careful… We don't know if the Order is here yet or not, so keep an eye out and a hand on your weapon." Instructed Axus, who began to descend the stairs carved out into the side of the cavern beside the ledge.

Kellen and Tommy followed behind the group. Kellen slowed his pace after noticing his friend beginning to fall behind from the rest.

"What's up?" He asked after seeing Tommy finally come to a halt on the stone staircase.

"What aren't they telling me.... You telling me?" Tommy asked as he meaningfully looked at Kellen with a serious expression.

"What part?"

Tommy shook his head and hit the side of the stone cavern with his fist while saying, "Aren't we friends? This was our spot to begin with! I understand about the gate and all that we found but still…"

Kellen was waiting for this moment. He had been surprised by the cool composure Tommy had kept until this point, but his energetic friend probably couldn't have held it in much longer.

Kellen paused for a moment before answering, "This is bigger than just us, Tommy. Didn't you want peace? I thought we talked about all of this the last time we were here."

Tommy rubbed his temple with his dusty hand while trying to remain composed. He knew what Kellen was saying made sense but it just wasn't fair. Why did those who were never involved in such wicked things ever need to be involved?

"I'm not a fool… Alright? I know about the Descendant Order. You guys didn't need to tell me anything. Just my dad being seriously involved in this is enough to guess that." He said with annoyance.

"But this obsession is insane. They're just chasing shadows!"

Kellen pitied his naive friend. Just like Thomas, Tommy was an innocent that shouldn't have to engage in such troubles. But because of his father and now him, he was being dragged into the conflict he had always hated.

But what Tommy last said wasn't exactly wrong. They were chasing shadows and ones that would swallow them whole if they weren't careful. However, Kellen was prepared to burn all such doubts.

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