Chereads / What is "Room"? / Chapter 2 - I

Chapter 2 - I

Kyong POV

"5... 4...3...2...1..."


I heard Appa groan and turned around and hit the annoying clock that we have on the counter in the room. The annoying sound stopped immediately, making me open my eyes wide at Appa's hand, it turned off the annoying clock with his hand. It's magic!

I turned to look up at the skylight and saw the blue sky, no fluffy white whip cream just the blue sky. Appa says that the white whip cream shows up later today.

Speaking about today, today is my 5th birthday! I'm so old now but not tall, which gets me mad because Appa is wayyyyy more older than me.

He's so smart and he even has magic, Appa loves cooking and he loves doing chores, he says it keeps him busy.

I turned around to look at Appa who was still sleeping. Dumbo Appa! He probably stayed up all night talking to Noin again.

"Appa..." I pushed Appa's shoulder making him groan again. His full lips opened up slightly making me groan and cross my arms.

"Appa! Wake up! I'm five!" I said a bit louder making him groan again and open his eyes to look at me.

"I'm up." My Appa said making me smile at him and hug him good morning. I felt him hug me back, making my smile even bigger.

"Appa, I'm five!" I said again making Appa let out a deep laugh he does in the morning. I always liked the way it sounds.

"I know, you're so big~" He smiled as he started to tickle me.

"Hey, you know what we're gonna do today?' My Appa said raising his eyebrows made me gasp.

"A birthday cake?" I asked, making my Appa smile and nod.

"Mhm, a birthday cake."

I gasped again, I immediately sat up straight in bed and looked at Appa.

"Like the one on TV?" I asked Appa and nodded at me.

"Except that we're making a real one," Appa said. I smile and jump in bed.

"Okay but first, let's get cleaned up," Appa said, making me smile and nod.

I started to take off my shirt along with my white underwear. Appa started to take off his clothes too as he set up the bathtub for us.

This is our regular morning bath, we also wash the clothes there while we're taking the bath.

The room is small, so we only have a single bed, a wardrobe, a TV, a stove, and a small fridge. Appa said we only need these things to keep me happy.

I love Room.

The room is the best, it goes in every direction and it never stops. Sometimes I play that I'm in a different universe with the aliens and run around.

It makes Appa angry because he says there's no space for me to run.

But I love running, me and Appa play laps around Room and that keeps us busy.

As we were taking our bath, I brushed my long hair with fingers, my hair is so long, it reaches the back of my lower back and Appa says I look pretty.

I love my hair, that's where my strength is. If I ever feel weak, I just grab my hair and play with it, then I feel like a superhero.

"Here, let me brush it," Appa said, making me smile and turn myself around so my back is pressed against Appa's chest. He brushes my hair so it doesn't get knots all over, Appa said if I get knots all over my hair, he will cut it and I don't want to cut my hair.

I felt the brush go down my hair, it yanked a bit of the knots making me nervous, I didn't want Appa cutting it.

"Okay Kyong, you're all good, grab that towel and wrap it around you like a burrito," Appa said, making me nod and stand up from the tub. I grabbed a large towel and put it around me, I smiled at the warmth.


"Appa, I'm hungry~~" I whined as I smelled the fresh cake inside the oven, it smelled so good, it made me want to take it out and eat it already but Appa said I have to wait until the cake is done and it cools down.

"Appa~~" I whined again making Appa grunt and turn towards me with that look that scares me. He gives me that look when I'm being bad or doing something that's not good.

I immediately shut up and sat down on the chair with my arms crossed.

"Don't worry Kyong, it's almost done." I groaned as I dropped my head on the table making Appa turn back to the oven and look at the cake.

He said that a couple of seconds ago which seemed so long.

I want my birthday cake.

"Okay~~" I heard Appa say, I turned around to look at him with a smile. A big birthday cake was pulled out of the oven by my Appa.

Appa let it sit on the stove making me huff, knowing that Appa is going to tell me to wait. I looked at Appa as he set the cake down and waved at the cake a little to cool down.

"Appa, is it done?" I asked as I saw the cake, already wanting to eat it.

"Yes but it needs to cool down, for now, I want you to fix the bed and put your clothes away. Remember, you're a big boy now~" Appa said with his sweetest voice. I huffed and did what he said.

Appa is very sweet but when he's angry, he's scary.

I started to do the things Appa told me. Some of my clothes had a superhero on it. Like iron man or spiderman.

My favorite superhero is Iron Man, sometimes I play around as if I'm the Iron man. Appa says it's cute but I always tell him Superheroes are not cute, they are fearless.

As I was putting my clothes back in the basket where we keep our clothes, I felt Appa tap my shoulder, I turned around and saw him with the cake in his hands.

He placed it in front of me with a smile, the white frosting coated the top of the cake and it had the number five written on top. It made me smile but it was missing the most important thing in the cake.

A candle, it can't be a real cake without the candles. If it doesn't have the candles on the cake then it's not a real cake.

"Tada~," Appa said as he sat down next to me with a smile making me feel a little happy but not completely.

"Now the candles!" I cheered as I turned towards Appa, he shook his head at me and looked at the cake.

"We don't have any candles," Appa said, I frown and huff.

"You said we were making a real cake, that means candles on fire," I said to my Appa angrily. Appa sighed and looked at me.

"Kyong, we need to get things that we really need. Just try your cake." Appa said, making me angry, and turned my head.


"Kyong come on, eat it."

"I SAID NO!" I yelled at Appa, he groaned and covered his face with his hands. I heard him sniff making me hug him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell." I hugged Appa tight, I felt him hug me back making me hum. I really didn't like yelling at Appa but sometimes I hate it when my Appa doesn't have the things I want.

"It's okay baby, I just couldn't get the candles, Noin wouldn't bring it," Appa said, making me groan and sit up.

"Next day when I turn six, you better tell Noin to get candles for my birthday," I said against Appa's chest, making him chuckle and rub my back.

"Next year, you mean." Appa groaned as he patted my head and gave me a kiss on the cheek.


"Alright, let's get to sleep," Appa said, making a huff because every night I have to sleep in a wardrobe, it's comfortable but it's little.

I stood up from the chair and walked towards the wardrobe and just stood there looking at it.

"Why can't I sleep with you right now?" I whined as I looked up at Appa, he shook his head and picked me up. He laid me down on the wardrobe and gave me a small smile.

"Because Noin sleeps with me and where would he sleep if you sleep with me. I promise I'll take you out once Noin left." Appa said making me huff but still get comfortable in the wardrobe.

Appa started to cover me with the blankets, I kept looking at Appa, he was really pretty. I myself even wanted to be as pretty as my Appa. But he is always sad or grumpy.

He finished covering me up, making me smile, and place my hand on my Appa's cheek.

"Can you sing?" I asked my Appa, making him huff but nod.

"I'm afraid I won't see you after this tonight, the eyes that are so transparent, the touch I'm so used to, And the face that smiled at me, I wonder if I can see you again~~"

Appa's voice made me yawn and smile softly as I heard his voice. I love his voice so much.

"I wish you every day and you with me every day. When the moon goes down and the sun rises, you're not with me~"

"If I close my eyes, I'll think of all the times we've been together. If I close my eyes, I'll only think of Only happy memories~"

I yawned again and soon fell asleep.


I groaned as I heard the beeping noise, I thought it was the alarm but I was in the wardrobe and it was still dark. So I guess it must be still late at night.

"You're still up." I heard another male talk making me sit down right and look through the little crack in the wardrobe.

"I wanted to know if you got the groceries." I heard Appa saying, making me smile knowing Appa was there.

"What am I? Your mate?" Noin sounded mad but he also was laughing. And what is a mate?

I didn't hear Appa say anything again making me wonder if Appa went to bed or anything.

I heard shuffling, like plastic bags shuffling.

"What is that? A birthday cake?" Noin said, making me lean closer to the little crack in the wardrobe. I saw Appa nod and start putting the food or things that old Nick bought.

"How old is the kid again, four? You should've told me, I could've gotten him a gift."

"Five," I whispered as I saw Noin eat the cake.

"An incident happened at work today, I got fired."

"What? What happened?" Appa seemed upset.

"There wasn't enough equipment to fix the car so I got upset at the guys and just trashed the place."

"Are you kidding me? You threw a tantrum for stupid things!? How are you going to gain money now!?"


I gasped as I heard the shouting, I grabbed the blanket and covered myself. I started to shake under the blanket.

"Hey, buddy." I heard Noin say, making me shake again.

"He's asleep." Appa's voice sounded soft yet powerful.

"I don't think so, do you keep him there all night? What, does the freak have two heads?"

"Come to bed. Please." Appa said, making me uncover myself and lookout by the crack of the door. I saw that Noin was close to the wardrobe and I didn't notice.

"Please? Does Omega want me that bad?"

What's an omega?