Emmy pov
Today has been a great day since most of my senses were shot earlier in the day. I like how Allison is always acting in the dark anymore because of her scar. I'm glad she is out and about now and in somewhat of a better life than before.
Later that day
Shot is going down hill. I keep messing up the diner sense and I'm starting to get a little droopy. I have to pull it together. "Okay everyone 5 minute break" we all leave the seat and go to the dressing rooms, when i sit in the chair i put my head down on the table and just keep it there. I have a pounding headache and I'm hot as hell in this dress, even though it's freezing cold on set today "hey emmy how's it going" Justin came up sitting beside me. "I'm fine just a stomach ache is all" i said lifting my head up giving a faint and obviously fake smile," are you sure cause no offence but you look like you got ran over by a truck" he said patting me on the back"thanks alot justin" i get up and leave the room almost stumbling over my own two feet.
I walk down the hall back to set and wait out the rest of the five minutes as I set bullets, my god what's happening. I ask myself as I heard the director call us back on set. I take a deep breath and walk back onset wiping away the sweet and making myself look presentable, I walk onto set and the filming starts.
Your pov (the watcher)
[None of this is cannon just a little AU of the events]
Allison other have been sitting there for hours now and the police have shown up and protesters are outside demanding rights, the waiter pures the hot coffee on allinsons lap burning her she gets up in a panic and is grabbed by a officer and pressed onto teh counter as the white waiter laughs and lyells in her face "HAHA this is why you nigger girls should learn your places behind the men" ths makes allison made but she is unable to do anything. Things soon escalate into a fight between ray and the officer and the officer is beating him down with a baton.
Emmy pov
I couldn't feel anything. I was starting to black out. It's hot as all the balls in this room. I can't keep my eyes open. I give up knowing I can't fight it anymore. The last thing I hear is someone asking me if I am okay.
Your pov
Emmy just passed out and no one has any idea what the hell is going on, a medic runs onto set and helps lay her on the floor. They come to the conclusions she's alive but she's burning up and sweating profusely," um what are we going to do '' someone asked from the crowd of people. Everyone is silent for a second before emmy wakes up again,"okay good your awake are you feeling well" the medic asked helping her sit up as to not allow her to strain herself "i have no idea who you are and where i am" she said as she looking around with visible confusion in her eyes, "emmy are you sure you don't know where you are or who we are" Yusuf her costar asked as he slowly walked towards her.
"Emmy you are a actor whos in a netflix show you've been doing this show since 2018, i'm your co star Yusuf and everyone here you know the names of'' he said bending down to try and make her feel comfortable again, "I really don't know who any of you are in the slightest, even if i did know who you are i don't remember" she said getting up off the getting up. " Okay everyone the day has wrapped and we'll see what we can do till then" the director said as everyone began to walk off set. In the dressing room she was no different; she knew onions' names and forgot basically everything about who she lived with, and any other memories, justin thought she was joking around until she said she didn't remember ever being in hamilton.
"Emmy, you're not joking, are you?" he said, sitting beside her as she got out of costume,"I really don't know," she said, sitting her wig on the table. "You don't even remember being in the hamilton company?" he asked with a bit of a confused tone, she shook her head no before falling out of her chair over the trash can. She began throwing up huge amounts of vomit at once. "Emmy now you're going to the hospital" he scrambled to find his phone before a big ball of light emerged from behind, he slowly turned around to see emmy in the corner of the room glowing a blue light. "Emmy um… is this a joke" he said reaching for the door, " she shook her head no " i dont know whats happening!" she said in a panicked tone.
He went to open the door and in a split of a second he was hugging him, "emmy what are you doing" he asked as the light started to come from him as well. They both were now letting off a bright glow and threw the windows of the dressing room. Everyone stared confused until they heard a big boom. Everyone rushed into the room to see Emmy and Justin laid out on the floor and the air filled with smoke.
Emmy pov
Everything just blew up, am i dead. I opened my eyes and I'm home. I was just on set with everyone, I said slowly, sitting up in bed looking around. I saw Daveed asleep next to me and moose and Luna sleeping in their beds as well, was all of what just happened to fake a dream. It felt like whatever the light was, was eating away at me in hurt but didn't at the same time. I look at everything in the room and then my stomach turns, I get out of bed and run to the bathroom throwing up whatever I may have eaten in the toilet. When I'm done after maybe 5 minutes I lean against the wall and cry until I feel someone's hand pat me on the back,"emmy are you okay" daveed said sitting next to me on the floor as he pulled me in his arms effectively comforting me.