Chereads / Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction) / Chapter 74 - Ch. 71 Mad scientist Magnus

Chapter 74 - Ch. 71 Mad scientist Magnus


"Heart rate, steady. Breathing, steady. Blood pressure, healthy. Temperature, several degrees below average but within the expected parameters."

"Good, good, and the other?"

"All vitals are also within healthy parameters. However, the rate of development is much slower. It is speculated to be due to species differences."

"So everything is moving according to plan?"

"Yes, the recent mass layoff is slowing our progress more than anything else."

"It's unfortunate but we will have to make do with what we have."

"Still, we are prepared to move into phase two."

"Excellent…begin preparations immediately."

"Another overwhelming success soon to be had. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Magnus what are you doing?" Turning on the lights Morgiana found Magnus alone in a large room. There were odd machines with flickering lights, cables and tubes all about the room, most alarming were the two giant test tubes each containing a body suspended in green liquid. Magnus was looking back at her with a surprised look on his face wearing a white lab coat, thick rubber gloves, and safety goggles.

"M-Morge? What are you doing here?" Magnus dropped his clipboard.

"Why can't I ever find you doing something normal? There's so much you could be working on and this is what I walk into? What am I even looking at?"

"You know this is my private wing of the Pendragon estate? I don't even let the servants come over here, you shouldn't be over here either!" Magnus snapped.

"Well… I thought all the fun stuff (Magnus's experimental weapons and explosives) would be over here…and didn't you say what's yours is mine?" Morgiana said defensively. "Wait, that's not the point! What is this room? What are you doing to those two? And who were you talking to? I'll destroy everything if I don't like your answer." Her hand went towards her sword.

"(Isn't this my house? I'll have to upgrade security if she can get through this easily.)" Unable to escape Morgiana's interrogation Magnus decided to come clean. "If you must know, this is my genetics lab…Well Mad Scientist Magnus'."

"Mad scientist Magnus?"

"Yes, one of my altered clones. I have to fill in for him since my clones can't run errands for me during the year. Come let me introduce you to my newest creations." He motioned for her to come closer. "I didn't realize it until a friend pointed it out recently, but I have a penchant for experimentation. Especially with powers and their effects on people. Mad Scientist Magnus was 'commissioned' to learn all about that stuff for me. He's been working in secret for me for some time, but I've kept it all under wraps. Until now that is...nosy brat. We came to the conclusion I can't count on certain people to do certain things so I'll just make people for the job. Utilizing research my spies have stolen from Aizen and Zeref, Mad Scientist Magnus started this."

"Ohhh, that's not strange at all…"

"(What's with that disgusted expression?) I'm just going to ignore that and move on. Someone we know is too stiff to make an heir for the revived Uchiha clan anytime soon…so meet our 'cousin' Mugen." In the first tube was a young man who strongly resembled Madara with waist-length dark rose-colored hair and a black teardrop mark under each eye. "I made him using genes from the witch queen and grandpa. Would you believe I only needed a hair from each of them? He's looking pretty healthy so far. And that one doesn't have a name. I-"

"Let me guess that's a Gali clone, so you're giving him naming rights. I'm assuming you're expecting Gali to learn the 'naming' skill over this year to make it more special, but you did something so he'll be loyal to you." Morgiana stated. "Their faces are almost identical; this one just has white hair and looks older. Did we not learn our lesson about cloning him?"

"You're mostly correct… If I remember right aren't you the one who watched him do that."

"I-I was curious to see what would happen at first, no one told me my biggest headache in life would be born from it" Morgiana groaned. She just shook her head at the thought of Galilea. "Please don't make another her."

"Don't worry I won't, she is only slightly less useless than her brother so I have to be careful with this one."

"What's your reasoning behind making him?"

"Like I said, I especially can't count on useless Gali to rule a province. Sadly, not even as a demon king so I took it upon myself to make a perfect demon king."

"Leo or Asta wouldn't be a bad choice in his stead."

"I'm not sure they'd give up the hero work for it so I wanted a failsafe. After isolating only Galileo's demonic genes from a tooth of his, I added cells from different demons that died during the war. I thought something different would come out but Galileo's genes are just that much stronger than the others."

"I see…Alright gimmie a lab coat."

"What for?"

"I'm going to help you, why else?"

"Huh? You looked like you were going to shut me down a minute ago."

"I won't lie I am a little disturbed by this whole thing but since you're already this far I want a clone too. Plus, Camelot didn't have a lab, so I've never seen one before…" Morgiana tied her hair back "I'm ready to get started."

Magnus was overjoyed to have his little sister join his want to join in his work willingly. "Hahahaha! Yes! The Pendragon brother-sister duo are at it again! (Look at me helping my little sister learn about science, I'm such a good big brother.)"

"(It's so much work going along with him and his randomly excessive shenanigans…I'm such a good little sister)."

"OK assistant-"

"Doctor Morgiana," she corrected. "I'm working with you, not for you."

"Fine, fine I get it. I'm like Frankenstein and you're like Igor."

"Igor? Who's that?"

"A brilliant mad scientist from an old novel. She's super cool and strong too."

"Hmmm, I like the sound of that. I can live with being Igor," she agreed completely oblivious to Magnus' internal laughter.

"Alright let's get to work." Magnus handed her a set of lab gear. "It's going to be a bit of a challenge this late in the game getting your clone started."

"What Pendragon shies away from a challenge?" She spent all her life learning, how much harder could it be to learn genetics? "It'll be a piece of cake" she said confidently as she put the gear on.

"(Such arrogance, it's enough to make me cry sometimes.) We have to build another incubation chamber for her and then start isolating the genes we're going to lead with. After that, we're going to start the process of animating these two."

"Ok. Hmm? what's this?" Morgiana's attention was stolen by a thick black book titled 'Results'. Flipping through the pages she read accounts of experiments carried out by Mad scientist Magnus. Some dating back to before Magnus' arrival in the capital all the way up until just a few days ago. It's clear this was something Magnus spent a lot of time doing. "My you've really been putting in work…" Morgiana was most shocked by the fact that no one was safe from being a test subject. Himself, the other Pendragons, Galileo and his group, other nobles, the captains, his subordinates and employees, even random commoners it didn't matter to him at all.

"I never consider improving my surroundings as work."

"It shows."


No. 25 Operation- Common army(success)

Subject- commoners of Hodge

Problem- As the sole noble and protector of Hodge, I know I'm going to need help maintaining order here. Being so close to the neutral zone, the magic knights can hardly be relied on even though the area is much more prone to attacks from bandits and outside forces. As it currently stands everyone I did not train up personally won't provide me with much support, therefore I must take it upon myself to raise the standard of power along with the standard of living.

Solution: After building a strong enough following, I created a school/university for uneducated commoners of all ages to facilitate their education, learning a trade, and modern life skills. It also offers basics in self-defense and survival skills like; tracking, swordplay, hand-to-hand combat, mage craft, ninjutsu, spiritual techniques, martial arts, etc. Further education can be pursued at advanced facilities throughout the city. After raising the bar a system of merit rewards was implemented to make them work harder towards my goal. Also sold many ability enhancing drugs(nothing harmful) as candies and drinks to the public to increase their overall potential.

Update: It was a roaring success, I have quickly gained a fighting force not far from the capital's power and my army looks at me like a savior. As more come into power, it will be necessary to increase the incentives for my soldiers continued success ratio.

"(Sounds about Magnus…)" Morgiana thought.


No 179. Operation- Crown Jewels(Failure)

Subject- The King

Problem- After visiting the capital for the first time, it has been made painfully clear Gali has done little to improve the state of the nation or the power of the people. The king is tragically the most useless (his unwarranted arrogance is an eyesore), and is unwilling to be instructed. Therefore, I will increase the king's power discreetly myself.

Summary – Secretly replaced the King's royal scepter, rings, chains, and crown with an identical copy only each gemstone is magically infused with various spells and enhancements. The king would eventually absorb the magic making it his own thus giving him the appearance of still having latent potential abilities. Unfortunately, the king is as unlucky as he is stupid, he threw the items away and had new jewelry made on a whim. Then had the nerve to call it all junk…ingrate. Jewels have since been collected and given to suitable users.

"(Wow… how does Lumiette come from someone like him? Her mother must be really special.)"


No. 992 Operation- Emperor's contract (Success)

Subject: Magnus Pendragon

Problem- With low loyalty among greedy subordinates becoming an increasingly troublesome issue in business and politics, I need a means of assuring my wellbeing from the untrustworthy ones.

Solution- By combining the heavenly suppression with fuinjutsu I have created the 'Emperor's seal'. By making a contract with my subordinates we become spiritually linked. Failure on either parties' end to complete said contract will result in death. It also prevents them from raising arms against me or lying about matters pertaining to the contract.

"(Remind me to never make a deal with Magnus.)"


No. 1331 Operation- Team Gali (success…ish)

Subject: Galileo Vermillion and his disciples

Problem- Seeing how little Galileo cares for training seriously, I can only feel sorry for his little set of disciples. Lumiette, Yuno, and even Leo are all fairly competent and enthusiastic about the chance to learn from him, yet he's lazy trash so they aren't growing as fast as they could. I feel a little bad for them all, so I'll help them just this once…I have to make sure it doesn't seem like a handout or Gali won't accept them. I'm unsure as to what the results will be, but hopeful for mutations.

Summary: As a birthday gift, I gave Galileo the boosted gear Ddraig and summoned Veldora to seal inside of him, so he could learn more about being a real dragon. The mutation into the Evil void chaos dragon was a happy bonus. For Yuno, I sealed a true Roc's power inside of him (he's my little brother so Gali can't say anything), it matched his nature all too well. Lumiette was given a grace to bolster her light magic (had to trade Galileo a commandment for it), and the devil's footprint was a nice addition to Leopold's hellfire and diable jambe' techniques (I just took some of Gali's money for it and the bloodline refining pills). All underwent changes to their physiology and saw exponential growth in power. Bloodline refining pills were sold at a discount, but he doesn't need to know that.

"(Awww that's kind of sweet, he's a good friend. Really critical though…)"


No. 1458 Operation- World traveler (Ongoing)

Problem- I have recently learned that the reason so many non-Black clover characters have arrived here is primarily because of the system opening gateways to other worlds. Said gateways do not close immediately, sometimes transporting more than the intended item/person. If this is the case it stands to reason there should be a way to travel to the worlds of other series. It would be both entertaining and beneficial to see how the worlds have progressed due to our actions and directly acquire the leftover resources.

Summary- I have built numerous portals as well as tried all known spatial techniques and seals available with no success in reaching another series. Conversely, I have achieved travel to other realms such as the demon world, nether realm, heavenly realm, spirit world and several locations across the continent. Since I have not found the creator of this world, I assume the realms I have discovered are not real, but copies made for this world. At the time of discovery, these 'false' realms have been deemed too dangerous for lone exploration and will be later revisited with a suitable team. All notes on these portals have been locked away under maximum security until the time comes. The key to reaching the real heavens and meeting the gods may lie in reaching the Myriad realms Morgiana spoke of.

"Ooooh Magnus lets go world traveling and fight-"

"Absolutely not, I haven't finished preparations."


"Not a chance."



Closing the book Morgiana was all the more intrigued with Mad Scientist Magnus' work (as long as it didn't get too out of hand.) "You know brother I think I could get into this little hobby of yours. Also, you never said who you were talking to."