"You know the Pendragon girl won your little skirmish the other night?" Velgrynd said walking down the road.
"No! It was a tie." Galilea retorted.
"I won't waste my breath arguing with you over it but I can say this; one with nothing but centuries to image train, accompanied by a well-rounded royal education, and an overall better understanding of both your families' powers as well as her own, the odds are strongly in her favor."
"That can't make that much of a difference. I punched harder." Galilea thought about if the fight dragged on longer.
"Experience, wisdom, technique and creativity are all weapons too. You have to learn to use your abilities to their full potential. Even Galileo learned just throwing big blasts wouldn't work forever. He left to learn to optimize his techniques and energy control (I could've taught him that, but he had to go run off with Magnus' grandpa of all people! Ooh that pisses me off! I Should go punch Veldora's useless ass in the face!)"
"That makes sense…so why are we here?" They stopped in front of Dragon Tale
"I told Irene I'd check up on the loser brigade so she could do some revisions to her dragon slayer magic. Apparently, she'd rather stay human. To each their own I guess…" Velgrynd shrugged opening the doors.
"LOSER BRIGADE!" Usagi's keen rabbit ears heard first.
"How dare you insult Dragon Tale!"-Karasuno
"You're going to learn your lesson about disrespecting us, just like that damn golden boy!"- Jupiter
The members were distracted from their training at such an insult.
"Oh shut up, respect is something to be earned not handed out like candy." Not a single one of them intimidated Velgrynd. They all knew she had a point to. If they want a better reputation, they'll have to gain it themselves. "Be happy I brought a sparring partner for you all. This will force you beyond your limits and prove excellent training for my precious baby Lea! You may not be the best test dummies but I'm sure you can coordinate a decent challenge for her…(she needs her battle experience up quickly, and being able to fight multiple opponents will make her much sharper and more aware of her surroundings.) Are all the fabled beasts present today?"
"This isn't all of us, Shidou and Melascula are not present."-Karasuno
"Oh good I'm not worried about those two. I noticed that they're ahead of you all, so I sent them on a special training mission." Velgrynd's honesty struck a nerve with some of them.
In a desolate wasteland Melascula and Shidou find themselves face to face with scores titanic golems with incredibly durable bodies and high magic resistance. Many more lay shattered on the ground around them. They were both heavily fatigued from fighting already.
"HAHAHA! This is the type of mission that makes my heart explode!" Shidou was excited preparing for more battle.
"I thought Velgrynd wanted to help me become a true dragon, but she's going to kill me instead…most of my powers are poison! You can't poison golems! I'm at a huge disadvantage here. What am I going to do like this?" Melascula was more concerned with the fact her skillset didn't really match up to this task. "My hearts are going to explode from anxiety…"
"Well Melly, it's like we say in Clover. Time to surpass your limits!"
"*sighs* Whatever, let's get this over with…"
"Anyways, forget whatever Gali had you guys doing right now. Your training for today is going to end with a light spar."
"(She waited until we were all almost finished training and exhausted for this…)"-Bernie
"Ok who's fighting first?- Selene
"All of you!" Velgrynd grinned big. "It will be the six of you versus Galilea. Like I said she needs combat experience, and you guys will only get stronger by forcing passed your limits."
"But six versus one, let alone a little girl, is entirely unfair." -Selene
"There's no honor to be had in that."- Karasuno
"Rest assured she's a true dragon! She can handle your weak attacks and consider that you're all exhausted already. I paid Magnus (with Gali's money) to put his training formations up in the dining room since this is always where you guys seem to fight, so go all out. Any objections? No? Go get em Galilea! Remember what I told you, and no abyss!"
"Wait right here? Right now?!" Usagi's question was answered by a jettison of flames reducing half the Dragon Tale dining hall to nothing. Thick clay walls shielded the six of them from the flames, but it was quickly melting. Nice save Oogway!" Usagi said leaping over the wall with a heavy haki coated ax kick "Ten ton guillotine!"
A wings of darkness grew out of Galilea's back and turned to arms grabbing Usagi. The ground buckled under the weight of the impact but Galilea was still able to stop her. Just before Usagi was smashed into the ground tendrils pierced Galilea's dark arms
"Mane of war! Bernie's tentacles had sent her a nasty eletric shock. "This girl really ain't playin' games…" Bernie said catching Usagi when Galilea let go.
"We better taker her more seriously…" Karasuno drew his sword. "Mountain shadow swordplay: minus tempo!" Karasuno's katana glowed black and he slivered towards Galilea like an untraceable shadow. Galilea closed her eyes focusing her sensory haki and at the last second dodged and countered with an uppercut that sent him smashing into the barrier's roof but it held strong.
"Money well spent, this barrier is pretty good" Velgrynd noted as Karasuno recovered and unleased a combined spell with Jupiter.
"SHADOW THUNDERSTORM!" The two of them sent down a flurry of magically charged slicing feathers some coated in god lighting the others in darkness. Some mixed midair vanishing and reappearing with devasting explosions.
Galilea went to dodge but found sticky threads bound her to the spot. "Soothing silk bonds." Selene's calm voice could be heard from behind.
She could feel the silk sapping her strength and that attack would do some damage so she thought. "If brother won't lose to losers than neither can I!" Intense flames shout out in all directions nullifying their entire strategy. Seeing that the building withstood her attack, Galilea realized she was finally allowed to go all out. Grinning wildly her once calm aura had been allowed to run rampant.
"Hey, hey, she's starting to look like her brother smiling like that." Bernie said "Everyone mind your Ps & Qs" he yelled out.
Galilea swiftly dodged around the room as giant wooden spires erupted from where she was standing. A massive lightning coated fireball was returned to Oogway but to her surprise a swamp magic roar and the air current created by thousand brick fist from Bernie combined to amplify its force. Oogway stomped the ground and more spires erupted around Galilea and several balls of mud were spat like cannonballs. Galilea made a massive claw of darkness and swiped away everything in front of her with one swing, Before she could make her next move an incredibly heavy foot was lifting her back into the air, darkness shielded the impact but the following kicks continued to carry her higher. Galilea caught Usagi's leg and was going to pull her into one of devastating dragonified punch but Usagi looked more confident despite her situation, Galilea hadn't noticed the giant demonic whip raised above her head writhing in the air like a mad serpent. "Silk Punishment!"
"Crap!" She turned to deal with Selene but another kick from Usagi sent her flyng into a flurry of lashes from the whip. Bernie and Karasuno closed in from either side with a punch and slash respectively. Galilea pulled the whip slamming Selene into Karasuno, only to be hit by Bernie's punch. Using the moisture in the air to amplify his fishman karate, Bernie sent Galilea crashing down.
"Shadow mountain" From the crater where Karasuno landed crows spread out across the battlefield as he disappeared and shadows obscured her vison.
"(Where'd they go?…)" Galilea thought springing up.
"OI! Don't let your guard down!" Velgrynd
"Hmm!" Galilea turned around to see black lightning flying at her.
"Thunderbird's war cry!"' A huge stream of black came rushing at her destroying everything in it's path.
Galilea held out open claws "Galilea art: Dragon reaver!" Her hand glowed with a despotic black and red energy that seemed scream destructive power. She swung her claw and released a slicing attack that split Jupiter's spell in half. He narrowly dodged the attack himself; they'd never let him live getting killed twice down. "Galilea art: Elemental dragon bomb" She forced as many elements as she could fit into a bubble of darkness on her fist and compressed it tight. She gave off such murderous intent everyone in the room felt as if the attack was aiming to take their life. The room began to tremble and warp as she built up more power.
"THE GIRL'S MAD!"- Bernie
All six of them fired of a full powered blast of their own to match her attack. The following explosion blew everyone away, Galilea included, but the barrier kept everyone in the room pressed against one wall or another. Velgrynd watched the destruction just inches away from the barrier. As the smoke cleared crows could be seen flying at Galilea. A column of fire shot up around her and negated his attack, but Karasuno powered through it and landed light slash on her shoulder. Before she could act a full power kick from Usagi sent her flying into a web of silk and vines began to wrap her up. "FOOLS!" Flames hotter than anything Galilea had produced all fight incinerated the different bondings she was in. "Take this!" Galilea spit out a massive stream of water and Bernie met it head on.
"Fishman Karate: Yaminari!" His palm met the stream of water and sent a spear like shockwave back at her, Galilea was hit in her face and went stumbling backwards. Oogway came flying through the air covered in solid rock with thick thorns sticking out all coated in armament haki.
"EAT THIS STUPID RUNT!" Usagi leapt up and kicked the weaponized tortoise at Galilea full force.
"I'll end you all!" Holding one hand up and the other down in a crouching position. A purely wrathful aura swirled around Galilea as her surroundings started to fade away. "Dragon of Nil" Putting her hands in the shape of a pair of jaws, the head of a grey eastern dragon formed around them. "Devourer of the abyss-"
"DAMMIT Galilea I said no abyss, build up your basic abilities first!" Velgrynd said swatting Ooguay out of harms way. He crashed and got planted into a wall.
"Tch…whatever…." Galilea cancelled the attack.
"Wait was she just going to try and kill us just now?!"- Selene
"No question about it…."-Bernie
"She's a bigger psycho than her brother!"- Usagi
"Alright Dragon Tale that will conclude your training for today, Take it easy, but not too easy. I might bring Veldora next time, Hahaha! Come Galilea there's a dress shop I wanted to visit." -Velgrynd
"Ok…" Galilea followed after.
"Those dragons are fierce." -Bernie
"Who says we can't be just as fierce?!"- Jupiter
"We should never even consider losing a six on one! How shameful…"-Karasuno
"I'll get my strength up and beat her one on one!" -Selene
"Get in line, you can fight her after me!"-Usagi
The groups' renewed vigor inspired them to continue training.