Chereads / Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction) / Chapter 57 - Ch. 56 Half-assed ambition is still ambition?

Chapter 57 - Ch. 56 Half-assed ambition is still ambition?

"Train you? Why would I do that?" After the meeting Galileo spoke privately with Madara in another room.

"Because I need to get stronger, why else?"

"Didn't Velgrynd just move in for that reason? A dragon should be the one to teach you."

"That's why I asked the best of the dragon clan among humans to teach me."

"(Dragon clan among humans…I like that) Your vain attempts at flattery will get you nowhere. I'm much to busy to be bothered with the likes of you, managing this village takes more than enough of my time."

"You know a clone could do all of your work easily! That's why you guys invented the damn jutsu!"

"Some people take their work seriously."

"Come on. You know this Toukage stuff is boring. It's not like Hodge is in any danger either, Magnus will be fine." Of all the displays of power Galileo had seen one vs the allied shinobi forces always stuck with him the most. Who was that one? None other than Madara Uchiha. Even if this was an altered version of him, he still beat Magnus in a one on one. Besides between Veldora, Ddraig, the old dragon god in his soul he had enough teachers in his dragonic abilities. "Velgrynd can spend her time with Galilea for now, I got a lifetime to learn about what kind of dragon I am. What I need most right now is the training on my precision and technique to draw out my full power (Irene made sure I knew that)" He thought back to when she cussed him out after the demon war for sloppy magic. She ranted for a few hours when they got back to the guild, threatening to make him copy every magic textbook she owned by hand. "I can't think of a better all-around fighter than you. Even if I don't have chakra for ninjutsu I could still learn a lot from you about combat."

Madara had a good guess as to why Galileo wanted the training. However, he didn't feel he was worth the effort. "I've been learning a lot about this nation and it's happenings. The biggest events of late pertain to you and Magnus. It's evident you two will be the forefront of the upcoming generation and will likely surpass many before you. However, Magnus has gone ahead of you for one simple reason. Do you know why?"

"Why do I get the feeling the answer comes with a lecture?" Galileo sighed.

"You have limitless potential, a vast array of abilities, even a physique superior to Magnus in both strength and durability. Despite all of this your work ethic is trash, you have no ambitions. You're content as long as Magnus can't say for sure if he could beat you. Now that he's clearly stronger, you've grown restless, nervous that he'll become more and more special while you fade away. I assume a free-spirited idiot like you equates being strong to having freedom, something that would be easily restricted if someone were strong enough to stop you. Assuming I were to help you reach him you'd only get lazy again when you had your safety net returned."

"You're half right. Once I pass Magnus there's a few other people I have to beat up before I can chill. That should count as some ambition, right?"

"Is that so? Who might they be?"

"You'll see when the time comes."

"Hahahaha. What, you have a vendetta with a god?" Madara joked. "Don't tell me you already have enemies in the upper realms before Magnus?"

"(How does he keep getting everything right?) Nah nothing that serious, but we gotta get this realm in order before that can ever happen."

"True…" Madara pondered for a moment before he spoke again. "(If he's serious I could make this one into a worthy rival for Magnus who may plateau soon without any real challenges to force his growth. I'd be pleased to see my grandson break this world's seal first, but a student of mine wouldn't be bad either…) "Alright Vermillion, one year."


"In one year's time I will make you strong enough to fight Magnus evenly, if not defeat him. Wether or not you win is up to you. However, that is only if you can defeat one of my students in a friendly spar. No magic, no powers, just good old-fashioned hands."

"Heh sounds easy enough, I'm game."


At the academy training field, a small group consisting mainly of the people who came from the capital, Madara, Velgrynd, and some academy personnel gathered to watch. Galileo waited confidently in center field for his opponent. No one Madara trained could be as strong as him. Galileo's physical strength was superior to even Magnus', so who could compete with that? Answering the challenge, it was none other than his older brother Fuegoleon who strode onto the field.

"I'm fighting you Fuego?"

"Yes. I want to see firsthand how well you've been training myself Gali. I understand there will be no use of powers here, only hand to hand combat."

"You sure you wanna do this? I wouldn't want to embarrass you in front of the other captains."

"Just focus on trying not to embarrass your little group, I hear Galilea doesn't like you getting beaten up. I have faith in my training." Taking his stance.

"(And I have faith in the system. Guess who just became the Muay Thai 'God of death'?) Hope you're ready for this." Galileo took his stance as well. His new stance was very similar to a boxer's, but he balanced perfectly on one leg. The other leg was raised up with his knee out.

"What an odd form… Can he actually fight like that?" -Julius

"I doubt he would be able to, how can he move freely from one leg?"- Vangence

"Don't know I guess we'll have to wait and see."- Yami

"Indeed. Fuegoleon is a capable fighter, especially in close combat. This will be interesting to watch."- Charlotte

"Quiet insects, Galileo will win." -Galilea

"(Insects? She really must be his sister…)" -Nozel

"Stick bug is the only insect here kid." -Yami

"Piss off meathead!"- Jack

"You can do it my love!" -Lumiette

"Don't lose big bro! Wait a sec…neither of you lose!" -Leopold

Meraleona didn't say anything but leaned in closer. When it came down to it she was confident in both of her brother's combat prowess but now the question was; could overwhelming power win out over technique and experience?

"I want fish…" Lion-O was napping in Meraleona's lap.

Madara was on the sideline. "Are both sides ready?"



When they both agreed magically projected health bars floated over the battlefield with a timer for two minutes. "To make it more interesting this won't be a normal fight. The academy's training system has already factored in your abilities and will calculate how much damage you can take. Should your 'health bar' reach zero the match will be over. Now perform the seal of confrontation." Both fighters made a single-handed hand sign with two raised fingers. "Begin!

Fuegoleon took the initiative with three swift punches to Galileo's face but they only knocked a tiny bit off of Galileo's health bar.

"That health bar barely moved at all. What's Gali made of?" -Leopold

"They're just getting started. Watch." -Meraleona

Galileo followed up with a heavy punch that Fuegoleon sidestepped easily. Galileo unleashed a flurry of punches that were all dodged or blocked with little effort. Pushing Galileo's hands down Fuegoleon flicked his nose to show how easily his guard was broken. "Sloppy Gali, I thought you were training?"

"Shut up!" Galileo attacked again missing his low kick, which Fuegoleon countered with a swift chop to his throat. While Galileo was stunned by that extra hits aimed at his vital spots left him dazed and open to a heavy punch on his nose, then another and another. Soon a little over a quarter of Galileo's bar was emptied out. Staggering backwards he still seemed to be wide open, Fuegoleon seized the opportunity for a kick in Galileo's chest. Galileo grabbed his leg and swung Fuegoleon around before smashing him into the ground, but Fuegoleon planted his hands then kicked Galileo with his other foot breaking free. Fuegoleon hit the ground and rolled to the side narrowly avoiding a heavy stomp. He sprang up with an uppercut that was blocked, Galileo grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a powerful elbow jab to his stomach. Fuegoleon's bar jumped to almost even Galileo's with that single hit. "(Heheh I'm getting the hang of Muay thai now.)"

"His first clean hit! Look at how much health Galileo took!" -Jack

Galileo advanced after his staggered brother following with several more strikes mostly knees and elbows. The first couple landed taking big chunks out of Fuegoleon's bar before he could counter. Ducking the next punch Fuegoleon delivered several straight punches of his own and pushed Galileo back with a roundhouse kick. They both lunged again at the same time trading blows with increasing intensity.

"He's tenacious if anything." -Velgrynd

"It doesn't mean much if he can't hit his mark." -Madara

Their health bars told Fuegoleon was taking the lead again, as he focused on defending and countering. Galileo's stronger hits were landing farther and fewer in between. Galileo continued to miss until he stepped on Fuegoleon's foot, and was able to land one good punch at the cost of taking one himself. Fuegoleon pushed another of Galileo's punches to the side before he kicked Galileo back, and dropped an axe kick on Galileo's head. The following uppercut lifted Galileo into the air and another fist came to send him back down to the ground. Galileo powered through and grabbed Fuegoleon's head with both hands bringing it straight to his knee. "Got you now!" Galileo exclaimed as his knee smashed into Fuegoleon's face. Dazed and bloody nosed Fuegoleon jumped back. Galileo chased him putting all his weight behind his finishing punch. Fuegoleon could feel the killer intent of a raging demon rushing at him. Regaining his composure with a deep breath Fuegoleon closed his eyes and braced himself. Galileo shouted out "I WIN!" Just before his punch connected Galileo found himself being caught and flipped onto the ground with his own momentum used against him.

"DAAAMN!" -Yami

"That was so close!" -Julius

"I figured as much." -Nozel

Lumiette buried her face in her hands, and Galilea just shook her head. Leopold was only inspired further by his brothers, it was a good fight. Meraleona was thinking that her brothers are still growing, rapidly.

Galileo jumped up to see Fuegoleon smiling while pointing up. "Looks like I win." With the tiniest bit of HP remaining on Fuegoleon's bar, Galileo's was now empty.

"The match is decided! Fuegoleon is the winner!" Madara announced. "Now form the seal of reconciliation."

Fuegoleon unfolded his fist extending the two fingers used in the seal of confrontation. Galileo was upset he just cheated and lost...maybe there really was something to this hard work. He did the same and they locked fingers finishing the seal. "Good fight Gali, that knee really surprised me."

"You haven't been slacking, but I got you next time for sure." Galileo said cracking his back.

"I'll win next time too." Fuegoleon laughed.

Madara walked over to them. "Good match you two."

"Thank you, sensei." Fuegoleon said.

"Yeah thanks." Galileo grumbled.

"We'll leave one week after you arrive in the capital. That should be enough time to sort your business there out."

"Wait I thought you said you would only accept me if I won?"

"Oh I was going to take you in regardless, but you needed to see your weakness clearly first.


Along with those who initially came with him to Heart now the crew also consisted of Magnus and his family, the new dragons, and Octavius. The captains all left with the king who demanded nothing less than his full escort. With such a big crew everyone was merry laughing and joking around on the ship.

"I heard Fuego beat you up today Gali." Magnus teased.

"Piss off Magnus it's your stupid HP system's fault I lost. He only won on a technicality."

"My systems are perfect, you lost because you didn't take him seriously enough."

"Whatever. Anyways we only have a week to kick it in the capital before my next trip."

"So soon? Where are you off to?"

"Madara and I are leaving the kingdom for training. We'll be back after about a year."

"WHAT A YEAR!? Why would you make such a big decision and just now mention it?" Lumiette exclaimed. "You always do this!"

"It's not that big a deal! I'll be back."

"But anything could happen to you in a year!"

"This could be a good thing for you too Lumiette. Think about how much free time you'll have to do something other than babysitting Gali for once. He'll be in good hands with Gramps, so don't worry. You can do more activities that you've been wanting to try lately."

"Yeah, there's plenty of stuff in the kingdom to entertain you until I get back." Galileo added giving her a hug.

"Well, I've been wanting to take up a few extra studies…" she said wiping a tear.

"We just said you should do something fun." Galileo said.

"That is fun for me."


"Rude!" Lumiette punched Galileo's shoulder again.

"That's a start. Now come on you two, stop all this melodrama. You guys are the hosts after all." Magnus said.

"Sure…where were you today anyways Magnus?" Galileo asked.

"Me and the king were making arrangements for his ninja team, then we went shopping. It was actually pretty fun."

"You had fun with the king?"

"You had fun with my father?" Even Lumiette had to admit how tiresome it was being around her father.

"Yeah, when he isn't threatening to roll heads and stuff, he's one of the funniest people in the kingdom. I didn't expect him to be so cool either but hey, people surprise you. We're going to hang out some more in the capital. Oh, check out the gold chains we got." Magnus showed them the large clover shaped gold medallion he got that had the word 'finest' written out in diamonds. "Clover's finest. Pretty cool right? Right?"

"Alright we'll go socialize just put that thing away."

"You're just jealous you don't have one."

"No I'm not. Who would want that waste of jewels?"

"Galilea." Magnus noted that lurking a short distance away, Galilea was watching the chain intently. Though she tried to be discreet hiding behind a magazine, all three of them could see her undivided attention was on the medallion. "Hahahaha! Isn't she just precious? Her taste is impeccable."