Chapter 25 - It's fine


"A couple more minutes."I said in response to feeling someone wake me up.

"Ryu, wake up."But the person persisted while shaking me.

"Fine, I'm up, wha--. Hinata!"Waking up I noticed it was Hinata trying to wake me up, and I get up and hug her quickly in response.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you."I said quickly, and she giggled in response.

"It's fine Ryu, I'm fine, we're fine, so calm down."She said light heartedly trying to calm me down, and it worked.

"Ehem, I don't mean to interrupt you love birds, but I need to check on Hinata, you healed her well, but I just want to be sure she's fine."Someone suddenly said from the hospital door, looking I saw Tsunade.

"Ehh, sure, I'll get us breakfast Hinata."I agreed.

"Ok!"Hinata responded enthusiastically making me smile. Walking out the room while Tsunade stepped aside, I continued smiling, I'm happy she wasn't too effected by this ordeal.

(Third POV)

Back in the hospital room, Tsunade spoke first.

"So are you gonna tell him?"She asked Hinata.

"No, it doesn't matter anyway, right? I don't need both."

"Yes, bu--"

"IT'S FINE, Tsunade, I'll decide if I need to tell him or not, and it doesn't matter, I can still get pregnant, that's all that matters."Hinata said sternly, causing Tsunade to sigh in defeat since she's right.

"Ok, I'll listen, but you're planning to get pregnant by him, huh?"Tsunade finished asking teasingly causing her to become red in the face.

"I-I me-mean yeah..."Hinata said while stuttering.

"You know that means you have to do THAT, right?"Tsunade continued, and seeing Hinata become a blushing stuttering mess, she left satisfied with her teasing.

(Ryu POV)

Coming back to Hinata's room, I see her with a huge blush on her face confusing me.

"Hinata, are you ok?"I asked her.

"Y-yeah, just, thinking about something."She responded.

"Ok, well I got us breakfast with cinnamon rolls as a bonus!"I said excitedly changing the conversation seeing as she didn't want to talk about it.

(Later That Day)

Right now I'm in Hokage office from being summoned by Hiruzen, right now Hiruzen is seated in his chair.

"Why'd you call me here?"I as asked him.

"It's about that form you used in the battle yesterday, what was that?"Hiruzen asked me for which I was ready for already.

{So for the older readers, in the earlier chapter I changed it so he called his bending a bloodline where he has free control over the elements, that's why Hiruzen is asking this now since I changed it so it would be weird if he didn't question it.}

"That, it seems to be the next level in my bloodline, it will automatically activate if I feel extreme anger or something akin to that, or if I'm in a life threatening situation."I explained quickly.

"Ok, then, you may leave."

"Ok then, I'll see you."I said casually and left.

(1 Week Later)

"I'm gone for a week and the village get's attacked, what the hell happened?"Jiraiya asked, right now we're just walking through the village since he said he wanted to talk to me, taking a deep breath I answer all at once.

"Well Danzo kidnapped Hinata, played a mind game with me and in the end stabbed her, making me go psycho, beat him up making me think I killed him, but in the end used Izanagi so I didn't notice as I went to go save Naruto who was getting kidnapped by a half white half black human with a venus flytrap around his head, stopping him I get distracted by Danzo attacking me, me and Naruto beat him but he still had more Sharingan for Izanagi and a guy in an orange mask appeared and the half and half person grabbed my leg through the ground stopping me so I did a wide scale attack and backed away with Naruto and that's when Hiruzen and Gai appeared making the orange mask guy disappear in swirl and the half and half disappear into the ground causing Danzo to use a suicide technique and die in the end."I finish while I felt outta breath as a result.

"Ok, well that's not what I wanted to talk about really, what I wanted to talk about is why you have so much natural energy and still not a statue."He asked me, confirming my thoughts a while ago that Chi is similar to this worlds Natural energy making it practically same.

"Yeah, well due to my bloodline I have two pools of Chakra, but I didn't think the second was natural energy, but it's what fuels my powers allowing me to bend, I'm guessing my bloodline also makes me immune to the affects of natural energy."I said making an excuse.

"I see, you're so lucky though! If I had your bloodline I can easily become a perfect sage without a worry!"Jiraiya said while crying in an exaggerated way in all his anime fashion.

"If that's all, I'll see ya later then!"I said and quickly made a ball of air I rid away on before he could continue with his over exaggeration.