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ace dia crystales being a germaphobe
emperor cideon oriana
seeing things not shining makes me wanna clean them more-ace
no one makes me fall inlove and makes me defeat in my throne
man or lady try but no one is interesting let's see if someone can make my downfall and make me fall
in love - cideon
don't finish what your saying you may regret it and eat your words your majesty - will
I been thinking about her lately-
that kind of human exist here-
what that cideon thinking-
I make her life worst-
she won't make milady defeat-
that commoner can be my student-
being with her is like a fun time-
don't trust anyone-
I serve you and keep you safe-
she declined my proposal-
will they become her friend her companion or enemy
the ace killing germ machine
the emperor with looks and wealth
that she didn't need
other wants look and wealth but what she really needs is clean clean and clean
the mission starts or should I say the war will start in hmm
what's my next mission ?
what's her plan ?