Kaden: It took you a while to open the door.
Rosy: Kaden, mi amor, it's 4 am. I was sleeping.
Kaden: Take off your clothes.
Rosy: I missed you, Cielo.
Rosy will make me forget her. She always gets the job done. That's all I need. Good sex, then I will delete Della from my mind. I do not want her.
Rosy: No, It's me you want.
Kaden: You.
Rosy: Then, now and forever.
Fuck. My. Life. She doesn't smell like Della. Since when do I care how women smell? Her kisses are different. The fuck, hombre, a kiss is just a kiss. I do not feel anything when she is undressed. Why do you care?? It doesn't matter. All the skin feels the same. I do not want her. No. It's Rosy I want. Why isn't she demanding anything like Della?
Kaden: Stop!
Rosy: What is the matter, amor?
Kaden: My mind is elsewhere, Rosy.
Rosy: Who cares? All I need is your body. Kaden!!
Kaden: I'll call you, Rosy.
Rosy: Who is she? Who interfered between us?? You once said that our relationship is what you need!
Kaden: We don't have a relationship. We just fuck from time to time.
I said while leaving. I overheard her saying some crazy shit.
Rosy: Did he just leave? No one takes Kaden De Santo from me! Kaden is mine! He is mine!
Della; In the stable;
Della: Wrong, he does not belong to anyone.
Jose: Pretty sure Kaden has another story to tell.
Della: The poor horse had no option to choose his owner. If the horse could speak, not in one million years would he have chosen Kaden.
Jose: Right. Why are you at the stables at 5am? You're keeping his horse company now?
Della: Do not call him his horse! They have free spirits. No horse belongs to anyone. Wait! Where have you been?
Jose: Gosh, look at the time, I better hit the pillow, it is very late.
Della: Stay where you are, I'm not done speaking!
Jose: Why are you getting angry with me? I didn't do anything.
Della: Darn! Get back you asshole!
Jose: Find someone else to yell at.
Della: Stupid cow! Ugh!
'How can a beautiful girl like her have such a filthy mouth? She swears more than my brother does. Unbelievable, she is wild, man.' Jose thought.
Della: Bloody hell.
Back home
Mom: Where have you been? Answer me!!
Dad: Leave me alone, woman.
Mom: God, you reek of alcohol.
Dad: It was only a glass.
Mom: Stop embarrassing me, will you?
Dad: Shut up, honey.
Mom: Who were you drinking with? Tell me! I need to call them and apologize for the embarrassment!
Dad: With the Queen, call her and apologize. Have afternoon tea with her, do whatever just let me sleep.
Mom: You have work to do! Get in the shower right now!
Dad: I am so not in the mood. Please, just go and yell in another room.
Mom: You lost your focus ever since Della left! Do not embarrass me. Start acting your age.
Dad: You are the reason why I went out! All you care about is your bloody lifestyle! Take Finn out to the park and let me sleep.
Mom: We have maids for that! I have a hair appointment.
Dad: Stop yelling, woman. My head is about to explode. Go, straighten your hair and your nerves as well before you come back.
Finn: 5009000 minus 456789 equals 44111.
He is mind-blowing at numbers. Very smart at this age. I cant believe he can do the math in this head. This kid amazes me.
Jane: What are you doing, sweetie?
Finn: Finn likes numbers.
Jane: You are good at math.
Finn: Did Della come back?
Jane: Not yet.
Finn: Okay.
Jane: Shall we go outside in the garden, honey?
Finn: Okay. Maybe we will see Della coming.
My heart breaks for him. If Della doesn't come back, this kid will never survive this chaos.
Kaden; In the stable;
Kaden: Wake up, Della.
Della: Go away.
Kaden: Della....
Della: I am exhausted. Go away.
Kaden: I'll take you back bridal style.
Della: Why am I sleeping in the stable?
Kaden: Well, Della, you took the words right out of my mouth. You beat me to it.
Della: Where have you been?
Kaden: Out.
Della: Out.
Kaden: Della? Wait!
Della: What?!
Kaden: Can we talk?
Since when do I ask if I can talk to someone? What on Earth is she doing to me? Fuck.
Della: Talk.
Kaden: I don't want you to get the wring impression about last night.
Della: We are good, don't you worry. Nothing happened last night, right?
Is she mad at me? Of course, you idiot. Fuck.
Belen: Why do you have hay in your hair? Is she angry already? Sometimes I wonder if I am invisible. Good morning, jefe. Excuse me, but am I invisible?? I don't get those people.
Victoria: What's going on?
Belen: You're asking the wrong person here.
Victoria: Shall we investigate?
Belen: Go, go, go!
Della: Dude, do you mind? I want to shower.
Kaden: I'm not moving until you let me explain.
Della: What is there to explain? Everything is smooth between us.
Kaden: Clearly not since you are mad at me.
Della: I am not mad!
Kaden: Then why are you yelling?
Della: Get out!!
Kaden: See? I was right. You are mad at me!
Belen: Why are they fighting?
Victoria: Shh, I cant hear anything if your yapping at the same time.
Jose: What are you two doing?
Belen: Dusting.
Jose: With your ears pressed against the door?
Victoria: Shh, be quiet, I cannot hear anything.
Jose: Are they together in the bathroom?
Victoria: Shh!
Jose: Move aside.
Della: What are you doing?
Kaden: I fancy a shower.
Della: I was here first, get out.
Kaden: I do not plan to leave this bathroom, love.
Della: Same here, love.
Kaden: Fine.
Della: Perfect.
Belen: OH. MY. GOD!
Victoria: You owe me a hundred bucks.
Jose: Hilarious.
Victoria: I knew they liked each other.
Belen: I am not sure yet. I am keeping the money tight to my chest.
Victoria: Don't be silly, they're showering together. I am right, he is falling for her.
Jose: No, she is down for him.
Belen: Exactly. You owe me a hundred bucks.
Jose: Shh, be quiet, I want to hear what they are saying.
Della: I hate you!
Kaden: I like you!
Victoria: Haha, I won!
Belen: Darn!
Della: You like me, my ass.
Kaden: How can a pretty girl like you swear that much? Do it again.
Della: What? Swear.
Kaden: No. Laugh again.
Della: Tell me a joke.
Kaden: Right. A man tells his doctor, 'Doc, help me. I'm addicted to Twitter!' The doctor replies, 'Sorry, I don't follow you.....' What do you call an apology written in dots and dashes? Re-Morse code. Why did the Oreo go the dentist? Because he lost his fillings. Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut? He just needed a little space. What does a nosy pepper do? Gets jalapeño business! What does a biologist wear in a first date? Designer genes!
Della: Stop! Gosh, enough, my belly hurts.
Jose: He's not even funny.
Victoria: He is to her.
Belen: Does he know how to tell jokes? What on Earth?
Antonio: What's going on? Get to work!
Belen: Yes, Sir!
Jose: You scared the shit out of me, man.
Victoria: Bye.
Antonio: Not so fast, mujer.
He says before he grabs her and kisses her.
Back Home
Kiely: You came.
Dad: I'm sorry, I am late.
Kiely: Its okay....
Dad: I missed you, love. Many times I tried to tell you how I feel, but I dared not. I love you and.....
Kiely: Shut up and come here.
She said and slammed the door.