In some place of Center America, specifically in an alley, two guys were found in the place at midnight. One of them were bleeding while the other one was holding him with tears in his eyes.
— "Johny... No me queda mucho tiempo...(Johny... I don't have much time left...)" — said the man that was bleeding with breathing difficulty, who is about 25-years-old — "No importa lo que pasó hoy... solo recuerda lo que te dije cuando eras más pequeño y prométeme que... argh, pase lo que pase, siempre seguirás el camino correcto... (It doesn't matter what happened today... you just have to remember what I told when you were younger and promise to me that... argh, no matter what happens, you will always follow the correct path...)".
The boy, who is about 15-years-old, wearing a suit that appeared to be from a superhero, seemed to have difficulty to answer, but swallowing saliva was able to take out some words from his mouth.
— "Sí, hermano, lo prometo (Yes, brother, I promise)".
. . .
Since the creation of Earth, Lucifer, after his exile from heaven, has made an endless number of atrocities just to bother God. From the creation of the human being, where Lucifer manifested into a snake to influence Eva and Adan to eat the forbidden fruit, to the present, where the new heaven warrior has to defend the Earth from one of Lucifer's minions to avoid that this last one makes his biggest dream come true...
. . .
One year later in North America...
California, a state from the U.S.A that is next to the Pacific Ocean, is having a peaceful day, but that was about to change. In the southern section of the state, a disturbance ruined the peaceful day the state was having. A fissure opened in one of the streets of the city of Los Angeles, which let out a horde of demons carrying swords and began to torment the people around. The demons destroyed buildings and attacked people, killing the ones that didn't manage to escape. The police arrived at the scene and started shooting at the demons, but the demons seem to be immune to regular bullets, so the police opted instead to try to evacuate the people who were still in the area. Meanwhile, an alarm was sounding in a building, which looked like a hero base.
— "Attention to all heroes, there is a riot in the southern area of California" — someone said through a communicator — "All heroes near the area should take care of the situation as soon as possible".
Some guys wearing superhero costumes heard the announcement through a small communicator on their wrist.
— "Did you hear that, One Hand? There's a riot in Southern California and we're close to it! We should go and fix the problem ourselves!" — said the girl of about 16 years old who wore a blue shirt under a white jacket and light yellow shorts with stripes on the sides and white fingerless gloves, who had pink hair and brown eyes, a scar on her right cheek and a Band-Aid on her nose. She also wore a belt around her chest in which she carried a gray metallic staff on her back, which appears to be some kind of weapon.
— "Eh, I don't know, Crazy Wand, I don't think the problem is any of our business. Besides, they did not even give details of what exactly was causing the problem, we cannot go without knowing about the enemy or the seriousness of the situation" — said the boy of about 16 years old who wore a black kimono with orange stripes in the middle and dark gray pants, which had black and white hair and green eyes. He also wore a gray bandage on his right hand, which might have something to do with his powers.
— "Oh, come on! If we go and solve the problem they can credit us and finally become pro heroes! Besides, we haven't solved a case on our own for a long time" — the girl, Crazy Wand, begged with a cute expression on her face. One Hand seemed to disagree with the idea, but Crazy Wand continued with the cute expression on her face and managed to change his mind in the end.
— "...Maledizione (Damn it) ...Ugh, fine, let's see what the hell is going on" — the boy, One Hand, said, with a bitter expression on his face — "Just let me tell Charles we're going there". One Hand brought his communicator close to his mouth to speak to the one they call Charles. "Hey, old man, are you there?" — One Hand said. Charles heard One Hand's call and answered him.
— "One Hand, I have told you multiple times to not call me an old man because you know very well that I'm not" — replied Charles, somewhat annoyed — "What do you want?".
— "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, old man" — One Hand said in a mocking tone — "Hey, did you hear the announcement?"
— "...Of course I did, why-" — Charles asked, intrigued. Before One Hand answered, Charles realized what he was possibly going to say — "Please don't tell me you are planning to go there by yourself".
— "Of course I won't go by myself, Crazy Wand will go too" — answered One Hand.
— "Hello, Charlie!" — Crazy Wand greeted Charles in a cheerful tone. Charles, with a sour expression, replied with a sigh.
— "Guys, I can't risk you going alone to solve a problem that don't even I have information about. You guys better wait for a pro hero to take care this, got it?" — Charles said. But to his surprise, neither of them responded to what Charles asked them. "Guys? Hello??" — Charles kept asking, but getting no answer. One Hand seems to have muted the communicator, not caring what Charles was telling them and decided to go to the scene of the disturbance on their own — "...I'd better call an ambulance" — he said with a sigh. One Hand and Crazy Wand ran to the place where the riot was. They ran for approximately 5 minutes to reach the place, and when they saw what was happening, they were stunned.
— "What the f*ck am I seeing...?" — asked One Hand, shocked. Crazy Wand stares at him with an angry face.
— "One Hand, watch your language!" — Crazy Wand exclaimed around what One Hand said.
— "Sorry, sorry!" — One Hand said — "It's just that I can't believe what I'm witnessing right now...".
— "Yeah, neither do I..." — Crazy Wand said, a little worried, but that expression quickly disappeared from her face — "Well, are you ready?". One Hand stared at Crazy Wand with a puzzled expression.
— "...You are kidding, right?" — asked One Hand.
— "Hm?" — said Crazy Wand, with an innocent face.
— "Aren't you seeing what I'm seeing? There are f*cking demons everywhere! That is totally out of our range, let the cops handle this" — One Hand said. Just as he said that, a police car flew past them and crashed into a building. "...Damn it".
— "Sooooooo?" — asked Crazy Wand with a smile on her face.
— "...F*ck it, let's go after those damn demons" — One Hand exclaimed — "But if I don't get out of this alive, you'll have to pay for my funeral". Both him and Crazy Wand moved towards the place where the demons were coming out. Crazy Wand unsheathed her staff and One Hand got ready only by raising his right hand. "We must be careful, Crazy Wand, these demons come with weapons included."
— "Got it" — Crazy Wand said with a serious expression on her face. A large group of demons charged towards them. Crazy Wand pointed her staff at them, her hair turned red and shot a huge flame at them — "Bullseye!" — Crazy Wand said cheerfully, but to her surprise, the fire didn't even scratch them.
— "They are creatures from hell itself, Crazy Wand, did you expect to tan them even more?" — One Hand said sarcastically.
— "Hehe, I forgot" — Crazy Wand said with a smile on her face and scratching the back of her head. Crazy Wand pointed her staff at the demons again, her hair turning blue this time and she blasted a stream of water at the demons. Although it didn't seem to have a devastating effect, it was able to disorient the demons a bit, giving One Hand time to dash towards them with great speed and land a hit on each demon in the face. As he landed, the demons took another hit out of nowhere. The group of demons fell defeated. The heroes came closer to see them.
— "Ugh, they're even more disgusting up close" — One Hand expressed, with a disgusted face — "And to think that these things are real..."
— "Yeah... it gives me a bad feeling just by looking at it" — Crazy Wand said with a worried expression on her face. At that moment, one of the demons on the ground quickly got up to stab Crazy Wand in the back while she was distracted. One Hand, noticing this, immediately went to the demon and dealt him a tremendous blow to the face to knock it unconscious on the ground. He then proceeded to punch it in the head several times until it was completely disfigured. Crazy Wand seeing this was speechless.
— "I will not allow one of these things to hurt you" — One Hand said with an expression of annoyance on his face, while he spat on what used to be the face of the demon.
— "...Ok…" — said Crazy Wand, somewhat worried. The young heroes continued to attack the demons. While they were fighting, someone was watching them from the shadows.
— "But who the hell are they? — the anonymous entity asked itself — "None of them is the person I'm looking for. It seems that I will have to wait a little longer and watch from the skies to get a better perspective." The entity flew into the sky. While all this was going on, a boy in a superhero suit arrived at the scene.
— "Dios mío... Mira el caos que estos demonios han causado (Jesus Christ... Look at the destruction these demons have caused)" — said the 16-year-old young man who wears a black jacket with red sleeves and a blue shirt inside, dark gray shorts and black fingerless gloves . He also has brown hair, a red blindfold that covers his eyes, and a necklace, better known as a pendulum, around his neck which bears a small light red crystal. "Será mejor que me ponga las pilas (I'd better get to work)".
— "Ten cuidado, Johny, recuerda que estos demonios son muy peligrosos (Be careful, Johny, remember that these demons are very dangerous)" — warned a transparent entity that was next to the young man. This entity is known as a Guardian Angel, which advises and guides the bearer of the pendulum — "Además, sabes que estos demonios no vinieron solos (Besides, you know these demons didn't come by their own)".
— "Tienes razón, Ángel, ese tipo debe estar en algún lado cerca de aquí. Voy a lidiar con estos demonios primero y después con él (You're right, Angel, that guy must be somewhere around here. I'll deal with these demons first and then I'll deal with him)" — said the young hero with a serious face as he lit his hands on fire and started fighting the demons. One Hand and Crazy Wand kept fighting the demons, but as time passed more demons appeared and the young heroes were starting to feel tired.
— "Damn it... Do these demons reproduce like rabbits or why the hell are there so many??" — One Hand asked with a tired expression on his face and beads of sweat running down his face.
— "Oof... I'm not sure, but what I do know is that very soon I'll have to take a break or else I'm going to pass out for overusing my powers" — Crazy Wand expressed, also with a tired face and drops of sweat all over her face.
— "I could create a clone to help us out..."
— "No, don't do it yet until it's really necessary. You know very well that your resistance drops to an alarming degree when you create your clones."
— "I know, but at this rate it would be better to create one just in case." As they were talking, another large group of demons cornered them and were ready to attack.
— "...This doesn't look good" — said Crazy Wand, worried.
— "Damn it, I don't think I can kill all of these demons..." — One Hand expressed, worried.
— "What do we do now??".
— "Don't look at me, this was your idea" — One Hand answered. The demons charged at them ready to stab them with their swords. Crazy Wand put her staff on the ground, pointing it to the sky, her hair turned brown and she created a stone barrier around them to protect them against the demons. The demons, seeing this, began to hit the barrier, which was breaking little by little.
— "I don't think I can hold them any longer" — said Crazy Wand, making an effort to keep the barrier up.
— "...Crazy Wand..." — One Hand said without further ado. The demons managed to break through the barrier in the end and charged at the heroes. The young heroes did not find what to do and they remained motionless, closing their eyes and waiting for their horrible end. As a final act, One Hand covered Crazy Wand with his body, so that she would have a chance to live, even if it was in vain since there were too many demons and the hopes of living were nil. But just then, a rain of fireballs rained down on them, taking out every demon the fireballs touched. "...What the hell-?" — One Hand asked, surprised.
— "What has happened?"— Crazy Wand asked too, astonished. The young heroes turned around and realized that the young hero who recently arrived at the scene was standing in front of them.
— "Who the f*ck are you?" — asked One Hand.
— "Please, let's avoid the use of rude words" — expressed the hero around One Hand's language.
— "...Whatever, just answer my question".
— "Okay, if you wish so, I am the warrior of the skies, destined to provide peace and harmony in the name of my Lord, I am-" — said the young hero just before being interrupted by someone surprisingly.
— "A son of a b*tch, that's what you are".
End of Chapter One