Aenim, when it had reached its starsystem and set up it's axis, relatively the same distance from its Sun as Earth was from its, the Stasis began its One Year Earth-time countdown for Stasis to complete its process, which would take a long estimable amount of time, and in nineteen laboring steps. But Earth-time and time where Aenim had set up its axis, behaved differently.
It took forty years for the Stasis to release the first of the regions—a very, very long time past when it should have completed. This was like an omen to those watching the developments unfold. It meant that something was very wrong.
There had been an error in the AI/EUC system of allocating location in the AI-written Operating System used to set up variables and rules on the planet. What AI had extreme difficulties analyzing and implementing was the difference between fantasy and reality that existed in Earth-Human culture.
It processed both fantasy and reality equally. For those in the know, and there were only a handful of persons in that category, it wasn't a complete surprise, that something was going wrong. In the beginning of any system, there are problems. Everybody knew that. As it turned out, the handful of persons who might've been able to assess and correct the situation each knew so many shades of so little, that the situation quickly ran off the rails into a nearly hopeless situation. That was a surprise.
The result was the fabrication of what was known only as The Old Age. After Stasis-release occurred, The Old Age was programmed to be the belief system and history of the planet. Inhabitants had never been anticipated, but, as many a wise and knowledgable human had believed, according to AI sources, human history itself, life would find a way. And life had found a way on Aenim, gradually, as the Stasis released the regions of Aenim not unlike a server issuing updates one at a time and over a long period of time.
The first region to stabilize, what more crudely might be described as 'thawed out' was Archaea. Once that region successfully was restored, with exponential speed, the other eighteen regions would be unveiled as Aenim.
The last of these regions was The Hallowed Dunes, the youngest of the young societies would grow there. There were relics in each region designed to amplify and increase the speed of evolution for Earth-Humanities eventual colonization.
That was what that final document foretold, an omen and a nearly indescribable event, unfolding before Starship Alpha got anywhere near it.