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Armageddon: A Biography of a Forgotten History

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"Hi! My name is Mcbeth. Star Mcbeth. I’m the current CEO of “History and Fantasy Inc.” and might I add that my job is awesome! Here we write down great battles, world changing events, and pretty much anything that should be put in a history book. Now here is a secret. The “History” books are more fiction than truth, because the “winners of the fight” and “inventors” wanted to be remembered a certain way. The truth is our “Fictions” tell how things really happened. The reason why we do this is because most of the time the truth is so unbelievable that most people would prefer that it was fiction rather than truth. For example would you believe that Little Red Riding Hood was actually a feared monster hunter who specialized in killing werewolves even though she was only ten years old. Or that Jekyll and Hyde were actually two completely different people who worked under the Queen in order to create an elixir that allows people to live forever. The story you are about to read is the honest to Gods truth about what really happened in the past that shaped our world to what it is today. Well MY WORLD at least and to an extent your world too depending on which dimension you're currently residing in. Also this is the “Non-fiction” title of the book. The real title will be shared at a later date. And now I'm going on a tangent aren't I? Anyways! The only other thing you need to know is how I came to learn of all this. Well that's simple. It all started on the day I was called in by my boss for a promotion…….."

Chapter 1 - prologue


"Thank you for the sandwich Sir! It is delicious!"(Star)

"No problem little one. Though now that I got you food and your stomach isn't trying to eat you from the inside, can you tell me how you got stuck in that tree? I mean that ankle clamp would be hard to miss.(???)

"Not a problem, but first I have to ask. What's your name? Mine's Mcbeth, Star Mcbeth."(Star)

"Ha Ha Ha! Sorry kid I must be getting old if I forgot to introduce myself! Name's Diuscrucis! Now let's try this again. What is a 6 and a half foot tall, red haired, pink eyed elf doing hanging by her ankle from a tree? I mean you don't look like an adventurer and with your looks and rack size I would expect you to have weapons or at least some bodyguards. Like what size are those things they're huge?! I cup?! J?!"(Diuscrucis)

"I will not tell you such personal information! However I can tell you why I have come to this forest." (Star)

"Please do."(Diuscrucis)

"You see it all started when my boss called me into her office at the "History and Fantasy Inc." Headquarters. Which is where I work by the way….."(Star)


Three Weeks Earlier -

"Star Mcbeth please come to my office. I repeat. Star Mcbeath please come to my office."(Boss)

After hearing the announcement I got up from my 8' by 12' cubicle and went down to my boss's office. A large snow white room with a modest sized ruby desk and leather chair next to a glass window that covers the entire back wall. In front of the ruby desk is a small stone stool barely 2 feet off the ground for visitors.When I arrived in her office via elevator, I saw her standing next to her office window which has an amazing view that overlooked most of the city. My boss's name is Suzi Marauder. Although most people just call her Suzi. To be honest no one really knows how she earned her last name but, there are rumors that she created this company by running all other publishing companies out of business. Afterwards she systematically bought whatever was left of them at the cost of a cheap lunch. She is a 7 ft. tall, red serpent slit eyed woman with black and white hair that seems to spiral outward from the top of her skull to the tip of her hair that goes down to her waist. She has paleish cream skin and scaly black dragon wings coming out from the center of her back. She is currently in her silver tuxedo with the top three buttons undone which I must say makes her look quite hot considering she has E cup breasts.

"Are you done admiring my unimaginable beauty or would you rather not know why I called you here?"(Suzi)

She said, turning around from the window to face me with a stern glare.

"Sorry boss I'm listening."(Star)

"Good. Now then, do you know what "History and Fantasy Inc." does?(Suzi)

" We write believable and agreeable stories as history books for the world. We also write what really happened under the category fantasy so that no matter how outrageous or weird something was people would not know the truth and be able to pass them off as "just a story."(Star)

"Good. Now can you tell me why we do this?"(Suzi)

"Because sometimes the truth is so unbelievable that most people would prefer to just think of it as fiction. But the truth should still be written for those who know how to read between the lines."(Star)

This caused her to start smiling.

"Good. I'm glad you understand our mission. Now listen. I have been the head of this company for many centuries and for me this has always been like a second job. However, I need to step down. There are other things I want to do with my life but first I need someone to take my place as CEO. I can't just leave or else everything I built will fall apart in days. So I have decided to give this position to you. Under one condition of course."(Suzi)

Saying that she stopped smiling and went over to her solid ruby desk and sat down in her leather chair. She then breathed deeply and looked at me with a serious face.

"What's the condition?"(Star)

"I want you to go to the city of memories known as Hellfire and record the history of this world after the rise of the new Demon Empress. This will be your last assignment and if you succeed you will be the new CEO. if you fail, well not even death can protect you from what would come after. Now do you accept? Be warned this is your only chance to back out."(Suzi)

I walked from the elevator to the stone stool and sat down across from her. After a minute of deep thought I looked at her seriously and gave her my answer.

"Who do I have to talk to in order to learn this history?"(Star)

Smiling Suzi took out a yellow card with a velvet cross on the center from her chest pocket and gave it to me.

"Good to hear. Now take this card and go to the city. It won't be easy to find but the card will point you in the right direction. As for who you need to talk to? I'm sure you will figure it out. One more thing. Don't worry about misplacing the card as the new CEO in training, it will always appear in your hand when you call for it. Good luck and don't let me down."(Suzi)

With a resolute nod I take the card, put it in my pocket and walk towards the elevator.

"I won't boss."(Star)


Present day -

"After that I have spent the last three weeks traveling to the city called Hellfire. A place that no one seems to know the location of! Spending so much time being careful not to get into trouble, I stepped on a hunter's trap while wandering this forest that swung me over a tree and left me hanging upside down for over an hour. After trying to unhook my leg from this plasma rope and ankle clamp multiple times I heard a noise from the bushes to my right. Which turned out to be you. a cursing 5 and a half ft. tall, tan skinned man who is in old cowboy getup with spinning stars at the back of his boots and a white feather in his hat and all." (Star)

"So let me get this straight. You're coming to the city of Hellfire to learn the history of this world starting from right before the first realm war and you got stuck in the tree because you stepped on a trap?"(Diuscrucis)


"Then why didn't you just say that and saved us like 30 minutes!"(Diuscrucis)

"Sorry I got excited. I haven't had a decent conversation with someone in weeks."(Star)

" I can tell. Anyways listen, you should be more careful about what you say about your company because I'm pretty sure you just blurted out a big secret there."(Diuscrucis)

"I did? I mean do you actually believe the rumors about my company? I could have made all that up just to sound more important or something."(Star)

"I knew the secret long before you said it but an upcoming CEO should be more tight lipped about things like that. Besides, you said that too naturally for it to be a lie."(Diuscrucis)

"I'll try harder. Now can you do me a favor Mr. Diuscrucis and cut me down?"(Star)

"Ya sure. Just give me a second."(Diuscrucis)

Saying that he unhooked the star from his right boot and casually flung it at the branch I was hanging from. Upon contact, the branch exploded and the star went back to his hand while I did a handstand and landed on my feet after a quick hop. After he undid the clamp he put the rope and clamp into his hat before putting it back on and started walking away.

"Come on kid. I'm heading into the city of Hellfire to get myself an early dinner. Might as well bring you along."(Diuscrucis)

"Thanks for the help….Wait! You know Where the city is?! No one else I've talked to even knew that the city even existed!"(Star)

"Hellfire is the city of memories. A place that contorts and reshapes to the will of the individuals inside. The gates are only open to those who are looking for the past or like to remember it. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to find it no matter what you do."(Diuscrucis)

"A shifting city. Now that sounds cool."(Star)

After brushing off the dust from my business suit I started walking after Diuscrucis. We walked for several hours while talking about current events from around the world until we reached the city's outer wall that looks like a big green semi transparent dome. From what I can see of the inside of the dome is nothing. Just empty flat land. As we approached the dome, Two men in full plate armor walked out through the dome wall and took positions across from us.

"Right then kid, I will see you inside the city. Evening Gentlemen. How are you?"(Diuscrucis)

"We are no different than usual sir."(Guards)

Wow. How important is this guy that the city guards show him respect? Also, did he just Ditch me? While thinking that I approach the men while Diuscrucis walks through the dome wall.

"Show me your basic status miss. I need to make sure you're not a criminal and all that."(Guard)

"Of course. Here you go sir."(Star)

Saying that I looked deep into my spirit and pulled out a small part of myself for the world to see.


Name: Star Mcbeth

Race: Blood Elf Variant

Level: 223

Age: 176

Profession: Writer(Master Rank)

Title: Perpetual Star

Criminal Record: Speeding tickets(fines paid)

"Thank you ma'am. You may enter."(guard)

Saying my thanks I recalled my status and entered the city by walking through the dome wall. After a few seconds of what felt like walking through sludge, I entered a bustling city. This city seems huge within the dome with different sized buildings ranging from 2 stories to at least 50 stories high in all different colors and full of life. After a few minutes of wandering I find Diuscrucis sitting next to a stray cat on the floor next to a simple fountain. Upon seeing me he gets up and starts leading me through the city and towards an old looking 3 story tall pub called "Dragon's Rest". It seems to be made of old stones and metal scraps and very crowded by the looks of it. Following him we sit down at a table in one of the quieter corners of the tavern and called over a waitress to place our orders. I quickly learned from all the talking around me that this waitress was the owner of the tavern. Which was interesting considering that most owners would prefer to be managers or cooks rather than be waiters.

"Thanks again Mr. Diuscrucis. I really needed the help."(Star)

"No problem kid and if you're willing I would like to give you some advice. For the road."(Diuscrucis)

"Please do! I will gladly take any help you care to offer!"(Star)

"So excitable. Firstly, the city is constantly shifting and will try to drag you into past memories and trap you there if you let it. So when you need to be in present day Hellfire be sure to clear your mind and imagine yourself abandoning the past. In doing so you will drag yourself out of past memories and back to the present. Don't want to be trapped there after all."(Diuscrucis)

"What does that even mean?"(Star)

"Ha ha! It will make more sense when you need to actually do it. I'm just giving you the heads up. For now though I suggest you head north to the former Demon Lord's castle. Best place as any to do what you came here to do. It's big, black, and in ruins so it shouldn't be too hard to find."(Diuscrucis)

"Thanks for telling me."(Star)

"No problem kid."(Diuscrucis)

Shortly afterwards I got my food from the waitress and ate my fill. With that done I got up and started to walk out the tavern door but then I realized something. Why does he always call me a kid? I mean I'm a young teen by elf standards but I look like a respectable 25 year old. He looks like a man who just turned 50 so wouldn't that mean he should have referred to me as miss like the guard at least? Thinking that, I turned around to look at the table we were sitting at but what I saw was an empty tavern that was covered in webs and looked run down. Not a single person, drink, or light in sight. In the center of the room was a wooden chair with a sign on it that said "Come Again Kid I'll Treat You To A Story Next Time" With that it dawned on me that I stopped hearing people's voices the moment I stepped out of the tavern. Thoroughly creeped out I looked at the sign only to read "Closed to the Living. Will open up again at dawn" With that I felt a chill go down my spine as I gaze at an obvious ghost establishment. Which I have to admit is kinda cool. I've never been to one before but a few are known to pop up from time to time. With that I decided to listen to that strange man and head north to the destroyed Demon Lord's castle. Looking up I saw that the sun was no longer out and it was officially nightfall. Not wanting to waste time I spent the next hour walking to the castle. As I walked, the city started to look more and more decrepit until I was walking through ruins. Finally arriving at my destination I take some time to examine the castle. The only thing left of this black imposing castle seems to be parts of the walls and the main building. Everything else appears to be in ruins. Walking into the castle's main room from the front, I see a pot of hot tea and a shadowy figure drinking a cup of it. Suddenly sensing danger coming from this individual I used one of my few spells called "History's Right" to see who or what this thing is.


Name: Hidden

Race: Hidden

Level: Hidden

Age: Hidden

Profession: Time Manipulator (Grand Master Rank)

Title: God Killer, Hidden

Crime Record: Mass Murderer, Hidden

-Unable to bring up-

"I'm fucked."(Star)

"Don't you know it's rude to peek at someone's status screen without permission elf?"(???)