Having been warned, Yoo Jin was quick on the uptake as he got down from his attacking spot and backed away.
The ogre rose up from his fall and made hasty, uncoordinated steps towards Aria. His goal was to land one blow. One fatal blow.
He knew that the girl in front of him would not be a match to him in terms of raw strength.
"Foolish... FOOLISH!!" He made a short dash. Although it was only a few steps, the ogre was able to travel to Aria's position.
He did not care about his weapon anymore. In the first place, the size was too large, even for an ogre. Swinging it around caused a delay and didn't showcase his maximum potential.
Using his bare hands, he smashed his hand through the wall and scattered wild debris everywhere.
Aria was eventually hit by a stray boulder and was knocked to the ground due to the velocity amassed from the power it exerted.