Ani played with her hands, something she did when she was nervous.
Vi sat alone at the circular library table reading a 500 page novel on guitar strings. It was undeniably a weird sight, the very attractive captain of the Jasper Devil's basketball team sitting alone in the school's library reading.
Ani tore off the rest of the baby blue nail polish from her left index finger as she walked her way to the lean jock.
"Hi! V-Vi" The blond says stuttering something she rarely did.
Vi glanced up, his narrow onyx colored eyes staring into her perfectly round caribbean blue ones.
"What do you want?" Vi asked the short and slightly stubby girl coldly.
The two didn't get along at all. The only reason they knew each other was because of Ani's triplet brother, Augustus. Vi has been best friends with Augustus since first grade.
Ani started to give him a mean glare but stopped once she realized she needed his help with something. "U-um Augustus says you're really good at calculus," She told him while moving some of her messy neck-length blonde and slightly lilac highlighted hair behind her left ear.
She looked the basketball star up and down as she awaited his response. He wore a red and black number nine jersey and matching basketball shorts.
"I am" he responded in a monotone voice.
"Well, I um need a tutor..and my last one um left because um she um well actual-" Ani starts to ramble.
"Sure whatever," he says now focused on his book.
"Okay" she says in a brighter voice "what date and time works best for you?" She asked.
"6pm tonight" He says as soon as she asks.
"O-okay cool" She says even though she felt that it was really late "Who's house?"
"Mine. your brother's are loud and annoying" He tells her. She agreed.
"Okay, see you later" She tells him before leaving.
She let out a sign of relief once she left the wood smelling library.
"What'd he say?" Hailee asked while twirling a piece of her 4c hair.
"Bet he said no that all that emo bitch ever says" Brandy says while rolling her violet colored eyes, making the other girls laugh.
"He said sure whatever" Ani tells them, mocking his deep voice.
Brandy Lionheart and Hailee Becker are Ani's best and also only friends. Brandy was captain of the girls track and volleyball team and lived alone with her father. She was tall, skinny, had long dark auburn hair, arched eyebrows and freckled ivory skin. Hailee Becker was a straight B student and was a part of the debate team and Jasper High's cheerleading team. She had back length coily-curly hair, dark caramel toned skin and wide oval shaped dark brown eyes.
Ani has always been the odd one out between the three of them, everyone knew it. She was to dumb to get grades above a C average and to lazy and unskilled to join a club besides the drama club. Ani put her heart and soul in that one club because she felt it was the only thing she could do right and the only thing she enjoyed doing.
The girls walked out of the empty after-school hallway and made their way outside to their bikes.
"The second week of school and I'm already sick of this place" Hailee says as she gets on her pink bike.
"Ye-" Brandy starts but is cut off.
"Hey guys!" Augustus says as loud and obnoxious as always.
"Hi! Auggie!" Ani says, happy to see her favorite brother.
"What did he say when you asked" The blonde asked his identical sibling.
"He said sure" She told him.
"Told you!" Augustus says while stopping his skateboard so he won't fall. Brandy cringed at how loud he was. "The asshole has nothing better to do anyway!" He adds.
"Oh, Auggie, do you have twenty dollars because we want to go to the movies but I'm kinda broke, I know you gave me twenty dollars earlier but money just flies out of my pocket" She explained.
"Oh it's okay" Augustus says while giving her two tens out of his wallet.
"Thank you Auggie!" She tells her brother. She could've asked him for a hundred dollars and he most likely would've given it to her.
"Anytime!" He tells his triplet sister "I would go with you guys but Sean would lose his fucking shit if I missed another Baseball pactice" Augustus says cursing like a sailor. "You guys know how he is" The girls nod.
"Yeah," Hailee says. Hailee and Sean have been off and on since elementary school and judging by the tone of voice she used they were most likely off.
"And I gotta get that jerk off Vi out of that fucking library" Augustus says whilst picking up his skateboard and fixing his black leather jacket. "Anyway see ya!" He adds before disappearing inside the red-bricked school.
"Why is he so hot?" Hailee asked. Ani gave her a quick ew before the three made their way down the hill that their school laid on top of.
After seeing another feature of the terminator that Brandy chose and The notebook that Hailee chose, Ani decided to make her way home.
The movie theater would play any movie you could name for only the price of five dollars. Ani used to go there with her brothers all the time but they got kicked out after her oldest brother Alex threw Augustus through the movie screen during one of their many fights.
Her house was only a five minute bike ride from the movie's. She passed by Maxine Moore's house. She was an acquaintance of Ani's. Ani only knew her because she was friends with her other triplet, Anthony and because Augustus used to kick the back of her chair and called Maxi-pad during middle school. That asshole used to tease everyone just for attention but saved eight-grade homeroom just for Maxine.
"Hi Max" Ani says to the girl who was currently throwing out the garbage.
She was slightly chubby, stood only a little above average height, had slightly frizzy straight hair that stood in between her shoulders and her armpit, and pretty dark brown eyes that matched her dark skin.
"Hey Toni" she says in a lazy tone as her little brother Maxson, hangs on her back. Toni was one of Ani's nicknames. Her full name was Antoinette Elizabeth Maxwell, she disliked her first name and thought it sounded like an old lady's name.
"Did you get Mrs. Evans test?" Ani asked her.
"Not really I only got an 75" Max tells the blonde "Guess I should've studied". Maxine Moore wouldn't ever study for anything, even if her life depended on it.
"I got a 72 and I did study" Ani lies she actually got a 66.
"O-" before Max could finish her sentence, her other brother, Jackson kicked a soccer ball right upside her head so hard she fell face first in the grass.
Ani watched as the younger boys between the ages of 11 and 14 laughed and ran back in the small house.
Max stood up as if everything was normal.
"I hate brothers" She said while getting back up with help from Ani.
"Try mine" Ani suggested.
"No, Thank you," Maxine says, already knowing how horrible Maxwell's were.
"See you later!" Max smiles at the blue eyed girl before going back inside.
"Bye" Ani said before cycling across the street and three houses down to reach her's.
She was met with a van load of football players and one by her window talking to Anthony.
She eyed the red uniformed players skeptically. None of her brothers were football players and in fact her brothers always had bad relationships with football players.
"Hey Sexy!"
She turned to see a smug smirk on Ricky Lewis in the vans driver seat right next to quarterback Ethan Spades.
"Ew" Ani responds knowing Ricky said it. She didn't like Ricky.
"Aww C'mon baby," He coos. Ani gives him a look of disgust before tying her bike up near the front porch.
"Shut the fuck up before she gets one of her brothers," A football in the backseat whispers, making Ricky stop.
Ani glanced to see who the football player talking to her brother was. It was Seven Washington, Anthony's best friend, He recently joined the football team last year, Ant was mad at him for joining the team the Maxwell's hated the most but he soon got over it.
"Can you give me my glasses so I can go?" Seven asked with a small smile. He had chocolate brown skin and somewhat broad shoulders; he wore a red varsity jacket like the rest of the football player and his hair was slicked back with gel like always. Hailee used to have a crush on him during middle school but that stopped after Anthony dared him to lick the recess ground for ten dollars, Even though Seven is from a pretty wealthy family he still did it.
"Lemme think about it.." Anthony said while putting his pointer finger to his lips. He looked just like his triplets. Sweet and soulful eyes, messy blonde hair, a slightly narrow button nose, and a slightly chiseled jaw. The only difference he had from Augustus and Ani was that his eyes were emerald green like their mothers. "Ummm-"
Seven snatched his glasses out his hand before he could say anything else. Anthony tried to reach back and get it but ended up falling out the window. The football team erupted in laughter.
"Nice fall Maxwell!" One of the players yell sarcastically.
"Suck my dick" Anthony yells back to the football players.
"Hi Ani," Seven says, not even noticing her until he turns around.
"Hey" She says while locking up her bike.
"See you tomorrow Ant" Seven tells his friend before hopping in the red van and pulling off.
Anthony got up in embarrassment, Ani made sure to laugh right in his face.
"Yeah laugh it up jerk" He says to her while walking up the stairs to go back into the house.
Ani followed behind soon after.
She wasn't at the slight mess her house was in, her mother was out running errands and her father was at work. So her brothers did whatever they wanted when they came home. Her mom didn't work after she had triplets she felt it would be the right move to quit and stay at home.
"Seems your football boyfriend finally left," Alex says with a chuckle while running a hand through his vivid red hair. He was sitting back and smoking a cigarette, something he would never do if mom was home.
"Shut up! he's not my boyfriend!" Anthony yells getting defensive.
"Woah" Alex's emerald green eyes widened "I was just joking chill"
Ani dropped her book bag on the kitchen table after walking through the living room.
Her brother Leon was making something, he was a pretty good cook. He went to culinary school after graduating from high school and now he's in trade school to be an electrician.
"Try this!" Leon hands her a bowl of food.
"How many calories does it have?" Ani asked. She was trying her hardest to lose weight. While her brothers were all as skinny as broom sticks she felt she was fatter than a hippo, it was weird like that; her brothers were also all above 6 feet and she was barely five feet.
"Do I look like I know that?" Leon asked.
Ani left the bowl there and went back to the living room to watch T.V or attempt to do something to take her mind off of anything food related.
"Why the fuck was there a rat in my bed?" N.J asked while walking up from the basement floor with the huge rodent in his left hand.
The five boys slept on the huge basement floor and Ani slept on the top floor. Despite having her own room, Ani used to wish that she could sleep downstairs with her brothers until she realized all they do is terrorize each other down there.
"You know Augustus likes to play pranks," Alex says while opening a window to get rid of the cigarette smoke.
"He's so immature," N.J says. He looked slightly different from the rest of his siblings; he had dark brown hair unlike the rest of his siblings who had bright blonde or red hair.
Ani cringed at the sight of the squirming animal, she's always been afraid of Rats, raccoons, possums, and other large creatures in their category,
"Look, Ani's scared" Anthony points out.
"No!" She says while playing with her fingers.
N.J grins before throwing the wild rodent right at her.
She shrieked in fear before running out the house as her brother's laughed at her. She ran for the front door to open it, and as soon as she did she crashed. Before she could fall the person held her up.
"Sorry" she said looking up to see Vi.
She suddenly remembered that he was supposed to tutor her.
He let go of her as soon as she caught her balance, looking at the onyx eyes boy made her forget all about the rat getting thrown at her sure she didn't like him to much but he was undeniably attractive no wonder some girls at school throw themselves at him she would do the same but she knew him more than they did.
"Who are you looking at?" He asked her with a frown on his face like always while looking down at the awkward short girl.
"You as-" She starts about to curse but her favorite person cuts her off.
"You okay?" Augustus says coming up the stairs right behind Vi.
"No" She starts "N.J threw a rat at me" She tells him trying her best to not sound like a toddler.
"That jerk," He says before dropping his skateboard and his book bag to go fight N.J.
Augustus was very protective over his sister, everyone knew that since he punched Dylan Fuvman just for asking her out. He told Ani he wasn't good enough for you. Actually all her brothers were that way when it came to her dating. No guy ever went through the trouble of asking her out because of her crazy older brothers.
"Are you ready?" Vi asked her with a plain expression.
"U-um yes" She says, before quickly going inside to get her bookbag.
Vi opened the side door for her before going into the driver's seat.
The ride to his house took almost twenty minutes though Jasper was a small town, The ride was still long because Vi lived on the other side of it.
She looked at the big and dark house in slight awe. She knew Vi's family was wealthy but she didn't know to this extent.
The fancy looking house was entirely empty from the first floor all the way to the third where his room was.
His room was probably bigger than her whole house and the third floor which was probably the smallest floor was bigger than half of her street houses together.
It was a navy blue desk in the left corner with a computer, notebooks, and pens. His bed was king sized and had black silk sheets. He also had an end table with a guitar and a big half empty bottle of liquor.
Everything in his room was so neatly placed that even an idiot could tell he was a neat freak.
"You could sit anywhere you like," He bluntly says.
Ani sat on the navy blue couch and started to look for her calculus textbook and a pencil.
Vi sat beside her "what do you want to do first?" He asked.
"U-um Derivatives" She says before turning to the page the topic was on.
"I need a drink," Vi says after only twenty minutes of studying.
Ani rolled her eyes. She got the tenth question wrong just like the ones before it.
"It shouldn't be this hard" Ani thought out loud as Vi left to go get a cup.
"You're parents just let you drink?" Ani asked when he got back with a cup. She knew her mom would kill her or her brothers if she caught any of them drinking, even though most of her brothers still drank anyway.
"There barely around," He said with a small frown before pouring himself a cup just to drink out of the bottle anyway.
"Oh, tha-" she starts.
"Which one are we doing next?" he asked, switching the subject.
"Can you check eleven?" She asked him, handing him the notebook.
He sat down with his bottle and looked at it for a second before handing it back "Wrong" he said before taking a long swing of his bottle he didn't even cringe afterwards it was like water to him.
"You didn't even look at it for more than a second," Ani said annoyed.
"I didn't have to look at it for more than a half second to see that the crap you put on that page was wrong" He says. "I already explained to you tha-"
"You're an asshole!" She snaps at him with an annoyed expression. Ani didn't know why Vi annoyed her so much he just did.
He squinted his eyes at her for a second before going back to drinking. He wasn't paying her any mind and that annoyed her even more.
"Stop ignoring me" She tells the now completely drunk boy while standing up.
"Im sorry" He says with a slight laugh "Would you like a drink?" he gives her the full cup he poured earlier.
It only took three more cups for Ani to be as drunk as Vi was.
"What is this?" Ani asked while leaning her head on his shoulder.
"Brandy" He says before finishing the bottle.
"No! We're drinking my friend!" Ani exclaims before laughing like an idiot. Vi starts to laugh also.
"I'll get another bottle," He says and gets up even though he looked like he would fall as soon as he did.
"No," Ani says before pulling him back. "Don't go!" She says.
"Okay," He says while turning to face her. She then turned to face him also. They were only inches away from.
She started to laugh once again.
"What's so funny?" He asked her.
"Nothing" She giggled before kissing him one quick time on the lips.
"I'm sorry!" She says backing up nervously
"It's okay," He tells her before giving her a much longer kiss.
She chilled out after that and kissed him again. It was short and quick like before.
"I'm sorry I just never kissed a guy before," She says.
"Never?" He asked, now feeling like douche for taking her first time.
"Yeah, I had sex before but I never kissed someone," She said then covered her mouth quickly regretting what she said. She never told anyone she wasn't a virgin.
"Who?" He asked he was curious to know who would have sex with a girl and not kiss her.
"You wouldn't know him," Ani tells him. She was obviously very uncomfortable with talking on this topic.
"Maybe I should take you home," He said "It's getting late and your brothers going to fucking kill me when he finds out we kissed". He says looking slightly scared as he gets up.
"I should probably walk. You're too drunk to drive" She explains to him.
"I'm fine, and you can't walk alone this late" He tells her.
She stands up and meets eyes with the lean boy. He was almost a full foot taller than her. His black and put together hair was messy, and his dark eyes were half shut. She didn't know why she got the sudden urge to kiss him, she'd usually get the urge to slap or throw stuff at him but now things were different.
She goes on her tippy toes to reach his lips and it's not until he leans down a bit does she get to touch them for the fourth time.
"I don't want to go home!" She tells him "I want to stay with youuuuu"
"Okay," he says before picking her up she wraps her legs around him and the two get into a heated make-out session.
He walks to his bed with Ani still in his arms. He sits down on the edge of his bed as Ani takes off his shirt revealing his abs.
She wanted to keep kissing and touching him but sleep was taking over, she ended up falling asleep on his lap. Vi wasn't too far behind he yarned a bit before laying back and falling to sleep with Ani in his arms.