I always thought god was over rated.
But the incident that happened...
Made me think twice about it.
God is not who you may think they are.
God is not mysterious. They are lazy.
They send messengers down to earth to do their dirty work for them.
They are just as suspicions as you and I.
This incident you are wondering about...
What was it?
Well. . .
It was an accident with a bus. That almost killed me.
I was run over by a bus. I barely got away alive.
That was a sign...
I didn't realize that I got a gift from that lazy god.
That same god I so despised.
Also, If you are wondering what that gift is...
It is:
That god decided to give me the gift of gravity.
I'm not sure why, but they did.
I never really needed to master this gift because I wasn't really in danger.
I am an orphan. A stray.
My gift never really put me in danger... since I had no idea at the time.
Until I almost-
Actually died.