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A Knight Who Becomes Adventurers

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Bjorn is a former knight that wanders around the realm as adventurers. Follow his story as he meets many threat, kills many monsters and meets many persons with different races and cultures on his journeys.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Ex-Knight

'Shit....Shit.....Shiit...!!!! What are those creatures doing in this forest..!!!?'

Wills never imagines that he will encontered the rumoured monsters on the forest. The villages elders has warned him and every villagers to stay away from the forest until those monsters are hunted down.

Wills who are just mushrooms and berries foragers ignoring those warnings and secretly entering the forest. After all he is just 15 years olds that just become adult last summer.

He recklessy entering the forest as he want to earn more foods and moneys for his families before the winter comes. After all, he is the only man in the houses as his father are dead and his older brother live in town.

'Please...go.....away...please...' Wills though to himself while hiding behind a big tree trunks.

There are 5 Orcs standing just a 100 steps in front of him. Wills can hear their heavy breathing as he cowering behind the trees. He know that those orcs has a good sense of smells and sooner or later he will get discovered.

'Oh God I Am So Dead....Please forest goddess help me..... i'll listen to villages elders and never ignoring his warning again if you save me.' He pry to his gods as his body shivers in fears.

Not long after that he hears sniffing noises from those Orcs directions. At this moment Wills know that he is as good as being discovered. His only options is to run as fast as he can or staying still and get caught.

Both options are death sentences for him because Orcs can run faster than humans. But Wills choose to runs, he doesnt want to get caught and eaten like a dead fish that didn't do anything.

He muster up his resolves and after taking a deep breath, he leaps from his hiding spots and runs as fast as he can. He can hear those Orcs roared after he jump out from his hiding spot and started charging at him.

Wills can hear their heavy footsteps hitting the grounds, coming closer and closer to him. He is panicked but still trying his best to outrun them and making his step as wide as he can.

His mind are focused and he feels that his bodies are as light as a birds. He feels very fast and started to think that he can outrun them. Until he feels something hard hitting his left ribs.

The hits impact makes Wills really flying. But he is flying to the right side of the forest and slam into a tree than to the sky like a birds. All he remembers before gets slammed are the smiling greenskins with his big fangs that stare at his eyes.

"Uhuk....Uhk....." Wills caughed as the impact that he feels are too strong.

He can feels a liquid coming out from his mouth and nose. An iron like smells runs throught his nose and his mouth are salty. He soon realise that a lot of bloods has coming from both of his sense as he watches those Orcs walking toward him.

' like this...i am sorry dad..... it seems that i will join you soons without leaving any sucessor.' he thought as his visions get blurry.

"So this will be my end, huh...."

"CRAACK....!!!" Wills hear something and with his blurry visions he sees one of the Orcs bodies get slammed to the grounds by a big fast silhouette that just passed.

"What....what happens...?" the shock and Wills curiosity make him regain his visions for a little while.

"Graaugghh...Rrraauugh....." Will can see the other fours that still standing roaring at something, before that something charges again and bring down another Orcs.

"CRAACK...SLAM....!!!" Once again Wills hear cracking sounds for the second times. this time he also hears the impact from the Orcs bodies that fell and see clearly who bring them down.

Wills see a fully armored horseman swinging a hammers that hits the unfortunates Orcs head and creates the loud cracking sounds that he heards.

'Adventurers...? no, a mercenary judging by his armored horses.' thought Wills until he sees a weapons that strapped on the horse armors.

When he sees that weapons, he remembered the tale that his fathers used to tells from time to time.

That weapons named Pollaxe. it's a deadly weapons that combines an axe, hammer and spears. it's crafted by the best weaponsmith by the kingdoms. No ordianary persons can afford it. It's used by a knight to kill another knight.

"When you see your oppenent using a Pollaxe, just runs. you, a commoners wouldn't match for him. Only a knight, the elite warriors from a kingdom that used that weapons." Wills remember his father words.

"They are elites that trained to hold a weapons since a very young ages and a masters of every weapons. Different from commons peoples that start in his teens or twenties."

"They rode in armored horses and using very long and deady lances to slaughers their enemies on horses or using Pollaxe and other deadly two handed weapons while fighting on foot."

"Their armors are sturdy enough to not get injured by a swords or arrows. They are both the best as cavalry and infantry units from the kingdoms."

Wills remembers the stories that his fathers tells. about how encouraging to have them at his back as allies or how scary to faces the enemy knight.

Wills father himself are only villages militia that never comes back after conscripted from the war 3 years ago. Wills reminiscing about his past and his childhoods as his visions get blurred again. Not long after that a man voices calling out to him.

"Hey, how are you feeling young man...? still hanging on...? let me checks those wounds of yours." Wills heards a heavy and low man voices calling him and make him regain his consciusness again. It seems the fight was over.

"W.....Uhk.....who, Uhk..." Wills ask him while holding on his consciusness. he coughing a lot of bloods from his mouth.

"I am just adventurers that accepting a request from the villages." Said the armored man while lifting Wills clothes to check his wounds.

"Aren't you...Ackh....a knight...?" Wills ask while withstand the pains in his bodies as he saw his weapons earlier and reminiscing his father stories.

"I was once, but not anymores....." the armored man answered short. he sees that Wills wounds are pretty bad.

"Mr.Adventurers...can i.....Huft...Huft... make a request...." Ask Wills to the armored man as his breath becomes heavy.

"Go on." He replied short again.

"Take me home.....hah...haah...haah...your rewards mushrooms.....Uhk..uhk...." Said Wills as his fingers pointed at the tree trunks he was hiding before caughing heavily.

"Alright, i will take you home and accept your mushrooms as a rewards." answer the armored man.

"Thank you.....Mr...haah...what is your name?....uhk....." Wills said shortly. It seems that he will lose his consciousness as his visions are gone and bodies getting heaviers.

"Bluegh.....Uhk....Uhk....Uhk..." Wills bodies suddenly vomitting what insides it and he gets troubles breathing.

"Relax young man, drink and swallow this...." said the armoured man while putting a bottle of potions on Wills mouth.

After swallowing the potions that are put insides his mouth. Wills can feels the pains that he feels suddenly dissapears. he still has trouble breathing and his visions are still gone but he feels better and able to feel his surronding.

"My name is Bjorn young man. I was once a knight that serves one of the noble houses in the north." The armored man started talking.

"Mind to hear my little stories while waiting for you to get better, young man?" said Bjorn to him.

From the start, Bjorn already knows that Wills lives cant be saved. The impact that he took are rupturing and destroying his internal organs. Moving him from his spots will make his death more painful and the potions that Bjorn give will only ceases his pain.

" A stories from the former knight? it would be an honour for a mere peasant like me to hear that Mr.Bjorn." said Wills while smiling.

"Alright then, oh what was your name again young man?" Ask Bjorn to make him more relaxed.

"My name is Wills, i am just a foragers from Noda villages." wills started to introducing his names.

"A foragers huh, must be rough in this time of the years when winters are closing by. Bjorn said as he sits besides him.

"yeah, it's a busy times for the villages but i think this years we will be fine. the harvest are pretty good and there is still 20 days before it starts snowing." said Wills with cheerful tone.

"Oh right, how did you know that i was once a knight...?" ask Bjorn a little bit curious.

"It's from your Pollaxe Mr.Bjorn, no ordianary peasant adventurers can afford that. your horses are fully armored too, you have the coolest horses that i see in my life." He answers.

"From my Pollaxe huh, you're very smarts for ordianary peasant. not many peoples knows because i already sells all my plates armours and using this cheaper mercenaries brigandine." Said Bjorn praising his perceptions.

"My father used to tell me to never fight oppenent with Pollaxe in battles and just run if i had to, because Pollaxe wielders are definitly a knight. it's all thanks to his knowledges." said Wills.

Bjorn notices that Wills voices has become weaker than before.

"I was once a knight that serves one of the nobles on Versech Kingdoms. The masters that i serves are one of the few nobles who really cares about his peoples." Bjorn started his stories as he promises before Wills dies.

He started to tell the tale about his youth, his missions and the war that he participates as a Vassals armies for Versech Kingdom.

Wills responded with simple hum and sometimes short questions. Until the time he stopped replying anymores.

"And so my master and young master passed away in that war.....Wills....?" Ask Bjorn to check Wills response.

He turn his faces toward the young boy and see him motionless. Wills face look peaceful and his mouth are still smiling. He looks so happy as if he was once a part of Bjorn adventures.

Bjorn then take out a cloth from his bags and started to wipe all the bloods on Wills mouth with it. he then take off the cloaks that he wears and use it to wrap and cover Wills lifeless bodies.

After he is done taking care of Wills and his belonging, he move to take care the dead Orcs that he hunts. He take out his chopping cleavers from his bags and started to beheading those Orcs. Their heads will be the evidences for his quest.

After he is done tying all of the Orcs heads and Wills gathering basket to one of the hole in his horse mail armors, he pick up and carrying Wills on his shoulder.

Death are something that Bjorn deals everyday. he already seen a lot of innocent life like Wills get taken away. But it always sting him a little if the ones that are taken are someone as young as Wills.

He rode away carrying Wills bodies toward the villages while thinking what he want to eats for dinner tonight.