Chereads / Virtua. / Chapter 2 - introductory observation; by earth ling. Sugarhouse

Chapter 2 - introductory observation; by earth ling. Sugarhouse

I really want to write something special today because, when I was a little kid I told my mom I was going to build her a rocketship with a rocking chair so she could sit in there and relax a little bit. So I'm going to do something imaginary but even slightly real, with all the gloom and despair of the nightly news but even a sliver of complete and utter hilarity and absurdity.

It's going to have to be a dark comedy, about the racial downward spiral of today's society going completely out of control in a mad farce of equine rebellion and canine submission. For some reason the animal farm of orwell comes to mind but, I know that if it's to be at all original then I wont be able to read it again before the work begins. And so I'll just have to rework, some of the concepts in that other work, to more modernly accord and or jive, with today's bumbling leaderships, or, perhaps the demeanor(s) that they aren't quite so aware of, that they, seem to conflate and or equate, with their positions. One same concept will have to be politics told of, through the metaphor and subtlety, and ironical overtness, heard throughout that other work, in slogans and maxims such as, all animals are created equal, but just, some are more equal than others. Maybe a few others but, there where the tragedy lies, inherent in basic life, will have to come that play of short circuiting that some crave after. I was thinking I could, tie it up with a neat little bow of prequels, significant plot twists, holes, Easter eggs and other such discussion prompting elements. It should take me some time to fill this completely out to fruition but, I don't really have much else I do besides writing. And what really can I do about it besides muse on the so called factitious, headlines, brought forth and about in answer to those, twenty or so people in the world who actually rule us ALL!!, those Waltons and Putins's and Trump's oh my! (And Yes, that was a wizard of OZ reference) but, them with their amped up protection rackets, and oligarchic mysoginies blaring out at full steampunk radioactive narcissism.. or, if indeed saying all that gives them far too much credit, perhaps they'll have a little micro rebellion of their OWN and just implode in on their own systems, selves and well all just watch and idly say, I TOLD YA SO!!

P.S. let's not forget that the wizard of oz WAS the very first full color motion picture!