Chereads / Fushigina Kodomo No Tabi / Chapter 1 - Starting point

Fushigina Kodomo No Tabi

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5 friends living a normal life, until one day season two episode one of a famous story was pre published! They go buy the first episode and later that night, get stuck in the comic. Will they get out? Or stay stuck? Credits: (Note: NW meaning they have no WEBNOVEL) Kemowaii_2030 A music weirdo (NW) Ruzy 2008 (NW)

Chapter 1 - Starting point

Season 1 Episode 1

Made by: Kemowaii_2030, A Music Weirdo, and Ruzy 2008

A young boy, dying, with his head lay down on a rock. 4 kids- two boys and two girls with weapons run to the young boy and drops their weapons. As an adult woman was using powers to stop a monster, slowly kneeling down, "NO!" One of the girls scream, as the other was petrified. One boy was holding the young boys hand and was shaking his head in disagreement, and the other boy just fell to his knees and eyes widened, tears running down their face the young boy puts his hands on the first girls cheeks, she holds it tight, sobbing harder "why... why did you do that? *sniff* why *sniff* did you *sniff* protect *sniff*" and didn't continue what she said. "It's okay... ugh. Hush now- ungh..." the young boy said as he breathes heavier. As the young boy was inches till death the first boy said "No! No! No! You survive- you will survive!", and the adult girl practically laying down, shout out "HEY! KIDS! THERES NO! ARGH! USE! HE IS A DEAD MAN! COME HERE NOW OR WE WILL ALL DIE!" The second boy stood up quickly, but wobbled a bit, picks up his weapon and runs to the monster and throws a rope, with needles at the end and it held on tight on the monster. The monster SCREAMED! Then the second girl snapped out of it, picked up her sickle with the thick rope tied at the end and throws it at the monster, like a whip, with all her might, out of her anger. Then the first boy decided to stand up, wiped his tears, said his last good bye to his friend, picked up his bag full of knives and threw three cleavers at the monster. The monster got annoyed and started trying to smash the second boy and girl. While the first boy had a chance he got one knife, inches till got hit, another knife, centimeters till he got hit, now back to the tragic rock. The young boy, smiling to see his friends work so hard for him, and sad that he is gonna die soon. The first girl held his hand tight then hugged him, "don't die... please" she said. The young boy explained how it's no use. He hugged her back, said his good bye. And died. The first girl looked down with anger, placed him down, closed his eyes. Stood up, ran and got her AK-47 and started screaming and shooting the monster. "Good bye- my friends-"

One month ago

5 friends, walking down the street, going to school, passes by a house and knocks on the door "HEY HENRI! YOUR LATE AGAIN!" Said Tomoko. Everyone else giggles as the dad opens the door "oh my. He didn't go out yet eh. Okay. Sorry everyone, and thanks for being there for him- HENRIII! HEY! YOUR FRIENDS ARE HEREEE!" He said. His scream was like a giants. A giant murderous scream. Thug thug thug, comes down henri from the stairs "COMING! SORRY! AGA- OOF!" He said as he fell on the stairs. Nakano, Tomoko, Yuta and the dad was looking pretty disappointed. And Hiraku and Un-Un's (pronounce: Oon-Oon) faces were screaming 'well. This is awkward' Henri stands up and pats his pants and shoulders, walks up to the 5 and says "I'm here!" While everyone just stares at him for 2 seconds, "okay. Well. Almost late for school. Let's go. Shall we?" Un-Un says, pointing outside. Everyone went out as Henry hugged and kissed his dad good bye, his mom came rushing and asked for some too, Henri gave it of course. And Henry chased after them Yuta and Tomoko checked Tomoko's watch, it was 7:30! "WE'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL! RUN!" Yuta and Tomoko said together. Everyone was shocked! Everyone ran as fast as they could. Passed by the bakery and the restaurant, the bookstore, and went to the school gates. "COME ON!" Nakano said as she and Hiraku opened the gates. Well, technically Hiraku opened the doors, and Nakano just pointed them and the gate simultaneously. They got ran class, beaten, except for Henri, he simple slid kneeling down and jazzed his hands. ("How does he get so much energy?" Everyone wondered) Their Teacher, Ms. Asahi didn't look happy, but the other students were giggling, except for one as well- "Late. Again. For the 3rd time this week children. I know it's cause of this child here" Ms. Asahi said, pointing Henri, Henri stood up and just put his eyebrows up and down. "Now. Be late together in school. Be late together going home. Detention after school, 1 hour. Back to your seats" Ms. Asahi continued. Part of the class was giggling and half the class was looking pretty disappointed in them. The 5 felt a little humiliated- except for Henri- he just skipped across the class smiling and waving at everyone. And Homeroom began.

2 hours later it was snacks time. The 6 went out and Un-Un suspiciously looked at the cafeteria clock. "10 am" she mumbled to herself. She also mumbled something else. "What Un-Un?" Asked Hiraku, Un-Un went to a jump "ah! No. Nothing." She said. Hiraku giggled and brought her to where the others are. "Hiraku! Un-Un! Over here!" Yuta pointed on the table. Hiraku ran there, while Un-Un just walked. And as Hiraku was running a boy accidentally bumped into her "Oh! Sorry!" They said together. 4 more people came, two of them apologized and scolded him a little, while the other two was just watching from a short distance. Hiraku went to the table and the 5 other children walked away, as that happened Un-Un smirked. "Un-Un! Come on!" Nakano said, aggressively tapping the table. "Okay okay!" She said running to them. When the 6 got their snacks they were just talking and having fun together. "And I told her this 'Your atoms seems to have a lot of kinetic energy' and she said 'That's very last decade. Good try but no.' And *sniff* she just walked away! And... she didn't have to be so meaaaannnn!" Henri said crying as Hiraku and Tomoko was patting him, Nakano shaking her head at him and Un-Un and Yuta just eating. "And.. *sniff* and.. *sniff* I like her so much! I had to research so much just to know how to confess properlyyy! Like. Can't she be happy that a non nerd knows nerd joke?!" as Henri continues, he continues crying and chokes on his food. Everyone (except Yuta, shaking his head slowly and eating, and Un-Un just ignoring and eating) panicking, Tomoko hits his back hard, Hiraku not knowing whether she should do the Heimlich or what, and Nakano scolding him and telling to chew properly. Seconds later Henri ends up just drinking his water and it's solved. "Tra-daaa!" He said jazzing his hands. Everyone looking pissed at him except for Un-Un, just ignoring and eating her food. Minutes later they fix their food, and fix whatever they need to fix. Un-Un looked at the time cafeteria clock, "10:16" she mumbled to herself. She mumbled something else to herself again. "7 hours and 31 minutes 'till what? Un-Un?" Nakano asked, with her face 5 inches away from Un-Un's, Un-Un jumped up from shocked and said "Ah! Oh! Nothing! Just a daily activity me and my sibling does! Y- you know. To exercise our mind! Hehehe..." "ahh okay!" Nakano said putting her hand on her chin, "I'm gonna try that too!" Tomoko said with hands in the air, "that's interesting..." Hiraku said, nodding her head, "never knew you had a sibling Un-Un" Henri said looking extremely curious, and Yuta looking at everyone, just saying "... A- eh- nice-". Un-Un chuckled. Few minutes later the bell rang, 10:30! Everyone stood up as some screamed running to the classroom, some slowly walking to their classes, and some waking up from their sleep.

The 6 entered their classroom, some already sitting down in their chairs and some still about to enter. As the 6 were about to sit down, one of their classmates went near Tomoko's seat and told him "Hi Tomoko~", "Hi aimi. What do you want this time?" Tomoko asked. "Oh nothing... just wondering if your free after school? Are you?" She asked, "um-" Tomoko said interrupted by Nakano "no. No he is not aimi. We 6 are going out together after school" "I'm not talking to you." Aimi said, Nakano and her looking pissed at each other. "Well now you are" Nakano said. Aimi and Nakano trying their best not to beat each other up. Henry preparing to run and duck, Yuta putting his stuff in one place, Hiraku sighing, Tomoko staring at the two with a blank face and Un-Un checking the times and staring at everyone suspiciously. "What's up with ʉɲᏟᎥ (no definitive pronunciation yet) staring at everyone and looking suspicious?" Aimi said slowly turning her head, "Oh, don't mind her" Yuta said popping out, "She gets weird at some times, no idea why yet though." He continues. Aimi looked at Un-Un confused, Un-Un turning her head to her, smirks, makes a face at her, and mouths at her 'bully bossy flirty dumb rich child!', with a triggered Aimi, she shouted and started to run at her "YOU! LITTLE! ARGHH!" but got blocked by Nakano "HEY! WHAT YOU THINK YOUR DOING? SHE DID NOTHING!", and pushed Aimi, Aimi pushed back. They stared pushing each other too much. And started pulling each other's hair. Nakano pushed Aimi's face away and pulled her hair. Aimi did the same! Aimi again! Tomoko trying to stop the two, Hiraku trying to talk each other out, Yuta massaging his head and groaning, Henri panicking and getting ready to hide, and Un-Un sitting properly and patting her skirt, smirking again. "YOUR WEAK!" Aimi shouted, pushing Nakano's face, "YOUR DUMB!" Nakano screamed, pulling Aimi's hair. Ms. Asahi, walked in the room, shocked at what's happening, she put her files down on a table and ran to separate Aimi and Nakano "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU GIRLS ARE DOING?!" She shouted. While Tomoko fell on the floor, tired, Hiraku panting and trying to help Tomoko up, Yuta shaking his head sighing, Henri getting out from his hiding spot, and Un-Un looking at everyone and writing something down on her notebook. "AIMI! NAKANO! DO YOU HAVE TO FIGHT EVERYDAY?! DETENTION, 1 HOUR FOR AIMI! AND PLUS 1 HOUR DETENTION FOR NAKANO!" Ms. Asahi shouted. Then she sighed and said "Okay. Back to your seats class. But as we discuss our lesson, Aimi and Nakano will fix the classroom." And class started.

After school, Ms. Asahi spoke with Tomoko, Nakano, Yuta, Hiraku, Henri and Un-Un after school. And later on spoke with Aimi and Nakano. Then escorted the 7 in the detention room. Where 12 other students were. 5 of them were just looking around, menacingly, the 7 obviously avoided them. 4 of them were singing different songs, and out of pitch. 2 were whispering to each other and 1 was sitting in the corner of the class. "Let's sit here" Yuta whispered to everyone, "No way! He is weird!" Aimi whispered screamed. "Aimi. Would you like to sit with those other people?" Henri said pointing at the other 12 people, looking a little pissed. "No-" Aimi replied. "Good, let's sit there now" Tomoko said pointing the guy in the corner. When they walked towards him, Hiraku asked "excuse me, may we sit beside you?" With the boy looking at everyone, looking like he is searching for someone. When he saw Un-Un, they locked eyes for about 10 seconds. And was interrupted with Nakano saying "hello? Helloo?" Waving her hand in front of the boy, the boy snapped out of it as Tomoko put Nakano's hand down and said "Nakano. Could you be a little bit more caring- you know with your words?" "Oh no it's okay! Sorry, come, you can all sit" the boy said, Nakano closed her eyes happily and waved both her hands horizontally as she sat down to a chair. Yuta sat the farthest form the boy, then Tomoko, then Hiraku, then Nakano, and Un-Un sat right beside the boy. Literally. Right beside. "Hey guys! I heard Hikaru Kikomuto is gonna pre publish season two, first episode of Adventure today! Let's check it out in the bookstore later!" Un-Un told them. All of them were kind of in doubt, Aimi just raised an eyebrow. "Really? That was announced to be published next month- not today" Tomoko said, looking at Un-Un with a little doubt, as Un-Un and the boy got a little shocked and looked like she regretted what she said. "Did one of your friends tell you that?" Nakano asked, "yeah. Nakano is always online when she gets the chance. And she always gets notified of new things by her friends-"Henry said looking a little confused, Un-Un and the boy panicked a little more, "maybe she misheard?" Hiraku said. "No" Yuta said, "she has good hearing. Even if you whisper and no one hears you she can hear you" He continued, in a calm tone, as Un-Un and the boy calmed down and exhaled. "Thank you, Yuta" Un-Un said smiling at Yuta, "well, yes, a friend DID tell me. How am I sure about this? Very. Sure. How did they know this? No idea. Maybe close to someone also close to Ms. Hikaru. But still. Let's make sure in case I'm wrong." She said and chuckled. "Well. Let's keep notified about today" Yuta said, Tomoko agreed, Nakano just gave a thumbs up, Henri looked pretty exited, Hiraku looked at everyone smiling, Aimi with her arms crossed gave an expressionless face, and the boy sighing shaking his slowly shaking his head.

After detention. It was only 6 of them left in the classroom, the other ones left including Aimi. Ms. Asahi opened the doors and told them that detention is over. They all greeted her good bye, with Tomoko and Hiraku walking out the doors calmly, Yuta walking a little faster and smiling a lot, Nakano and Henri running out the doors laughing, of course Ms. Asahi told them to slow down- and they did. And Un-Un just staring at the clock and writing in her notebook. It was 5 pm. "Hey Un-Un! Come on or we'll leave you behind!" Henri said, one hand on his backpack and one hand waving. As the others already stepped outside. "Coming!" Un-Un said, looking at the 5, closing her notebook and putting it in her bag, "bye Ms! Thank you!" She said waving to Ms. Asahi as she ran to her friends. Ms. Asahi waved back. And the doors closed. As they walked out the school gates they were all laughing and having fun until Henri's stomach growled. "Great. I'm hungry." He said. "Our favorite restaurant is near by!" Tomoko said, "yeah! We can go buy there!" Hiraku said "cool! I'm gonna get some egg sandwich!" Yuta said "Great, think everyone knows what they want, also, pay for your own guys okay." Nakano said, "okay mom!" Everyone said. Nakano chuckled and smiled at everyone, as everyone's stomach growled. "Let's go everyone!" Un-Un said, "RACE YOU THERE!" Tomoko said, running fast, "IM GONNA WIN!" Nakano said running next, Yuta laughed as he ran next, "okay. Okay. Okay. Oka HENRIIIIII!" Henri said as he was jogging in one place then ran next, Hiraku and Un-Un chuckled. And they just walked together towards to restaurant, with Un-Un writing in her notebook again. As they pass the market place Tomoko, Nakano, Yuta, and Henri slowed down to check the place. "So beautiful..." Yuta said as he wandered around a bit, "gorgeous" Nakano said, smiling, "mesmerizing!" Tomoko said as he raised his arms up as high as he can "hungry..." Henri said as he was walking towards their favorite restaurant. Everyone looks at the restaurant, they walk in the colorful restaurant with a sign on the top saying "ƏɲᏟᏜ'Ꮯ" meaning "Nashy's" in English. "Oh Hiraku!" One of the servers said "Oh! Hello Ms!" Hiraku replied, "hello Tomoko, Henri, Yuta, Nakano and ʉɲᏟᎥ! Pretty late, got detention extension?" Asked the server, "yeah... we did." Hiraku said. "Oh! Of course your here to eat. Here's an available table!" She said, pointing a table good for 6 people, "thank you Ms!" Hiraku said, as she and the other passed by her and they each thanked her. "So. What would you like? Same one?" The server asked "YES!" Everyone said, except for Un-Un she was writing and calculating again. "Okay!" The server said as she tole their orders to the chef. "comin' right up!" The chef said. "Will take around 20 minutes in total. So here is an appetizer!. The server said, as she handed over some bread and a spread. "Thank you!" Henri said as he was chewing the bread already, "Henri... manners" Tomoko said "Sorri" Henri said. As the server chuckled.

20 minutes later. The appetizer was already empty and was ready for the main course. "Here it is! Eat up!" The server said as she lay down their food. "YAYY!" The boys and Nakano said together, as they started devouring their food. The server then walked away to serve the others, Hiraku chuckled as she started eating her food, quite a lot at a time. But less messy as the others, and Un-Un quickly putting her notebook down and starting to eat. 10 minutes later after eating they fix their plates and get ready to go out, the server and the chef wave good bye as they walk around the place. Light and decorations everywhere. People buying and selling stuff. Children playing around and making a small mess. Life was great. "So. 20 minutes till it's 6 pm." Henri said, with his arms at the back of his head, "what do we do to kill time?" Yuta asked, looking around to see if there is anything interesting. "Dunno" Nakano said. Practically ignoring them as she saw a dessert store, Tomoko, looking at Nakano, looks at what she is looking, smiles and asks "how about we get some dessert over there?" Pointing the shop Nakano was looking at, "SECOND ROUNDD!" Yuta and henri shouted as they ran to the shop. Hiraku kinda drooling cause of how tasty the desserts looked like. And Nakano and Tomoko looking each other, smiling. What was Un-Un doing? Writing down at her notebook- again... they all went to the dessert shop, and all bought their favorite desserts. After they ate they walked out extremely happy. Un-Un looked at the time. It's 5:59... 6:00! Notifications rang in everyone phone. When they checked it they all looked shocked. As Un-Un smirked. "Wait.. Un-Un's.." Henri said. "Right?" Everyone said. "Yes. I am" Un-Un said. Everyone looked at each other, then stared at Un-Un "WAIT!" Henri shouted "WE HAVE TO RUN! THERE ARE LITERALLY ONLY 5 BOOKSTORES ACCORDING TO TOMOKO! AND ONE IS HERE!" everyone stared at each other. "RUN!" Tomoko shouted. And they all ran as fast they could. Tomoko, Yuta, and Henri side by side running as fast as they can, pushing each other for some reason. Nakano almost running past them, and Hiraku and Un-Un walking side by side. "So." Hiraku said, "exactly how did you know, that it was coming at this time?" She continued, looking at Un-Un suspiciously "Well, I already said. I friend told me" Un-Un said, with her head held high and her hands at her back. "Okay." Hiraku said.

At the bookstore... The boys all slow down, as they try to push themselves among the crowd. Followed by the others "HANDS FORMATION!" Tomoko shouted to them as they entered the crowd, "THANKS- THANKS FOR MAKING THIS FORMATION TOMOKO!" Hiraku says, "YOUR WELCOME!" Tomoko replies. "I. CAN. BARELY. MOVEE!" Henri complains, as the crowds become louder and starts to separate them. "WE'RE DRIFTING AWAY! TIGHTERRR!" Tomoko shouts out, and they all hold on tighter to each other, but it doesn't work, the crowd is too strong, "WE'RE GONNA HAVE TO SEPARATE!" Yuta says, "STAY SAFE GETTING THERE" Hiraku says, "EEEYYYAAAAYYYY!" Nakano screamed trying to move properly, while Un-Un smiles sadly and is the first to let go, then they all start to separate, being drifted away by the crowd, Nakano and Hiraku gets drifted to the middle, Yuta and Tomoko to the back, and Un-Un and Henri to the very front of the crowd, near the entrance, "LETS GET IN!" Un-Un shouted, and the two went in, they were about to be separated, "HANDS FORMATION!" Un-Un shouted, giving a hand to Henri "h- huh?" Henri said, blushed a bit, "HANDS!" Un-Un shouted, and Henri hesitantly held her hand and they got in, "Here! In this room!" Henri pointed, the sign says 5, as the two goes in Un-Un looks even sadder. Now to the girlies in the middle. Nakano and Hiraku automatically hold hands. "LETS PUSH THROUGH!" Hiraku said, Nakano grunted and punched her way through the crowd, getting near the entrance, some pushes later, they eventually go there. And get in room number 5. "Hey you two. Knew you would be here" Nakano said, as she and Hiraku sat down. "Let's wait for the other two. Wonder how they are" Hiraku says. And now to the bois. "Out of all the places. It HAD to be the back" Tomoko said, as Yuta was tiptoeing, looking around. As he looked to his right, he saw less people there. While Tomoko was mumbling to himself about the time, Yuta ran and grabbed his wrist "Over here! There's less people!" He said. Tomoko made word sounds as they ran there. As they got closer, with less people, Yuta let go of Tomoko's hand and said "look, we're closer now." And Tomoko agreed,

Few minutes later they came closer and closer to the entrance until they were in the store. And entered the room number 5. As Yuta was sitting down, he said "Phew. Got em-" but got interrupted by Tomoko "-don't. Continue that line. I hate that." Yuta and everyone else started laughing a bit, but Un-Un was more focused on looking at the crowd and the clock. As they were laughing Henri cried all of a sudden, and this time, Yuta and Hiraku started to try and calm him down. Yuta telling him reasons not to cry, and Hiraku telling him to let it all out. And Nakano telling him to be quiet. After her short scold she gave up, "So." Nakano said "why didn't we go to another store instead? This has a lot of crowds even until now. It might get out of stock soon" and Tomoko replied, "no, this is better, first of all it's closer to us, and if we go to another one they will still be crowded, it will take longer and we may not get the comic. Also, who's gonna get it? Only one person so that it's not too crowded" and Nakano automatically raised her hand. "I will. You know the rules everyone!" She said, "okay. Nakano it is then!" Tomoko said, Henri finally calmed down, "Stay safe, Nakano!" Hiraku said, she got out. Few second of silence- until Henri started stating "Now here are some reasons why-". Nakano pushed her way through the crowd, and finally got to the shelf with one of the comics. She got it and pushed her way through the cash register. She payed and purchased her way back through the crowded. And in the middle she rested a bit, seeing a book with the title 'Why time traveling exists' she chuckled, rested an arm on the table and said "This is fake. There is no such thing as time travel." And continued to walk to the room. As she got in, Tomoko and Yuta was looking a bit interested, but knowing ther were some mistakes, Hiraku getting pretty bored at the boys talk and Un-Un just exhaling and closing her eyes and looking at her notebook and at everyone simultaneously, with Henri saying "-and that's why he-" but got interrupted with Nakano saying "okay everyone. Got the comic. Now let's read it."

As they opened the comic, they skipped the recap page and went on to the main thing, they were all happy and giggling, well, Un-Un was staring at them all, looking a bit sad. And they got into the page where the main character was saying English (yes, they are saying English but it's translated from their REAL language) "The..." Henri says, "The adven..." Hiraku continued, "The adventure" Nakano continued, Un-Un was staring at them with eyes wider. "The adventure beg... ugh-" Yuta continued, "Oh! The adventure begins!" Tomoko brags. Everyone says their oohs and ahhh as Nakano tells him what a bragger he is and Un-Un sitting at the side looking extremely sad, and Hiraku and Henri notices her and invites her to read with them. Of course she accepts the invite. Some time later at their bedrooms- at Tomoko's bedroom. Tomoko on his bed, with his bear lampshade on his side. He opens his messaging app and messages 'had fun everyone?' Send. Seen by everyone. "Wow, their still awake." He says to himself. At hiraku's house she is sitting on the floor- no idea why with a crab lamp on her table, she smiles and chuckled, "hm. Everyone's still awake." She says, and send a message saying 'Yeah!', at Yuta's house he's at the terrace, with wind gushing in his face, he goes in and sits on his bed, with a bull lamp beside him, he types and send 'definitely!', at nakano's house she is at the dining table with all the lights out. Finishing her oatmeal, she read, fixes her stuff, chuckles and goes to her room, sitting beside her lion lamp, texts 'I'm so happy I own the comic! Though for only for a week', everyone chuckled, at Henri's place, his dad screaming at him to why he should fix his stuff and goes out the room, Henri sits at the upper of his bunk bed, with a rabbit lamp on a table beside the bunker, he texts and send 'yup, I did, everything except the part where we get drifted away by the crowd', laugh emoji by everyone, and Tomoko replied with a 'That's good to know, what about you Un-Un?' At Un-Un's place there was screaming and shouting in other rooms and downstairs, and a lot of beds in the room, and instead of a lamp, has a necklace on her table. She exhales and types in 'Oh it was amazing! Can't wait to do it again!" And send. Everyone texts with agreements. Then they all say their good nights, turns off their gadgets, and sleeps.

At a woman's house. She was probably at her 30s. Was in her PJs. Looked out the window. To see the night sky, she looked below and saw houses and buildings from afar, she looked even lower and saw the neighborhood and their front gate. She passes by a table that has a big tablet and a pen. She lay down on her bed. Looked at the ceiling. And said "It awaits you"