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Thousand Mile

chs / week
Benjamin has a childhood friend named Charli whom he hasn't seen in years. Lately Benjamin has been having strange feelins about his friend but assumes the reason is because of the absence and the distance between them. Benjamin decides to visit Charli in hopes to cure the odd feeling in his chest.

Chapter 1 - Cafè de La Olla

I have a problem and I don't know how to fix it, lately, my body has been acting super weird; every time I think about my friend Charli I get this feeling in my chest in which I know its love but what scares me the most is that this love I am feeling towards Charli isn't on a friendship level. I am starting to think I am just feeling this way because I haven't seen him in so long, not in person at least. He moved away four years ago from Miami to lord knows where in New York. I call him from time to time but lately, he has been so busy with work; I start to worry about him because he is such a small person and well, he can't defend himself. Which is why I came up with the idea to come and see him, I have been getting things ready so I could go this weekend.

-Phone rings- (Drank too much, go the sickness, pray to God and his son for forgiveness)


"Hey Benjamin"

Speak of the Devil..."Hey, Charli I was just thinking about you; you must have sensed that I was eh?"

Charli hummed a laugh "No I just have like six missed calls from you, Benjamin you did kind of wake me up; did you need something?" he said in a sleepy voice.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you, how are you doing by the way?" I replied smiling to myself "I was calling about your plans for this weekend, I didn't mean to spam you with calls Charli, these four years apart have been getting to me"

Charli turned on his camera revealing his tired face rubbing his eyes and yawning "You do realize that it's two in the fucking morning Benjamin right? you could have talked to me about this tomorrow...and nothing why?" he said in a grouchy tone while rubbing his tired almond-shaped brown eyes.

"I was thinking I'd fly up to New York this weekend to see you...what do you say? I haven't seen you in person since you moved away; This whole face-timing thing isn't cutting it for me" I said chuckling slightly at his drowsy face drifting in and out of sleep.

"Hmm....I...don't care...just let me know when you are coming down" he yawned again then rubbed his eyes "Just...let me sleep..." he mumbled, his eyes closing as his face relaxed into a peaceful look. The blue light from the screen reflected off of his skin in the dark; a single car occasionally would pass lighting up his bedroom; his breathing was soft and cute as a kid. Maybe this weekend getting to chill as we use to will make me feel better I thought. I'm just missing my best friend that's all, I just haven't seen him in a long time and it's been getting to me. We were best friends for as long as I could remember. I need to sleep, I thought...I have work in the morning so I should get as much shut-eye as I can before then.

"Goodnight Boba," I said aloud, halfway hoping that he would say it back but instead hearing his soft snores; so I ended the call...

That night I lied there for about an hour staring up at the ceiling, strangely, I wanted to keep talking to him but called him back to wake him probably wasn't the best idea at this time of night. So instead, I stuck my earbuds in my ears and sunk into some chill music in hopes to fall asleep even achieving rest.

It felt like I was asleep for only a second, I didn't feel very well rested; The sun shone through my bedroom windows directly onto my face waking me up ten minutes before I had to get up as usual. It was time for work; I can work today and take off for the week. I didn't tell Charli that I was trying to surprise him and spend a week in New York with him. I'm sure Janett would let me get off hopefully early enough to get ready to leave tonight. The look on Charli's face will be priceless when he sees me since he's going to expect me this weekend. The thought of seeing Charli put a smile on my face and motivation to get up and brush my teeth and get dressed, putting on my uniform before grabbing a breakfast bagel then leaving out to my car. It was pretty cool today but nonetheless nice out as it is most of the time in Miami, cool for Miami is hot for college students visiting for break or tourists who are taking a trip to the beaches here during breaks.

Traffic is as it is always...

-Phone Rings- (Drank too much got the sickness, pray to God and his son for forgiveness)


"Hey Charli, are you just waking up?' ah, Charli, my reason for smiling especially on a morning like this.

"Yeah, good morning, are you heading to work?" He questioned yawning a little

"Yeah, I am driving right now" I replied

"Oh, then I'll call back later-"

"No it's ok, the traffic is pretty fucked this morning so I can talk without being so distracted, it's basically a mobile parking lot" I smiled

"So when do you get here, I was thinking we'd go to this new bar that opened up; It has karaoke and since I just turned twenty-one we can grab some drinks" he suggested.

"Charli you know that I can't sing, but since I couldn't see you for your birthday last week like what was planned I guess we can do that and celebrate it a little late. I serenade you with my siren voice" I laughed. Charli chuckled smiling even wider, his eyes squinted as if they were smiling too. His whole face was sunshine "You should keep your eyes on the road stupid; you'll crash. I'll bring my guitar so it will be more fun; I promise I will drink responsibly, I'm excited"

"You better Boba. I can't wait to see you man; it's going to be just like old times" I said.

"Benjamin, don't call me that. Gosh, it sounds weird now, you haven't called me that since we were kids. I remember that day when Boba came out of my nose when I laughed at that stupid butt crack joke, I can't remember what you said though but it became my nickname ever since" he groaned, cringing slightly. "But sadly, I must go. I will call you when I am off work though. You have a good day too, don't forget your EpiPen because you will never know when you are going to need it" he added.

I shook my head "I have it in my backpack, don't worry. And you have a good day too...goodbye"

"Bye," he waved before ending the call. Wow, he made driving to work in this traffic go by quick; I pulled into the parking lot of the Cafe where I worked, hopefully, today is not an as busy day as other days. "Good morning Janett," I said smiling at the brown-haired blue-eyes girl behind the counter fidgeting with her thumbs; the poor girl's ADHD wouldn't ever let her be still. The cafe was still empty, usually, it had a few people when I got in "Where's everyone? I thought today was going to be pretty busy"

She shook her head "I don't know...and good morning. Hanna said that we can leave at one today, there is suppose to be some sort of renovation being done to the cafe over the course of the next week or so. I guess we are getting a new look" She replied picking the skin off of her thumb.

"You know, that's perfect. I was going to take off of work for the week anyway because I was planning to go visit a friend in New York that I haven't seen in a while" I said walking behind the counter "This place was getting pretty boring looking anyways" I added.

Janett stepped in front of me with an excited look on her face" Who is this friend? Is it a girl? Do I know her?!" she exclaimed.

"What the-...well if you must know, it's a guy and it's just a friend It's just a friend I grew up with".

"When are you going to get a girlfriend, you're so lonely," she said disappointedly"I have friends who are single that I can set you up with"

"No, I don't want a relationship right now actually...I am just too busy and that would only distract me but thank you" I said stepping around her escaping through the employee's only door to the locker room where...shit...Did I forget my the car maybe? It has to be there. I walked back out; I looked in the back seat and there it was; I picked it up and swung it over my shoulder before heading back inside and storing it into my locker when Janett poked her head in.

"Can you watch the counter so I can take the trash out? I also need a smoke break" She asked as I replied with a nod. "Okay, thanks," she said in a peppy tone before hurrying out through the back door. Just then two bourgeoisie senior college students walked in with their look-at-me-daddy-buys-me-everything attitudes, reeking of the newest perfume, wearing mini skirts just to attract the attention of boys who have an IQ equivalent to their dick sizes.

"Good morning, welcome. What can I help you, two ladies, with?" I said meeting them at the counter, bracing myself against it slightly. The blond Barbie looking one thought for a moment, twirling her hair while popping her gum "Ummmmmmm" she hummed for a moment "I've never been here before, what do you recommend?".The other plastic one with highlights stared down at her phone and without looking up she ordered "Just get me a Chocolate Mocha Latte".

"Ooooo that sounds good! yeah, I'll have that too" said the blond one.

"Alright, can I get a name for your order?" I asked.

"Lidia," said Barbie, looking me up and down as if she wanted to eat me; I got a chill. Yeah...hell no.

"Did you see that guy? He's so hot" she said; I bet she's well aware that I can hear her and expects me to react.

"Yep," said the other plastic, completely oblivious to Barbi's ranting about how handsome I was.

"Lidia? Here you ladies go" I said with a fake smile setting their drinks on the counter; blondie continued to glance at me a few times as they sat down. I pretended not to see her avoiding eye contact altogether. She then got up and walked over with that stereotypical "hottest girl in school" sashay, she thinks that she can have any guy she wants with just her looks. It won't cut it here sweetheart.

"May I help you miss?" I asked

"napkins," she said, leaning slightly over the counter with that same animalistic look in her eyes, her breast over the counter, her breast slightly visible from when she leaning over. Yeah, nice try girly.

"Oh I'm sorry, I could have sworn I gave you napkins, here you go," I said handing a stack to her with a smile.

"Also.." She added 'Benjamin, I'm Lidia" she said.

"Ah hi, yeah" I slightly nodded, I guess her tits are best at getting a male's attention so she doesn't have to start a conversation by making one. I was surprised she could read the name on my shirt.

" there is a party tonight...everyone is going. Maybe you can come? After you are done working and all...I can give you my number" she said.

I shook my head declining politely 'I can't Ms. I have a plane to catch tonight and I won't be back for about a week, but thank you for the offer".

"Oh, where to?" She asked

"New York, to see a friend" I replied.

"That's too bad, I would have loved to have you there. Maybe we can keep in touch. Here's my number for when you return" she said sliding me a piece of paper with her number scribbled out on it before she winked at me and walked away

Wow...what in the fuck was thank you, didn't want to be rude in front of her so I thanked her anyway and stuck the paper in my pocket. I am so throwing this away later. Please lord, let me get through today alive without being eaten by plastic women...