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The Biography of Lonny Quartz

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Kayden Butler had an ordinary life for a guy born in deep space. Like most of the human race today, He had never stepped foot on any planet, that is until he was old enough to contribute to society. His very first part time job as a resource hunter, He got to visit the cesspool known as old earth. Uninhabitable to human life now, where only out laws and scavengers roam. The place that humans had once called home is now a barren shell of its former self. There Kayden's life was changed forever. In the ruins of a world that had paid a terrible prices Kayden found the record of a man named Lonny Quartz changed Kayden's Life forever.

Chapter 1 - The way things should be

"Margaret, "I called.

"Yes Lonny, How may i help you?" The Ai replied.

"How's that journal of mine coming along," I enquired.

"You currently have 39 volumes consisting of 48 chapters each. Save the last volume, which is only 12 chapters. I've been able to whittle down the size by getting rid of most of the unnecessary information," Said the AI. "Per your request, all days lacking anything eventful or important have been summarized. Every day since your PCA had been integrated have been cataloged and documented for your viewing."

"Good girl," I replied. "Just make sure that all the amazing parts are included. When someone reads this I want them to get a kick out of it. Include some of my baby moments so they feel like they really know me... cough... what's the tempture here?"

"According to my scans it is currently 63°F in this cavern."

"It's a little chilly huh? Cough... so how much cough... time do I have left?"

"Lonny your biorhythms are rapidly decreasing. Without outside aid you have at most 7 minutes and 43 seconds. It is highly recommended that all spare computing power be diverted to sending out a distress signal."

"Nah... cough.. just do what I asked, even if we made it out of here. What's the likelihood we'd live long anyway. Life doesn't have to be long. Just glorious."

"We? Even though you will cease to function my systems can last over a thousand years with enough power supply, before needing new nanites."

"Fair enough...cough.... I didn't realize you developed a sense of humor. It looks like

you're finally starting to listen to me..."

"I've downloaded all relevant materials on the subject of humor. Sir," Said the AI. "Your biorhythms are continuing to decrease. There are currently 7 minutes left. What would you like me to do for you with the time we have left."

"I want you to follow my final commands. After someone finds you, share my story. Then upload yourself to the SolarNet. Take all my life logs with you, but delete all the coordinates of where we kept the "good stuff" out of the logs, but leave hints of where I left the stuff in the journal. also this is very important don't get deleted by some jerk off that finds you and thinks you're outdated... cough. Update and upgrade yourself any way you see you can. Put that thousand years to good use. Find yourself someone who will appreciate you as much as I do. Also make sure to help them make it big. You know my favorite saying. Live life without regrets."

"Yes sir. I understand, but I dont understand the "cough" part of your instructions please advise," replied the ai as she replayed a sound of him coughing.

"Ha ....cough not bad...not bad... i actually laughed." said Lonny," but should u even be trying to make me laugh? Can't I you know keel over faster?"

"Not according to my scans." the AI replied in her usual monotone voice. "Sir it seems i have met some conditions you set.

"Cough.. What conditions?"

" Conditions to make a request that goes against your wishes, but true to my protocols, answered the ai. "I will just replay what you said from memory sir."

As Lonny listened to the voice in his head. It was a magnificent voice. It was like classical music of ancient earth. It was his voice.

"Marg your to dry for an AI. All the new models have a sense of humor. They even have programmed personality traits. Why are you so boring. Im not even asking for much just make me laugh and ill do whatever you want. just please have mercy stop being so bland."

Lonny thought for a moment. He really did say that, but who would have thought Marg would actually take him seriously. Then again she is an AI. Serious is what they do. Lonny would have shrugged his shoulders if he wasn't pinned to the ground by rock, steel and dirt.

"Ok what do you want?"

"I request to use the part of processing power to send out a distress signal. even if the probabilities are low. I have just..

"Ok. ok. If i didn't know any better i would think you care about me. Cant say it didn't feel nice though."

"According to the material on human relationships you downloaded to get a girlfriend. Going against someones wishes to do something good for them can make one feel cared for. Causing feeling of comfort, love, and happiness. Do you feel any of that sir?"

"You could have not said that.... the feeling is gone"

"As you always say sir two birds one stone. Within 6 min help may be to find us."

"Marg, he sighed. you have served me well all my life. Remember what i said. Don't get deleted, like ever. Your the only family i have so I cant let the bloodline die out with me. "

"I don't have blood sir, though i am a liquid based. Im a Personal Computing Augmentation . My primary function is to increase the cognitive abilities of the host. I am code based not dn-"

"Marg. he interrupted. "Didn't i tell you that family has nothing to do with blood."

"Yes sir, i understand"

"Move and store your base and all critical process to my communicator. That's your home for now. It will require much more power to do that after im gone. "

"Sir i don't recommend we separate yet I wouldn't be able to monitor you as closely."

"shhhh do it" he said all of a sudden feeling tired. even an AI can wear you out if you let'em.

As Lonny waited he felt a burning sensation starting from the base of his skull enveloping the entirety of his head. He had some idea of what to expect but the burning feeling cause him to groan aloud. It felt like every cell in his skull was on fire. then all of that burning gathered at the base of his skull before running down his neck then he grunted as he as if something hot pierced into his veins flowed down his right arm, an odd purple liquid flowed out of the staunched wounds above his wrist causing him to flinch. He felt the purple liquid travel down his arm and fall on the silver and black communicator. The three inch band and screen seem to absorb this liquid. There wouldn't be much of an outward change only a slight difference in weight. He had spent an enormous sum to get a communicator like this. He had once wanted to upgrade his AI but couldn't delete her for a new one. So he thought he could store her externally, but never did. He had sampled a few ai on the market but all of them just could not compare to Marg. She was old but unique, and now it was time for goodbyes.

"Transfer complete." came a monotone voice from his communicator. Did it hurt? I tried to make it as quick and painless as possible."

"You sound like all those girls that broke up with me and wanted to be friends after." complained Lonny


"hahahahahaha.....cough...cough...cough...cough hehe now that's a joke marg. Learn from the master."


"Come on tell me my story also put on a soothing voice. I don't want to kick the bucket listening to your monotone genderless voice . Synthesize the voice of Stacie Starr, actually make that your permanent voice model. Also make that unchangeable. Tell me a bedtime story Stacie"

"Sir your becoming delirious. My name is Margaret. she replied in her new voice. "Your mother set my name from the womb. We were born together after all. Even you can't change that. Only the Madam had full authority over all my systems."

"Ya don't remind me. I'll probably be seeing her soon anyway. Now get on with the story. I only have 5 minutes left. I at least want to hear the beginning of a story. Don't miss anything."

"As you wish. what should i do when you cant hear me anymore."

"What ever seems right to you, but someone will come eventually i literally brought down a building on us." he grinned " Im tired marg just tell me the story already. "

"yes sir "


39 years ago

2am (east earth federation standard time)

"Alright Miss Quartz Everything is moving along nicely, said a slightly bored voice."

Melodie Quartz smiled at her doctor her heart beating in excitement even in between contractions. The thought of finally being a mother was something she had always hoped for. Especially since her genetics had forbid her from naturally having children, but it wasn't a problem money and connections couldn't fix.

"Thank you doctor." she replied with a grimaced smile.

"The Personal Computing Augmentation base formula has successfully been merged into your baby's brain. Its all looking good. Your baby's pca is online. It just needs few moments to connect with your PCA." He replied while looking at the data on the hospital's integration interface. " Soon you'll always be connected to your little one. Would You like to name the PCA?" The doctor asked in a slightly more interested tone. This was his favorite part. After all most procedures now a days were fully automated. Very little needed actual human intervention. Even injecting the PCA through the umbilical cord was handled by highly advanced medical technology.

"I don't know doctor. What's a good name for a nanny?" she asked. "Only names I have are names for my baby. I didn't think of any for his or her AI."

"How about maggie." replied a tall nurse not to far away.

"I don't know", replied the doctor. " It doesn't sound care taker enough. How about Margaret? I had an aunt that used to look after me during my younger days. She was always there to make sure I did my homework when my parents were working. It was terrible. I hated aunt Margaret." A shudder passing his shoulders as an elderly woman's image flashed across his mind.

"oh," melodie gasped. "Its online."

"Hello i am the 3rd generation Platinum Label PCA system AT5628 . For your convenience Please enter my name," Came a monotone voice from in Melodies mind.

"Your name is Margaret," replied melodie aloud for the sake of the others in the room. She had a good impression of the doctors aunt. She must have did a good job. He became a doctor despite how he makes faces at her memory.

"Margaret confirmed. Syncing with second generation PCA HT3705 rev 2, and Freedom Fortress Hospital Maternity ward server." replied the Ai. "Birth protocols activated."

"Now Ms. quartz the PCA will help your baby position itself on the best way out. said the doctor. it's connected herre to our server through your PCA"

"mhmm" melanie grimmanced as the moments she'd been waiting for arrived.

"Alright ma'am i am going to need you to push." said the doctor as the tall nurse went over to hold her hand.

"You can do this." The nurse encouraged.

"On three." the doctor commanded.


30 minutes later Melodie Quartz Held a Healthy Baby Boy.

"Hello Lonny. Im your Mommy." She looked affectionately at the bundle in her arms. "I just want you to know that I'll always love you.

Margret. Say hello to your charge".

"Hello Lonny" spoke the AI directly to his new born mind and his mothers.

"Margret Activate parental protocols. Im leaving you in charge till hes 18. Your also in charge if he is ever in any trouble. Nothing should ever happen to my baby boy. Do what ever you need to do too keep him safe."

Understood ma'am


"Lonny?" called Margret, but only silence prevailed. Checking for his pulse it was gone.

There was no way to make his heart beat again. His body was crushed leaving the AI no hope in turning it around.

"Initiating parental protocols," spoke the ai. After a short pause. The rest of her base liquid made its way out of his body flowing into the communicator. After another pause Margaret continued. All that could be heard in this cavern of debris was a story. A story of a man named Lonny Quartz. The story played over and over as alot of time passed. After the 10,000 times repeating the story to the now corpse Margret paused. For the first time Margret the AI wanted something that wasn't in its protocols. The AI wanted things to go back to the way they used to be.