The sway of the palanquin made Sung-Ho doze off on the short ride he had to take from the palace to his house, across the majestic bridge and the deserted street, with only the occasional drunkard. His footman had sent word ahead to let the household know their Master was coming home. Either family members or servants, all were supposed to line up by the front gate and welcome him, regardless of the late hour when he was due back.
The hour had passed midnight. Tired from the day, Soo-Ah was asleep on her bed in her evening dinner clothes when Bora hurriedly entered her room."It is the time! We are expected to greet Master Sung-Ho by the gate. Hurry, Mistress!"
Startled from her dreamless nap, she jumped from the bed straight to the mirror to rearrange her clothes and her hair with her maid's help. Her hands were slightly shaking, and blood rushed to her cheeks, making them look flushed.