Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 900 - A SPECIAL DAY

Chapter 900 - A SPECIAL DAY

Ever since they arrived from Italy, Celestine could count the number of times she met Cayenne and Stefan with one hand. On the other hand, Julia spent a lot of time with them, trying to win their trust after all the horrible things she did. The only thing she had in common with her mother was the fact that neither of them had been to the couple's home. 

Today was the first time they ever set foot into the majestic home of the couple. Seen from a distance, the mansion was like the logo of a famous mass media entertainment company. It was like a palace. 

They even went through a tight security check. 

"Do we have to do this?" Julia asked the bodyguard when the man asked her to open her handbag and present her ID. "I'm a Dumrique, too, you know." 

"Ma'am, it has nothing to do with your identity. Everyone would go through the same security check every time they step inside this property – even family members," answered the bodyguard. 

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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