Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 882 - UNTITLED

Chapter 882 - UNTITLED

Before their lunch break, Cayenne went back to the recruitment room to let everyone know that they should take a break. The long line wasn't that long anymore since most of the applicants finished their interviews and left already. 

"Kyle, can you tell the rest of my employees to meet with us downstairs? We'll have lunch together with everyone. My husband's treat," Cayenne said and winked. 

"You've got to pay me back tonight," Stefan whispered, but Cayenne only grinned. She had no plan to pay him back tonight. He could tell. 

"I'll go and tell the applicants to go and have lunch as well," Jackson said and stood up to leave the room. In truth, he was just trying to get away from getting stuffed with the couple's sweetness. "Everyone," Jackson called out while clapping his hands to get the applicants' attention. "The interviewers will take a break for an hour, so we will resume the interview at 1:00 PM. You can all go and take your lunch first." 

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