Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 843 - A DAY IN STEFAN'S LIFE

Chapter 843 - A DAY IN STEFAN'S LIFE

Usually, he wakes up at 6:00 AM. He would brush his teeth, wash his face and kiss Cayenne's sleeping face before going out of the room. This was the normal routine if he wakes up before the children.

If the children woke up before him, he will have to let Cayenne walk the dog once she wakes up later. Otherwise, like today, he would walk the dog around the property before going back to have his morning coffee.

"Good morning, sir." Martin greeted when he met Stefan on his way to get the dogs.

"Good morning, Martin. Cayenne will have another episode of her vlog later. Did she tell you to pick up her guest along with Cree?"

"Yes, sir. It should be in the afternoon."

"Good. I'll count on you."

Martin nodded his head and Stefan went on his way to the backyard so he could get the dogs.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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