Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 841 - MONET CAME

Chapter 841 - MONET CAME

Cayenne received her diploma happily, something she didn't expect she would get. She grew up thinking she needed to work hard for her mother and siblings, to make sure that she would be able to pay for the medical bills and tuition fees. She had nothing but work in mind. It was also because of this mindset that she was able to meet Stefan and her life changed because of him. 

Standing in front of her schoolmates, Cayenne kissed her diploma and waved it to the camera, knowing that her husband would be watching him from home. It wasn't just her effort that paid off but everyone who helped her. 

If Cayenne's circumstances were the same as the other students, she would have gotten her award because of her excellent grade. Unfortunately, her absences and sick leave affected her overall performance as a student. However, with her optimistic character, getting the diploma was more than enough for her. 

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