Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 821 - SURGERY

Chapter 821 - SURGERY

Once lunch was over, Stefan and Cayenne went to Senyu Medical Hospital to visit Chloe and Justin's grandmother. When they got there, Justin was staring into space outside Chloe's room. He was young, a minor, but he felt like he was shouldering the whole world because of what was happening in his life right now. 

"Justin," Cayenne called out but the young man seemed to not hear anything with whatever was going on in his mind. "Justin." She called out his name again and gently tap his shoulder. 

As if electrocuted, Justin jolted back to reality and saw Cayenne standing in front of him. He felt embarrassed for spacing out but he couldn't say anything aside from calling her, "Ms. Yen." 

"Why are you here outside? Shouldn't you be with your bride?" She teased to ease the tension in him and she was successful, Justin just blushed and sighed helplessly. "You are wonderful for taking care of her. Can I get inside to see her?" 

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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