Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 803 - CHOICES TO MAKE I

Chapter 803 - CHOICES TO MAKE I

She didn't receive any reply or even a single call from Stefan after the last message he sent earlier that day and it was already getting late in the evening. She was worried. She already called Elena if Stefan has anything scheduled in City D because she didn't see anything related to that place on his calendar of activities which she kept a copy of to make sure that she won't accidentally disturb him during important meetings, conferences, and other things. She couldn't contact Tristan either whom Elena said was called out to drive the car for the boss. 

Cayenne was sitting on the swinging rattan chair, gazing into the sparkling stars which were light years away from her while waiting for her husband. She was worried. However, she couldn't leave the house because she will cause other people to worry as well. She could only pray under the night sky that nothing bad has happened to him. Even the beautiful tulip flowers couldn't catch her attention at this moment. 

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