Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 796 - TWENTY-NINE IV

Chapter 796 - TWENTY-NINE IV

The Madrigal family arrived around 6:00 in the evening and Jade excitedly showed Cayenne her own gift – something she didn't buy with money. It was a pair of phone accessories that she created using the 3-D molder that Travis bought for her. She made it under her father's supervision and she was so proud of it. 

"Stefan will be very happy to receive that. I am sure he will use it." Cayenne said and kissed Jade's cheek. "Thank you, Jade." 

"Hehe. I am so good at finding one's favorite." 

"Yes, you are." 

Aside from her gift, Travis and Jillyanna prepared something for Stefan as well. They placed it on the gift table before making their way to their table so that they can sit and chat with the other guests. 

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