Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 748 - GREAT NEWS

Chapter 748 - GREAT NEWS

One afternoon, when Stefan came home from work, he cleaned their bedroom as well as rearranged the things inside their walk-in closet and the toiletries in the bathroom. He wanted to make sure that his wife has nothing to worry about upon coming home from the university. It's her last year and the most crucial level for her since they would be traveling to different places and doing a lot of field study. 

Holding the feather duster and well as the soft cleaning towel, Stefan made his way to the bathroom and checked their laundry basket first. Seeing that it was almost full, he brought it downstairs and placed their home clothes inside the washing machine. He preferred to handwash the ones that Cayenne use for school. In that way, he can double-check if it was properly cleaned or not. 

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