Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 727 - TRIP TO LONDON III

Chapter 727 - TRIP TO LONDON III

"Good morning, sir." The helper greeted Thomas when she saw him come into the kitchen. "Miss Monet and her guests are currently in the patio." 

"Oh. I'll go there later. I'll just get a cup of coffee." He stated and went to the cupboard where his usual mug could be found. He visited this place several times a year, whenever Monet was around to the point that he got his favorite cups here. Pouring his cup with black coffee, Thomas looked outside where the helpers hang their laundry. Something had caught his eyes but he wasn't sure if he was right. "Isn't that the bedsheet in the room I used last night?" 

"You got drunk and puked last night. Miss Monet told us to wash it immediately." 

"Sorry for causing you trouble." 

"Not at all, sir." 

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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