Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 719 - [Bonus chapter] FOOLED HEART

Chapter 719 - [Bonus chapter] FOOLED HEART

This extra chapter is dedicated to rosalia_23rd. Thank you much for the gift that you sent. 

Cayenne's threat finally worked. 

Kelly told her the truth and even asked to spare the man from her wrath. She can finally see him reach his dreams. She didn't want them to ruin him. 

As for Cayenne, she didn't know if she should scold this woman for being stupid or pity her for going through so much in the name of love. She even sacrificed herself just to make sure that the man she cares so much for will have a foothold in the business world. 

After hearing the truth, even though it was something he shouldn't feel, Stefan felt relieved that the baby wasn't his. It feels like a thorn has been lifted off of his chest and he could finally breathe properly once again. He didn't even realize that he was holding his breath until he felt his chest hurt. 

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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