Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 695 - POTTERY DATE

Chapter 695 - POTTERY DATE

Instead of going out to watch a movie like they usually do, Stefan decided to join a pottery class with his wife. Dating isn't just about watching a movie or having dinner or going on a long trip. Dating someone is to enjoy your time with that person while discovering more things with him or her. It's also another way of making sweet memories. As for Stefan, dating Cayenne was to have quality time with her alone, to enjoy every moment with her, and to accumulate a lot of happy memories that they can tell their children one day. 

Inside the car, Cayenne waited for the bodyguard to return from looking for the Happy Pot gallery. It was a place where people can learn about pottery while also admiring the antique items that the owner have collected from different places. This was the place that Stefan chose for their date and she was thrilled to learn something new as well. 

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