Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 662 - RESIGNATION

Chapter 662 - RESIGNATION

On their fifth day of vacation, Stefan and Cayenne left Plantation Bay and traveled south of the island. They were onto their last tourist spot on the list which was Oslob.

This place is famous for viewing whales. They have seen pictures and videos of the place and Cayenne was very thrilled to experience it.

They checked-in to their chosen resort and took few hours of rest after a long travel.

"I have so many pictures of you." Stefan commented while looking at his camera. "Here. Pick the best three pics that you like and I'll have it developed."

"Just three? I want them all." She mumbled which caused her husband to chuckle. With his head on her shoulder, Cayenne chose the pictures that she liked the most.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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