Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 577 - GOD GAVE ME YOU

Chapter 577 - GOD GAVE ME YOU

NOTE: Song used – God Gave Me You by Bryan White

The next day, Cayenne went to Justin's home to check on the children and the elderly. Since Marian wanted to see the children that Cayenne helped, she also came along with Victoria following her every move. They also bought some clothes and toys for the children, letting them live like how children supposed to live.

"I'm glad that you brought me here." Marian commented while looking at the children writing something on their papers. Justin was in front of them, teaching the little children some words. "Also, I'm not trying to be negative or something but, the elderly will pass away someday whether we like it or not. What are your plans?"

"I discussed this with Justin as well as with their grannies. If they pass away, they will be sent to an orphanage that Jillyanna is handling. It is to make sure that they will be taken cared of properly and that they will have good chances in getting into a good foster family."

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