Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 575 - HER EX...

Chapter 575 - HER EX...

Not long after, the dishes were finally served and they started eating their not-so-late lunch. During their meal, they talked about so many things that has happened in the past but none of them mentioned about the competitive feelings between Arthur and Seiji when they both likes Cayenne in the past.

Although the two of them haven't moved on from their feelings yet, they no longer pushed themselves to their death. Cayenne's married and she loved her husband so much. The two of them have realized that they didn't have the slightest bit of chance to obtain her.

"I heard that you're living here in City D with Veronica. Didn't you move back to your parents' home?" Arthur asked since they last news he received was about Marian staying with her parents. Apparently, this wasn't the real case.

Marian chewed the food in her mouth before letting out a faint sigh. "I realized that I still don't want to live in an empty house. I'm fine living with Veronica."

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