Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 571 - MEMORIES I

Chapter 571 - MEMORIES I

John went back to the apartment he rented in City D. His heart was heavy and the moment he closed the door to his apartment room, his tears fell. His cried in anguish, in regret and in so much pain. He waited for her but she was also waiting for him. But while she did, he actually played around with another woman while she remained single for him.

And when she had the courage, he ignored her. He didn't say anything. 'If only I greeted her. If only I spoke to her. If only I chased after her seconds earlier. Why didn't I?' John asked himself over and over again. His body was curled on the floor as he hugged himself from pain. "Why didn't I?" he questioned once again. He asked this question to himself several times more but he couldn't find any answer to it.

He remembered Stefan's words. 'She didn't want money from you. She only wanted your time but you gave your time to someone else.' These words resonated in his head again and again. 

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