Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 535 - WHEN THE GUESTS LEFT...

Chapter 535 - WHEN THE GUESTS LEFT...

"Dad? What's the matter?" Magnus asked his father who was trying to pick his phone from the ground. Seeing that he was still spacing out with his phone on the floor, Magnus picked it up for him instead. There was a huge crack on the phone screen and when he turned it on again, the screen was all white – the LCD display was broken.

"My hand was a bit oily so, the phone slipped." Ferdinand sighed. "It is such a sad thing that the phone I have been using for several years is now broken."

"We can always buy a new one." Stefan stated while looking at the phone. "It's not like we're short on money to buy a phone."

"Right." Cayenne also agreed. "You can definitely buy one again grandpa. If you want, I can come along with you."

Ferdinand waved his hand in dismissal as he took the phone with his other hand. "You don't need to come with me. I'll have Magnus buy me a new one tomorrow. You should stay at home and rest instead."

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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