Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 491 - LOVED BY ALL

Chapter 491 - LOVED BY ALL

The next day, Cayenne woke up late but still on time for breakfast. She didn't want to skip the most important meal of the day just because of the exhaustion. And if she calculated the number of hours that she slept, it can be counted as normal and sufficient.

After breakfast, Stefan packed up their things to leave. If Cayenne didn't have anything to do, he would be very happy to extend their stay. Sadly, she's a very busy person.

They arrived home around lunch time. She joined her family for lunch and after that, she left with Stefan once again to find Jillyanna for her self-defense lesson. As usual, she stayed for two hours to practice with her. Riley even joined them to make the session more fun and engaging.

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