Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 487 - HAS HE FORGOTTEN?

Chapter 487 - HAS HE FORGOTTEN?

During lunch, Cayenne took a picture of together with Stefan and posted it in her social media account. Given that she was gaining fame and lots of followers, as soon as she posted it, many people reacted to her post and placed their comments online. Words or envy, support, love and other comments were expressed right below her post but Cayenne didn't say anything.

She's posting for her fans who wanted to know about her life with Stefan and her whole family. As for those who hates her, she didn't care. 

And since it's a short vacation specially prepared for her, Cayenne didn't worry about anything. After lunch, as soon as they got inside their room, she said that she wanted to swim, Stefan immediately opened the bag he brought and it contained her personal belongings. 

He was well-prepared and made sure that everything that she would need was placed inside the bag. She's got more things than him.

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