Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 470 - CLUES

Chapter 470 - CLUES

Tristan narrowed down the places just as Chris arrived at the station. He requested help from them and wanted to report her missing but they couldn't do it because it hasn't passed the 24 hours restriction limit. Chris understood that which was why he contacted Lucian, Jillyanna's brother-in—law, because he knew that the man has compassion and would overlook this kind of restriction just to help someone.

After contacting Lucian, Chris called Stefan who was currently having dinner with his whole family except for Ferdinand and Magnus.

Stefan was peeling breaking some lobsters for Cayenne when his phone rang. Since his hands were kind of busy, he told Cayenne to get it for him. "Can you answer it for me honey? It's Chris."

"You set a different ringtone to his call?"

"Hn. It helps me know if it's someone with urgent matter."

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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